Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What Do I Wear With A Nvy Blue Pencil Skirt


La seconda edizione di BABA , Festival di arti eccentriche e culture esplose, si è conclusa con un pareggio nei confronti del sistema.

ringraziamo tutti gli spettatori e tutti quelli che hanno collaborato , ci dispiace per gli assenti ingiustificati che hanno perso il treno con la storia. Un ringraziamento particolare all'artista a sorpresa, i Last Gifted.

Postate nei commenti qui sotto foto, video, links che documentano l'evento.

Arrivederci alla prossima edizione,see you next year.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Yugioh Gx Duel Academy Cheats For Vba


BABA the UNREAL festival di arti eccentriche e culture esplose apre i battenti DOMENICA 20 SETTEMBRE 2009

tutti pronti a farvi scarrellare la testa in un panurgico party!


Inaugurazione mostra ore 14.30.

Live outside:

h 15.00 - Bob Junior (Paris / Rome)

h 15.30 - Manuel Cascone (Rome )

h 16.00 - Stimmung_Blend (Roma)

h 16.30 - Evil (Roma)

h 17.00 - Pit Beat (Melbourne-Australia)

h 17.30 - Bally Corgan (Bologna)

h 18.00 - Venta Protesix (Salerno)

h 18.30 - Catering (Roma)

h 19.00 - Thee dements (Grosseto)

h 19.30 - Puuuu (Roma)

h 20.00 - Against (Roma)

h 20.30 - Oso El Roto (Parigi, France)

h 21.00 - Nobodies With Nothing (Anversa, Belgio)

h 21.30 - Ludo Mich (Anversa, Belgio)

h 22.00 - Passenger Of Shit (Hazelbrook, Australia)

artists are expected to surprise

In case of rain the event will be held indoors.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Type 3c Ovarian Cancer


On September 20, 2009, returns to scale scenario Ex Sanitarium Santa Maria della Pietà BABA for the second edition of the Festival. Again, most representatives' differentiated international scene weird-out will face their audience with music and images pulped stain to stupor seasoned acts in public places. As in a story by Robert Sheckley alienometri sow our heroes through the air by measuring the degree of your futuribilità. Be there.

From 15 hours onwards:

In Show:

Black Metal (Istanbul-Turkey)

Demented Urania (Roma)

Lady Maru (Roma)

n'roll (Paris-France)

Push The Multimedia Button (Goteborg-Sweden)

Raniero B (Rome)

Tetsunori (Tokyo-Japan)

Yannick Val Gesto (Antwerp -Belgium).

In Concerto:

Bally Corgan (Bologna)
Bob Junior (Parigi / Rome)
Catering (Roma)
I Contro (Roma)
Thee dements (Siena)
Ludo Mich (Anversa, Belgio)
Il Male (Rome)
Manuel Cascone (Roma)
Nobodies With Nothing (Anversa, Belgio)
The Bear
Broken (Parigi, France)
Passenger Of Shit (Hazelbrook, Australia)
Pit Beat (Melbourne-Australia)
Puuuu (Roma)
Stimmung_Blend (Roma)
Protesix Venta (Salerno).

Sbabo Architectures:

Globster _A (Roma)

more products in DIY, zines, distros, projections

Starring: Ex-Laundry (Ex-mental hospital in the province of Roma, p.zza Santa Maria della Pietà - Monte Mario)
Raw Raw -
Epoc Ero Uroi -
Fanfulla 101 -
No-Fi Recordings -
Spasticalia -,Pillaloo -
Selva Elettrica -
Salerno Paranoia/Lips Infection Rec. -
Bubca records -

Per info:

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Difference Between Dry Hair And Damaged Hair

Black Metal (Istanbul-Turkey)
Bobsleigh baby (Paris / Rome)
Catering (Roma)
Against I (Roma)
Demented Urania (Roma)
Thee dements (Grosseto)
Ludo Mich (Antwerp-Belgium)
Evil (Roma)
Manuel Cascone (Rome )
Lady Maru (Roma)
N'roll (Parigi, France)
Nobodies With Nothing (Anversa, Belgio)
Oso El Roto (Parigi, France)
Passenger Of Shit (Hazelbrook- Australia)
Pit Beat (Melbourne-Australia)
Push The Button Multimedia (Goteborg, Svezia)
Puuuu (Roma)
Raniero B (Rome )
Stimmung_Blend (Roma)
Tetsunori (Tokyo-Giappone)
Yannick Val Gesto (Anversa-Belgio)
Venta Protesix (Salerno)
Balli Corgan (Bologna)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Design Your Wrestling


Complex Operative Unit of General Surgery

Director: Prof. Lorenzo Novellino

Responsabile: Dr Domenico Gerbasi


Ospedale Bolognini
Via Paderno, 21 - 24068 SERIATE (BG)
(piano 1° c/o Chirurgia Generale)


Reparto di degenza (c/o U.O. Chirurgia Generale) :
Tel. 035.306.3333 / 3335
Fax: 035.306.3518
Ambulatorio n° 8 Senologia (c/o Poliambulatori):
Tel. 035.306.3941

Call Center Regionale
numero verde Tel.: 800.638.638

Centralino Ospedale: 035.306.111


L’Unità di Senologia dell’Ospedale “Bolognini” di Seriate è funzionalmente integrata nell’U.O. di Chirurgia Generale per la degenza e i servizi e comprende un centro diagnostico Ambulatoriale nei Poliambulatori (Ambulatorio n° 8).
I letti per la degenza in Chirurgia sono 31 e a seconda delle necessità, alcuni di essi vengono resi disponibili per il ricovero delle pazienti affette da patologia mammaria.
L’intero progetto di sviluppo dell’Unità di Senologia è stato prima ideato e successivamente realizzato tenendo conto delle principali esigenze dell’utenza cui si rivolge.
In particolare è stata presa in considerazione la possibilità di semplificare il più possibile l’iter diagnostico rivolto alla paziente, favorendo l’obiettivo principale e più complesso, cioè la formulazione della diagnosi, resa spesso possibile addirittura con un unico accesso ospedaliero.
Estrema attenzione anche alla realizzazione del passo successivo, cioè l’organizzazione del pre-ricovero e della successiva degenza: in questo caso abbiamo scelto di sgravare la paziente da ogni preoccupazione o impegno, per evitare disorientamento. Infatti la segreteria organizzativa dell’Unità provvede a prenotare tutti gli esami pre-operatori da effettuarsi qualche giorno prima dell’intervento chirurgico programmato.
Durante la degenza, un’infermiera dedicated specifically identified in the ward nursing team, alongside colleagues in assistance, is closely monitoring the patient for his needs and special needs, collect and preserve the delicacy and importance of content and will involve the remaining medical team - nurses to meet them at their best.
Both before and after surgery the hospital stay, albeit in a comfortable environment, has been programmed with the goal of reducing the possible impact of hospitalization on the fragile psychology of a woman suffering from cancerous disease, thus reducing so the general psycho-physical stress. In fact, in most cases di neoplasia della mammella trattati con chirurgia onco-plastica conservativa, vengono utilizzati tutti gli accorgimenti tecnici per evitare una degenza lunga, di rado vengono posizionati drenaggi e la paziente lascia l’Ospedale il giorno successivo all’intervento, pur essendo comunque seguita ambulatorialmente per i controlli e le medicazioni successive.
Anche durante il follow-up successivo tutti gli appuntamenti relativi a consulenze oncologiche vengono presi direttamente dalla nostra segreteria organizzativa; ottenuta la pianificazione dell’intero follow-up medico e chirurgico e calendarizzati gli eventi, si invia la relativa documentazione dettagliata al medico di medicina generale che ha in cura la paziente nel territorio.

activity in the department, under the supervision of Chief of General Surgery Unit Complex Pro f. Novellino L orenzo , is coordinated by the Head of Breast Unit, Dr Domenico Gerbasi, surgical oncologist who works in collaboration with Dr Francis Prior and the Dr. ssa Lucia Bertulessi , specialists in surgery General.
Since January 2010 the team has added Dr Fabio Toffanetti , specialista in chirurgia plastica.
La gestione organizzativa delle liste d'attesa e la programmazione dei pre-ricoveri è coordinata dall’Infermiera Lisa Forchini , coadiuvata nelle sue varie applicazioni gestionali riguardanti la Senologia dalla Caposala del reparto di chirurgia, E manuela Signorelli .

Top from left: Dr. L. Bertulessi, Dr D. Gerbasi, Dr. F. Prior.

Inset: Dr F. Toffanetti


The activity type is specialized and multidisciplinary and relies on the close and valuable collaboration with the representatives of the Services of Diagnostic Radiology, Pathology and of Oncology in the company.
Activities for outpatient diagnostic phase
Planning and preparation for surgery Surgery

assistance during hospitalization
Discharge planning and follow-up Follow-up surgical ambulatory

planning follow-up for cancer cases require

How access to the clinic for Breast
In Breast surgery can be accessed with the demand of clinical breast examination "carried out on regional prescription by general practitioners and booked the CUP (by phone toll-free number: 800638638 ).
During the visit should be performed there recently mammography or ultrasound as possible to facilitate the diagnostic process.
of Breast Surgery is operational on Tuesday and Friday morning from 8.30 to 13.00
Activities Ambulatory
The organizational management of clinics and coordinated by Ms Emanuela Tiraboschi. After
I have read of recent mammography or ultrasound performed by the patient by the practitioner makes the breast specialist breast examination.
In selected cases, and only if deemed necessary by the results of your tests, you can do besides visit the following examinations in emergency:

Mammography Ultrasound Needle biopsy ultrasound-guided breast

The close interdisciplinary collaboration with medical staff and technicians of the Department of Radiology of 'Hospital Seriate guarantees maximum diagnostic accuracy. For the diagnosis and staging of cancer is to be based:

Mammography Ultrasound Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

multislice spiral CT
After the clinical breast examination is immediately rilasciato un referto medico dettagliato.
Il medico che ha effettuato la biopsia mammaria consegnerà l’esame istolog ico non appena questo è disponibile. La consegna dell'esame istologico ed il colloquio relativo all'iter diagnostico/terapeutico successivo avvengono previo appuntamento in ambulatorio n°8. Generalmente è necessario attendere circa una settimana per ottenere un referto istologico dopo una biopsia mammaria.
Durante il colloquio, se è previsto un intervento chirurgico, il medico dopo averlo dettagliatamente illustrato, consegna il foglio informativo relativo, in modo che la paziente possa rileggerlo a casa con calma ed eventualmente porre quesiti specifici alla successiva visita di pre-ricovero.

Programming hospitalization for surgery

Completed the outpatient diagnostic procedure in cases of established disease, the patient is immediately placed on the list of planning surgery.
The average time waiting for the intervention to date for cancer generally do not exceed those set by the Supervisory Authority. The benign disease has the longest waiting times.
During this waiting period for surgery is performed (with a single sign in the hospital for a period of a morning) Evaluation of pre-admission, which includes:
Visit Medica, compiling medical records and sign the informed consent
Blood chemistry + tumor markers (when applicable)
chest x-ray
Abdominal ultrasound (if necessary)
expert advice
Visit Anestesiologica
In special cases, that is whether it will be necessary to conduct further specialist tests for emerging diseases or medical conditions which require further investigation, may extend the prericovero with any other access.


Generally benign disease is managed in day-surgery and the patient in the morning and submitted ricoveratasi ad intervento chirurgico viene dimessa qualche ora dopo l’intervento, appena le condizioni generali e locali lo consentono.
Per la patologia neoplastica il ricovero è previsto per il giorno che precede l’intervento ed è dedicato alla preparazione all’accesso in Sala Operatoria e, quando richiesto, all’esecuzione della Linfoscintigrafia mammaria per la ricerca del Linfonodo sentinella.
Questo importante esame diagnostico è effettuato il pomeriggio che precede l’intervento presso la Medicina Nucleare dell’Ospedale di Treviglio ove la paziente viene accompagnata dai nostri operatori sanitari, senza alcun tipo di onere per lei.

L’attività di Chirurgia Breast

The strength of the surgery is the accurate pre-operative strategic planning of all phases of the application of modern techniques of Onco-PLASTIC SURGERY. The patient is always directly followed by the Breast Surgeons performing operations of Surgical Oncology and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery of the breast.
Among the interventions that are performed more frequently in our unit:
- surgical treatment of benign breast disease in
Day Surgery - surgical excisional biopsy by stereotactic centering of nonpalpable lesions (eg. Microcalcifications)
- + Excisional biopsy histology in Extemporaneous Pathology of lesions not amenable to preoperative fine needle aspiration and its immediate surgery

- conservative surgery (quadrantectomy) with plastic remodeling of the remaining breast + + sentinel node biopsy examination Impromptu in histological pathology including: examination of the excised edge of the dial + extemporaneous examination of the sentinel node for possible further radicalization immediately in case of neoplastic infiltration of the margins and / or axillary lymph node dissection IMMEDIATE total (during the same operation) in the case of lymph node metastases sentinel (for the retrieval of sentinel node radioguided surgery is done through the special dedicated equipment called NEOPROBE).
- simple mastectomy or extended lymphadenectomy + locoregional including possible reconstruction of plastic skin of the chest wall by sliding skin flaps in cases of very large tumors.
- mastectomy "skin-sparing" with immediate prosthetic reconstruction
- mastectomy "nipple sparing with immediate prosthetic reconstruction
- bilateral mastectomy with immediate prosthetic reconstruction
- unilateral mastectomy with immediate prosthetic reconstruction and mastopexy or breast augmentation or reductive symmetrization of the contralateral
reconstruction of the "areola-nipple"
- Lipofilling: autotransplantation of fat tissue for reconstruction after breast-conserving surgery (quadrantectomy) or remodeling after prosthetic reconstructions (all multiple treatments under local anesthesia in an outpatient hospital)

SEE SPECIAL SECTION ON lipofilling to next --->

Inpatient ward

The patient has the right to choose the hospital under the NHS or have the option of a private room, if he needs more comfort.
All rooms are very comfortable and equipped with toilets.
You can choose the desired menu based on food availability given daily, always in relation to its prescription.

discharge and follow-up

At the end of hospitalization, the patient is adequately informed of the precautions to be observed during his recovery and how to book subsequent outpatient control. Just hold
histology, the surgeon explains to the patient the conclusion of the surgical treatment and its outcome and is the same program, if necessary, appropriate follow-up Cancer medical and surgical treatment.
The Oncology Day Hospital is located on the 3rd floor of the Hospital and is part of the Oncology Division of the AO "Bolognini" Seriate, directed by Prof. G. Nastasi, whose ward is located in Alzano Once the program need chemotherapy, you can do with access to Day Hospital with one of our hospitals located in Seriate, raise or Piario, choosing according to your needs and comfort.

professional activity

The patient has the right to choose to be visited, or subjected to intervention surgery is under the NHS, under the free-lance, that privately. In the latter case, in accordance with applicable law, will guarantee a visit and underwent surgery by the doctor of his choice (extra-time service) have been agreed with the ways and times. Those who have health insurance often choose this type of service fee, then reimbursed by their insurance: for this reason, you can request in advance an estimate of planned spending.

For more information click on the following link:

https: / /

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Washing Machine Drain To Septic Tank

Dr. Domenico Gerbasi



Born on 11.23.1967 - 1989 at Stage: Internal Medecine and General Surgery "Comenius University of Bratislava
- 1993 Degree in Medicine and Surgery - University of Modena.
- 1996 Course Qualification Course in Ultrasound and Internal
- Since 1997, he devoted himself actively in the General Surgery (this is its co-author of scientific articles) and in particular the Cancer of the breast, especially conservative, the technique of sentinel node, the surgical techniques for excision of nonpalpable lesions
- 1998 Stage University in Lyon (France) and preparation of the thesis of specialization. During the stage held a work commissioned by scientific research: "The Liposome Company Ltd, Hammersmith International Centre, London (UK), and has also participated several times as Rapporteur the Conference Scientific Meeting of the monthly "Hôpitaux de Lyon" - 1999 Specialisation in General Surgery achieved with full marks, 70 / 70 e lode.
- Since 2000 Medical Director Level 1 with online role-playing indefinitely Discipline: General Surgery - Azienda Ospedaliera "Bolognini" Seriate (seat from 2000 to 2007: Hospital Clusone - from 2007 to date: Ospedale "Bolognini" Seriate).
- 2001 and 2002 as part teacher editions X and XI of the Course organized by the Italian Red Cross, the Provincial Committee of Bergamo "Course of Health Education and First Aid" - held in Clusone and Gazzaniga (BG)
- 2003 Theoretical and practical with Advanced Diagnostic Ultrasound ( Eco-Color Dop Doppler )
- 2004 appointed medical referee Quality Management - Division of General Surgery - AO "Bolognini" Seriate
- 2004-2005 actively attended the European Institute of Oncology in Milan for the improvement of techniques Reconstructive Surgery of the breast.
- 2005 appointed Chairman of the Delegation High Valseriana the Italian League Against Cancer.
- 2006 to 2009: Director at the "Provincial Board of Bergamo in the Italian League for the Fight against Cancer

- 2007 titled" Contact Department of Surgery for Breast "- Azienda Ospedaliera" Bolognini "Seriate
- 2008 Design and personally supervised the practical application, the implementation of a modern computer and instrumental definition of the entire" diagnostic and therapeutic "of the patient with breast cancer for the Hospital of Seriate, with the 'primary goal to simplify the process while assuring systematically il rispetto delle indicazioni delle linee guida nazionali. Nello stesso anno effettua con successo all'Ospedale di Seriate i primi innovativi interventi di “Lipofilling”, cioè di autotrapianto per la ricostruzione della mammella dopo chirurgia conservativa per tumore.
- 2009 gli viene affidata la direzione della senologia in qualità di Responsabile dell'Unità Semplice di Senologia dell'Ospedale “Bolognini” di Seriate.
Negli ultimi anni ha organizzato e diretto come responsabile scientifico in Lombardia 19 Congressi ed eventi culturali scientifici anche a carattere nazionale, prevalentemente incentrati su argomenti inerenti prevenzione, diagnosis and treatment of malignant disease of the breast. Its activities

Seriate Hospital includes more than 600 surgical procedures mainly Surgical Oncology and Breast Reconstructive.

- March 2009 participates as an expert in Surgical Oncology and Breast Reconstructive Surgery in the session of Congress to Live Tradate Surgery, Hospital of Busto Arsizio.

-June 2009 Course IEO (European Institute of Oncology) Breast Cancer: Oncologic and reconstructive surgery.Interactive course with live surgery. "

Winfocus-July 2009 Course: "USCLS BL1" Ultrasound critical life support "

part-October 2009 come relatore al Convegno Scientifico: "La senologia a Bergamo e provincia: stato dell'arte e controversie", patrocinato dal Dipartimento Interaziendale Provinciale di Oncologia di Bergamo

-giugno 2010 Corso "FIRST JOINT SUMMER SCHOOL ON BREAST CANCER" -Induno Olona, Varese

-giugno 2010 partecipa al corso di IEO ACADEMY -European Institute of Oncology "Breast Cancer: oncologic and reconstructive surgery. Interactive course with live surgery." - Milano

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ball Cap Embroidering Machine

Dr. Francesco Priore

Summary of curriculum vitae




Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How To Make A Person's Life Miserable

Dr. Maria Lucia Bertulessi

Summary of Curriculum Vitae

22 - 03 to 1996 Degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Milan with vote 110/110 cum laude.
13 - 11 - 2001 Specialisation in General Surgery at the University degli Studi di Milano vote 70/70 cum laude.

Scholarship Winner "Ettore Ruggieri" for 1996 awarded at the General Assembly of Members of the SIC 16.10.1996 (98 th National Congress SIC).

From 2001 to 2004 served as Assistant Surgeon at the Division of Surgical Oncology, Policlinico San Marco, Zingonia (BG), Head Dr. Fabio Cusumano, Scientific Director Prof. Bruno Salvadori, participating in departmental activities, operating room, clinic, specializing in Breast / Breast Surgery.
Activities for outpatient breast LILT. Since

2005 Assistant Surgeon at the Division of General Surgery 's Hospital Bolognini Seriate, continuing activity in the working group specializing in Breast / Breast Surgery.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Free Nj Boat Bill Of Sale

Tunguska something will save the Earth?
Gianluca Viappiani

In Siberia there is a structure capable of destroying alien or divert the heavenly bodies on a collision course with our planet.

the morning of 30 Giugno 1908 alle ore 7,14, un meteorite roccioso di 60 metri di diametro penetra l’ atmosfera ed esplode sopra la Siberia Orientale a circa 6-8 Km d’altezza. L’energia liberata è spaventosa, pari a 1000 bombe atomiche come quella di Hiroshima, la foresta è rasa al suolo per oltre 2000 Km².
Il mondo si accorgerà di quest’evento solo vent’anni dopo grazie alla caparbietà di uno scienziato di nome Leonid Kulik, senza il quale sarebbe rimasto un avvenimento pressoché sconosciuto. Qualcuno potrebbe addirittura domandarsi perché la comunità scientifica è tuttora interessata a un fatto capitato un secolo fa. In realtà esistono diversi motivi che lo rendono ancora estremamente interessante e Current:

 because it was the largest explosion of a meteorite in living memory 'man who can study, because
 understand the dynamics of the explosion of Tunguska can help defend against future similar threats;
 because if the explosion happens in our time, with a good chance it would be mistaken for a nuclear attack by a foreign power, as the effects achieved are similar to those of an explosion of atomic type, because they are not
 never found the remains of the Tunguska cosmic body exploded, no crater, no part, only micro particles stuck in the trees survived the disaster.

The 'Tunguska Event remains all' unexplained today, scientists have no evidence but only clues to theorize what might have happened, so when you read articles and scientific basis on which a loud voice, "revealed the mystery of Tunguska" and things like that, do not believe it!
know just a theory (but I have reservations in this case) that could unravel the mystery once and for all the Tunguska event, the one developed by researchers at the CNR of Bologna, which, however, remains a last effort: organizing an expedition (funding permitting) for the drilling of the bottom of the lake to see if Cheko the reflector (as defined by scientists themselves), identified in previous expeditions, consisting of a fragment of the celestial body to explode.
I am firmly convinced that even if Cheko bottom of the lake was discovered the cosmic body, the mystery of Tunguska would still many obscure points to be revealed, because the scientific data collected and eyewitness accounts suggest that this' event is marked by two events completely separate :
One of celestial origin (meteor or comet), one of tectonic origin (anomalous earthquakes were registered before the event, magnetic anomalies and so on. that I will have to explain in detail all 'inside of the blog). Rest assured that the researchers do not ever speak in these terms, (liquid my guess as a coincidence unlikely if not impossible), trying to explain the facts through a single event .
This will create theories "mutilated" incapable to create a comprehensive model of the 'Tunguska event.

New Theory on Tunguska
For some years now, is advancing the hypothesis of the presence of a building in Siberia is not terrestrial technology capable of defending the Earth against threats of celestial bodies in the course of collision with our planet. The installation occurred at Tunguska alien would shy away from a catastrophe far greater.
Let's see who has developed this theory. These two researchers in a completely independent came to similar conclusions:

 Dr. Constantine Paglialunga
degree in Chemistry from the University of Camerino. Svolge attività di libero professionista dopo aver insegnato, per oltre 20 anni, chimica. Ha condotto una serie di ricerche, in particolare nel territorio russo. Ha frequentato per svariati anni l’ambiente cosmonauticorusso.

 il Dr. Valery Mikhailovich Uvarov
Capo del Dipartimento di Ricerche Ufologiche, Paleoscienza e paleotecnologia al National Security Academy di San Pietroburgo Russia.

Come funziona l’impianto?
La distruzione o la deviazione dei corpi celesti afferma Uvarov, si ottiene utilizzando enormi globi di plasma, prodotti dal “macchinario alieno”.
“Quello In 1908 thousands of people saw in much of Siberia was their flight, with the result that the witnesses of the Tunguska event attributed the phenomenon to the emergence of a whole series of lightning! Apparently the spheres of "Plasma" is produced by a generator located deep within the Earth. " We find important confirmation of the existence of this installation in the traditional tales of the local population located near the Tunguska explosion. The legends tell of "burning thunderbolts", "flaming ball" and tremendous explosions with the result that hundreds of kilometers in the surrounding area has been reduced to a desert disseminato di rocce. Il nome antico di questi luoghi in lingua Yakuta è Ulyuyu Cherkechekh, che significa “Valle della Morte”.

Cartina elaborata da Costantino Paglialunga, il cerchio rosso rappresenta l'area dei testimoni dell'evento di Tunguska, quello blu l' ubicazione dell'installazione aliena.

Ma una teoria come questa deve necessariamente avere riscontri concreti che la rendono credibile. A tal proposito si potrà trovare nelle frasi seguenti una raccolta esaustiva di informazioni.

Parametri di riscontro
L’evento accaduto a Tunguska è solo l’apice di una serie di manifestazioni cominciate ben due mesi prima. Questi fenomeni "anomali" sono imputati secondo Valery Mikhailovich Uvarov a effetti collaterali dell’impianto siberiano mentre attingeva energia dal pianeta, al fine di produrre enormi globi di plasma destinati a distruggere il corpo cosmico.

1) L’ubicazione stessa dell’installazione non sembra essere casuale: il periodico scientifico Russo Tekhnika Molodiozhi (numero 1, 1984) avrebbe published the results of a study that speaks of a "super-amomalia" magnet (called the third pole of the earth's magnetic), whose origins come from a depth of half Earth's radius, in eastern Siberia. This seems to be the location and the source from which the machine is powered alien.

2) The effect of the installation was so powerful that in the days before the explosion of June 30, in many countries of Europe ', as in Western Siberia, the dark night was replaced by an unusual brightness, as if those areas were experiencing the phenomenon of "night white "typical summer high latitude. Wherever surged silver clouds that stretched from east to west along the lines of force, shining in the light of dawn and dusk. Probably this enormous energy release was a side effect of the installation that was storing a large amount of energy from the planet.

phenomenon of white nights in St. Petersburg

"A careful examination of the optical anomalies observed in the period between June and July of 1908 confirms the assumption that first signs had already identified several days before the fall of the meteorite are assumed 23, 25 or 29 June. These anomalies include abnormal glow in the sky, bright noctilucent clouds not seen before, disturbances in the normal way of the Arago and Babinet neutral points and the occurrence of prolonged solar halos. Beginning July 1 disappeared exponentially. " (Vladimir N. Vasilyev Planet.Space Sci, vol.46, No.2 / 3., 1998)

The graph shows developed by Vladimir Vasilyev the anomalies in the days preceding the event

3) Before and after the Tunguska explosion was recorded in the Antarctic Aurora Borealis is not down, that is not caused by the sun. The study was published in the 60s scholars Kovalevsky, Ivanov, Plehkhanov, Zhuravlyov and Zolotov. The question is this: How can there be northern lights if the sun is not a cause? Perhaps it is another "side effect" Siberian plant?

Aurora Borealis

4) Professor L. Weber 's University of Kiel observed deviations regular, periodic and unusual dell’ago della bussola. Questo effetto si ripeté ogni pomeriggio dal 27 giugno fino al 30 giugno 1908 (il giorno dell’evento). Le registrazioni sembravano quelle di tempeste geomagnetiche, in genere associate con l’attività elettrica solare, che però non erano previste per quel periodo. Da cosa furono generate queste anomalie: un altro effetto collaterale dell’impianto siberiano?

Universtà di Kiel

5) Secondo le ricerche del geofisico Andrei Ol’khovatov proprio il giorno della immane catastrofe in quella zona erano in corso sia perturbazioni Simich that large-scale weather. As noted by E. Krinov, one of the researchers who worked on the Tunguska: "There was a sense of the approach of some unusual natural phenomenon." E 'reasonable to think that all this area was subject to environmental disturbances due to the enormous energy collected from the installation.

6) The following sections of this section, we will list various events that establish their credibility on the witness statements, and no scientific evidence that supports the truth:
A) The first to become aware impending disasters were shamans delle tribù locali: due mesi prima dell’esplosione nella taiga iniziarono a circolare voci sulla prossima fine del mondo. Gli sciamani (dopo aver appreso dagli antenati il volere degli dei) cominciarono a spostarsi da un insediamento all’altro, avvertendo le popolazioni limitrofe dell’imminente cataclisma, le quali cominciarono a trasferirsi con le proprie mandrie in posti più sicuri. L’esodo degli Evenki iniziò subito dopo il raduno, avvenuto nel mese di maggio, di tutti i clan nomadi. “Gli anziani stabilirono che bisognava cambiare il tracciato ciclico delle loro emigrazioni e che i clan dovevano spostarsi assieme lungo quello nuovo. Vi fu quindi un’importante circostanza rituale nella quale il annunciò la . Even wild animals, responding instinctively to the influence of the increasing negative field, began to leave. The birds abandoned their nesting areas, the swans left the lakes, the fish disappeared from the rivers. A vast expanse of taiga, extending several tens of thousands of square miles, it lost its fauna, the danger areas were only those who did not believe the words of the shamans.
Shaman photographed during a ritual

B) Uvarov report the generation of plasma spheres bringing the notes Witness: "A north-west appeared a fiery column-shaped nozzle approximately 6 meters in diameter. Once gone, they heard five explosions strong and dry, like guns, bills and short distance from each other. " "From the main shopping Teteria columns of fire were sighted in the north. In other places (Kezma, Nizhni-Ilimsk, Vitim) which did not come along a 'single director, he observed the "pillars of fire."

C) at the mine Stepanovsky (near the city of Yuzhno-Eniseisk), thirty minutes before the fall of the meteorite began
an earthquake ... At this moment a witness who was near a small lake and suddenly saw these dried up from the bottom of the doors open like a door. On the edges of the two giant doors of the indentations were visible. The witness panicked and fled only after traveling a considerable distance he fell, then he could see from afar that the place of the lake, now stands a "pillar of light shining" at the top of which was a sphere, accompanied by a terrible rumbling hum. His clothes caught fire but no flames and the radiation burned her face and ears.
D) stunned People claim to have seen circling above the site of schianto i globi di plasma sino a tarda sera. Questo fatto fu notato da gran parte degli osservatori.
E) La “Valle della Morte”, il luogo dove sarebbe ubicata l’installazione aliena, si estende per oltre 100000 chilometri quadrati. Il territorio è una massa uniforme di acquitrini, alternati da una taiga pressoché inaccessibile. In quest’area esistono testimonianze della presenza di oggetti metallici di origine ignota, realizzate con un metallo sconosciuto che assomiglia al rame, ricoperte da una patina simile allo smeriglio talmente dura che neanche uno scalpello è in grado di graffiarla.
Intorno a questi “calderoni” la vegetazione crescerebbe in maniera abnorme e all’interno la temperatura sarebbe mite anche al clima più rigido. In tempi passati i cacciatori che vi hanno pernottato sono morti o si sono ammalati gravemente, il che fa pensare ad una qualche forma di radiazione. Non esistono foto che provino l’esistenza di queste costruzioni, gli unici riscontri, oltre alle testimonianze, sono antiche denominazioni di luoghi parzialmente tramandate nel tempo:
“torrente del calderone”, “casa di ferro”, “posto del calderone”, “il grande calderone affondato”, “luogo della fiocina a tre lati” ecc. che però risultano introvabili dato che ognuno di questi toponimi rappresenta centinaia se non migliaia di chilometri quadrati in an environment among the least hospitable on the planet. Paglialunga Constantine tells us of an important witness: "It was the Russian Air Force General Vasily Alexeyev, a former KGB agent, to reveal what is perhaps the most important part of the riddle. He said that in the most uninhabited Siberian metal construction that there were no land. " "He told me that the Russian military for many years are aware of the existence of strange metal construction in Siberia not of this earth. The area has long been under military secrecy with the no-fly zone. And that area is still superprotetta because there were found significant deposits of diamonds and gold. "

“In tempi passati i più audaci tra i cacciatori locali presero a trascorrere la notte in quelle stanze; perché al loro interno la temperatura era mite, poi però costoro iniziarono ad ammalarsi gravemente e quelli che avevano passato li diverse notti di seguito ben presto morirono”.

6) Negli archivi dell’ex osservatorio meteorologico e magnetico di Irkutsk, sono state scoperte annotazioni scritte da A. K. Kokorin, osservatore meteorologico, a circa 600 chilometri di distanza dal luogo dell’esplosione di Tunguska. Nel suo registro, nella "Notes" section, contains a commentary of exceptional importance, which indicates that in such circumstances there was more of a body in flight.
"At 7:00 the two circles (spheres) burning of gigantic proportions (60 feet in diameter according to eyewitnesses) have appeared in a northerly direction and disappeared at 4 minutes after their removal was heard a loud noise, similar to dl the wind, which flows from north to south, and that lasted about 5 minutes, followed it and thunder sounds, like explosions of massive firearms, which shook the windows. These lasted for 2 minutes .... and they were followed by a dry sound like a rifle shot, the latter sounds lasted 2 minutes. It all happened in broad daylight. "It would
of balls that were heading to the blast site, to note the time of 'sighting: the 7.00 AM. The Tunguska explosion occurred at 7.14.

7) The geophysicist Andrei Ol'khovatov contends that the provision of trees around the epicenter of the explosion, not in any way suggest the idea of \u200b\u200bthe violent impact of a celestial body, but the 'effect swirling of a plasma of very high energy: it can also effect the vortex that would literally turn trees - As in fact occurred in the area after the explosion - is more pronounced than at the epicenter 20 km away from it. However, if the cause of the explosion had been a celestial body would have to observe the exact opposite.
Adapted from "The tectonic interpretation of the Tunguska event of 1908."

Map prepared by Ol 'Khovatov shows that the provision does not regulate degli alberi abbattuti

8) E’ risaputo che alcune chiazze di vegetazione nel luogo dell’esplosione sono rimaste misteriosamente intatte. Merito probabilmente delle nuvole a “pecorelle”, che avrebbero protetto alcuni sprazzi di terreno dal rogo irradiante. I testimoni raccontano dell’esplosione come una grande luce improvvisa “cinquantamila volte più luminosa del sole” accompagnata da un “calore terribile” e da una “spaventosa lingua di fumo nero”.
L’ astronomo Felix Zigel scrisse nel 1961 su Znaniye-Sila: “Secondo le testimonianze raccolte si può affermare che l’energia radial Tunguska explosion was equivalent to a 'high percentage of the total energy. A chemical explosion is ruled out because in a burst of this type the ratio of parameters is much lower. " Zigel has estimated the temperature: it was tens of millions of degrees. Looking at the branches burned in the disaster area Zigel also understood that the heat was instant and not due to a fire. Zolotov, a leading geophysicist, he led an expedition to Tunguska between 1959-1960 observed an alternation of parties in
burned and intact parts of the area and a succession of burned branches and branches burned completely unharmed in the same tree. Zigel said: "This means that the burn of trees was caused by a light radiation from the blast zone and that the burns were only possible on the trees where the branches and leaves unshielded cortex.

9) According to testimonies collected on the morning of the event said the Tungus people of lightning out of the blue "like lightning" that struck the ground violently. At the epicenter, scientists have discovered places where 80% of trees were affected. As evidence of what happened the finding of atypical lightning near the epicenter.

representation of lightning out of the blue before the impact of the meteorite

to the right of the lightning found at Tunguska. The missing part on the left was used for its analysis. (Source Constantine Paglialunga)
lightning, and a pile of glass created by the energy released by lightning or electric shock on a similar sandy soil rich in quartz. (DaWikipedia, the online encyclopedia)
Note the difference between the lightning image "classic" on the left and right abnormal recovered in Tunguska, indicating that the lightning strikes that morning did not have a natural origin in the taiga.
10) It was discovered that trees and plants grew after the explosion instead of 1908 to reach 7-8 meters in height in their growth, in fact, reached the height of 17-22 feet, size that in nature can be achieved only after two or three hundred years. This result was obtained in about 60 years. The circumference of the trunks of these trees has also reached a value four times higher than normal because the rings, before 1908,
had an average thickness of 0.42 mm and after the explosion showed rings of the order of 5 to 10 mm. The scientist Sobolev spoke of a genetic change to explain these anomalies that have caused a speed increase of at least 100 times higher than normal, and this effect but the student says, "It can not be attributed solely
a nuclear explosion or something similar. It is, however, believe that spontaneous radiation details, with a very intense, have affected the large area and have given a considerable stimulus to the growth of all kinds of vegetation. The Tunguska were not tested the effects of nuclear nature, of course as we know them, for the simple fact that life in that area has been continued and increased, although it gained momentum in the increased reproductive rate phone. "

growth rings of a tree in the Tunguska explosion area, note the abnormal growth of the tree after 1908. Source CNR Bologna

11) have found slight traces of radioactivity in the trees and the polar ice sheets dating back to 1908.
Dr. N. Deskov has collected items related to some diseases that have affected the local population after the Tunguska event.
In 1927, witnesses told Russian researchers of a strange disease that had struck the reindeer had strange scars on the skin. It tells of a witness who enters the zone of the trees felled and died later in excruciating pain as if something was burning inside.

As might have happened.
are 7 am, 14 of that fateful June 30, 1908, a giant celestial body enters a high speed Earth's atmosphere. Before impacting the ground a row of huge balls of plasma intercept and destroy him. The explosion produces a 'power of 1000 atomic bombs to nuclear fission. The 80 km high column of fire and thunder are seen and heard hundreds of miles away, the shock wave that is recorded by seismographs, is two times around the Earth. The forest was razed to the ground for more than 2000 square kilometers, all forms of life left in the taiga succumbs brutally. Eighty million trees were brutally maimed, killed, many burnt. While the world still stunned he wondered what had happened, along with shamans surviving tribes were making rituals of thanksgiving a favore di quegli antichi quanto provvidenziali dèi che li avevano salvati. L’uomo civilizzato prenderà coscienza dell’evento solo 20 anni dopo quando nel 1927 verrà organizzata una spedizione capitanata da Leonid Kulik, geologo dell'Accademia delle Scienze, che partirà alla ricerca di un cratere che non troverà mai. Ad aspettarlo però uno scenario desolante e spettrale.
In questa indagine ho cercato di elencare tutte quegli studi che rendono ammissibile l’ipotesi appena discussa, per ulteriori informazioni e approfondimenti invito il lettore alla visione delle ricerche di: Costantino Paglialunga e Valery Mikhailovich Uvarov Nexus No. 51-57-58-59. Latter 's available in English on

Friday, March 20, 2009

Red Bumps On The Back Of The Throat

Curriculum Vitae Dr Fabio Toffanetti

Degree in Medicine at the University of Verona.
From 2003 to 2005 he worked at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Verona under the direction of Prof. PF Nocini. In 2006 he participated in courses in Reconstructive Microsurgery at the University Hospital of Udine and Cluj-Napoca (Romania) and 2007 involved 1 Advanced Course in Reconstructive Microsurgery at the CTO in September 2006 in Rimini Torino.Nel part at the 55th Congress as co SICPRE: Italian Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Estetica.nel 2007 he worked as a consultant at the Department of Surgical Sciences, Bioimpianti Biomaterials, and Trieste to the achievement of a proposed study on the regeneration of peripheral nerves. In November 2007 in Milan was the speaker at the XXII National Congress of the Italian Society of Microsurgery: The morpho-functional results of microsurgical reconstruction. In February 2008 in Cortina D'Ampezzo participates as a speaker at the XIX Winter Meeting of Plastic Surgery: Complications, Failures and Challenges in Plastic Surgery. In September 2008, in Naples in the 56th Congress SICPRE is the keynote speaker of two other papers.
In 2009, running a course of 6 months at the Plastic Surgery Service of São José do Rio Preto (São Paulo-Brasil), under the direction of Prof. Antônio Roberto Bozola, internationally renowned surgeon for plastic surgery breast.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of Trieste awarded with honors (50/50 cum laude) under the direction of Professor ZM Arnez, a surgeon of international renown in the field of reconstructive microsurgery.
Attualmente collabora con l'équipe diretta dal Dr Domenico Gerbasi presso l'Unità di Senologia integrata nell'Unità Complessa di Chirurgia Generale diretta dal Prof. Lorenzo Novellino dell'Ospedale "Bolognini" di Seriate.