Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Hands Off Libya!

In Libya, more than a war for bread, a civil war is underway. The conflict does not arise, as in other countries of the Maghreb and Arab, for reasons primarily economic and social. Living conditions remain in Libya, significantly better than in other countries of the area, despite contractions in this field since 2003, with the start of deregulation (and re-engagement with U.S. and European Union) and the depletion the process of socialization of resources. The Gaddafi in recent years is quite different from that which animated the anti-colonial struggles and put his country as a bank of anti-African and Arab resistance. There is a split within the leadership of Jamayria, with obvious repercussions and splits in the military. There are long-established interests of a bourgeois clan, reactionary state, essentially anti-revolutionary and 'Western', ingrassatasi with oil revenues. There are forces historically Islamic rebels in the region of Cyrenaica. There are external imperialist interests that aim to integrate into internal conflict Libyan move the axis to the benefit of a new political entity servile.

The images that are constantly being re-launched by the mass media hype 'West' of protesters with signs in English like "Free Libya and flags was (until 1969) and semi-corrupt monarchy of Idris say a lot. Everything has to think deeply. That the critical not lost in the wake of the conditioning and manipulation of mass media. E 'must make an effort of analysis and understanding, to seek alternative sources and start up of gray matter in the best position to develop its thinking and consequent political action.

Gaddafi seems to be behaving brutally. At the same time, however, in the "west" are given the numbers already. There is talk of genocide and mass graves, calling a situation already seen against Serbia. The French Defence Minister talk about military intervention, while others place it as background-and-excuse for the evacuation of the "European". A few hours ago, the master's voice: President of the United States, Barack Obama, in his first statement since the crisis began, said the violence "must " be stopped, and he appealed to the international community to intervene " coordinated and agreed " . With him was the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, Monday in Geneva to meet with other foreign ministers to consider joint action. Violence ' must "be stopped. Words not spoken to the massacres in Bahrain (also) of these hours and that nobody talks about or the repression of pro U.S. allies. Words never spoken to the decades of violence antipalestinese of Israel, which is continua anzi a sostenere, anche ponendo il veto all'ultima risoluzione di condanna di Israele (al Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU lo scorso 18 febbraio), stavolta per la sua politica degli insediamenti coloniali.

Per gli USA intervenire in Libia sarebbe una bella mossa per instaurare un regime servile ed impiantarsi in una zona strategica, tra l'altro ricca di petrolio, al confine con l'Egitto, da destabilizzare se la transizione non andasse come auspicato. Avendo un ulteriore trampolino di lancio non solo in funzione di controllo delle economie subalterne cosiddette "europee", comunque da tenere sempre sotto controllo, ma anche per rafforzare la politica di contrasto a tutto campo della penetrazione cinese in Africa . The coverage of communication for military intervention in Libya has already begun to produce its rumors background, including humanitarian bodies against dictatorships and preventive actions against the specter of governments Spectre, that is, pro Al Qaeda. Check a country of 8 million people is not how to intervene in a 40 or 80. So it should be. Washington and hope to have already begun to move their checkers.



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