Friday, February 18, 2011

Sunbeam Bathroom Scale And Battery

Antonio Gramsci - I hate the indifferent

Here is the full text from "The future city"

"I hate the cold. I believe that life should mean to be partisan. Who really lives can not be a citizen and partisan. The indifference is apathy, is parasitism, it is cowardice, not life. So I hate the cold.

Indifference is the dead weight of history. The indifference shown strength in history. Deposit, but it works. It's inevitable, is that on which we can not count, is what upsets the programs, which brings down the best built planes, is the stuff that chokes brute intelligence. What happens, the evil that befalls everyone, is because the mass of men abdicating to his will, leaving only enact laws which will repeal the revolt, leaving the men who come to power only then will a mutiny to overthrow. Between absenteeism and indifference few hands, not supervised by any control, they weave the fabric of community life, and ignores the mass, why does not care, and then seems to be the fate to overwhelm everything and everyone, it seems che la storia non sia altro che un enorme fenomeno naturale, un’eruzione, un terremoto del quale rimangono vittime tutti, chi ha voluto e chi non ha voluto, chi sapeva e chi non sapeva, chi era stato attivo e chi indifferente. Alcuni piagnucolano pietosamente, altri bestemmiano oscenamente, ma nessuno o pochi si domandano: se avessi fatto anch’io il mio dovere, se avessi cercato di far valere la mia volontà, sarebbe successo ciò che è successo?

Odio gli indifferenti anche per questo: perché mi dà fastidio il loro piagnisteo da eterni innocenti. Chiedo conto a ognuno di loro del come ha svolto il compito che la vita gli ha posto e gli pone quotidianamente, di ciò che has done and especially what did not. And I feel I can be relentless, not having to waste my pity, not having to share them with my tears.

am partisan, I live, I feel in the consciousness of my hand already beating the activity of the future city that my part is building. And it does not weigh up the social chain short, everything that happens in it is not due to chance, the fatality, but it's intelligent work of citizens. There is no one who is in it to the window and watch as the few sacrifice themselves, he fainted. Vivo, are partisan. So do not hate those sides, I hate the indifferent. "

February 11, 1917


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