Monday, February 28, 2011

Megan Goods Hari Cut On The Game

, Rossodivita-Berardo Launched challenge halve commissions.

Dichiarazione dei Consiglieri regionali Giuseppe Rossodivita e Rocco Berardo, Lista Bonino Pannella Federalisti europei

Ci rivolgiamo pubblicamente a tutti i gruppi del Consiglio regionale del Lazio che in queste ore con imbarazzo alternato tentano di spiegare perché il Consiglio regionale ha istituito (con voto unanime di tutti i gruppi, tranne that radicals) other four special committees to the already huge number of sixteen, driving up to twenty (twenty-one by adding the committee contol accounting) which sit on the chairs, and a challenge. If you wish to peacefully overcome this is by all recognized as abnormal proliferation of power, prebend, assumptions and autoblu can put on the agenda of the bill - which we subscribe as radicals - majority of an adviser, Pierre Ernest Irmici (PDL), which provides for a halving of the ordinary fees. The bill is assigned to the committee and steps in the classroom, with the same speed with which it came to a vote of the four special committees. Who is opposed?


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