Friday, August 13, 2010

Bowel Incontinent Cats

Sunday, September 26, 2010




Benzolnye Mertvecy ( St. Petersburg / Russia )

B Orgo Antico (Rome),

Donna Moderna (Latin),

Doro Bengal (Milan),

Federico Chiari (Milan),

The Communion (Latin),

Dezroyadamn (Istanbul / Turkey),

Kooligans (Roma),

Lucio Badtaste (Roma) ,

Maria Jikuu & Go Tsushima (Kyoto / Japan),

Mr. Marks & the Secretaries (Roma),

Mortecattiva (Trento),

Paper for Butt (Roma),

Wow! (Rome).


Bruck Andres (Buenos Aires / Argentina)

Benjamin Altermatt (Santiago / Chile),

Luciano D'Amato (Rome),

Boss Lorenzo (Roma),

Ida Ricci (Roma),

Ana ï sm aria Von Zastrow Motta (Roma).

Monday, August 9, 2010

What Does The Cervix Feel Like Before The Period


BABA is a festival of acts and arts born 3 years ago from the mind of some individuals in order to re-unite several international weirdo currents of musical/ comedy/performative/artistic attitudes without any kind of genre distinction.In the past edition it took place in an ex Psichiatric Hospital in Rome, one of the symbols of italian Art Brut movement : this time the location is moved in a poltergeist scenario , a medieval stuff near to an handicapped Bosch's imagination. Soon fresh news on the development.