Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Old House Sore Throat

the primaries of Turin to win the worst

The primaries, as often happens, stop the political discussion on what to do. The Democratic Party chooses the program and draw five candidati eterogenei pronti a sottoscriverlo, così da poter raccogliere maggior consenso. Ho già espresso la mia poszione nell'articolo "Dibattito politico assente, si discute solo di primarie" e il caso torinese ha del tutto confermato questa tesi. Non mi interessa perdere tempo a discutere del loro programma, che dice Si alla Torino-Lione ignorando il popolo, sempre vivo, No Tav della val di Susa e dice Si al modello Marchionne, ignorando più di 2000 operai (quasi il 50%) che ha detto NO all'accordo della Fiat, la stessa Fiat che potrebbe spostarsi a Detroit.
Il Partito Democratico torinese ha chiuso la porta in faccia alla Federazione della Sinistra. Mentre molti dirigenti hanno piagnucolato per questa scelta, i Giovani Comunisti Torino not only did not pay half a tear, but have always pushed for all, do not agree with those who are on duty on the part of Marchionne.

candidates in the primaries of Turin as mentioned above and five have signed that program. So who to vote for?
Regional Councillor PD (Gariglio) quoting the Gospel and blackmail Marchionne sees a "high-profile agreement"
Assessor Chiamparino the junta (Passoni) which uses the slogan "work good"
The doctor lay ( Avenue), famous for its commitment to the RU-486
The young independent (Curtis), a former commissioner of Borgaro, which uses the slogan "we do not want to be squeezed"
Man of the apparatus of PD (Fassino) that a month ago said, "If I were a worker would vote yes in the referendum on the agreement Mirafiori"

The five candidates have therefore signed a program that tells you to blackmail by Marchionne, who is even called "high-profile agreement." Passoni and Curtis signed the work against the common good, an agreement has already squeezed workers. A
Fassino, a laborer, I said campaigning for a NO!

These primaries are a farce, which will be decided by the very low turnout. We will not be voting in the primaries. But if we must choose the opponent, to win the worst. Fassino to win. We are ready to support a Communist candidate who is the spokesman of nearly 50% of No of Mirafiori. Fassino is the best opponent, the enemy is culturally and politically we want and desire.

Provincial Coordinator Andrea Young Communist Torino 2.0


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