Thursday, February 10, 2011

How Much Does A Quinceanera Usually Cost?

Red Book of Garibaldi

The Young Communist Torino 2.0 Tip: The little red book of Garibaldi

The only hero that the world has never needed you call Joseph Garibaldi.

Since 1861, completed the tortured path that would allow Italy to discover together, the figure of Giuseppe Garibaldi, the great protagonist of the Risorgimento, was the subject of intensive operation that historiographical review, when delivered, "the hero of two worlds" to the dusty gallery of the "fathers of the Fatherland" hiding behind the icon character, the important social content of his thought and action. The result of careful selection of proclamations, letters, wills and political posters signed by the soldier of Nice, "The Red Book of Garibaldi recovers the political vision that animated the leader and delivery to the Garibaldi a memory of this from time to time operated, internationalist, socialist and anticlerical. An important path, tutto da riscoprire, che, affondando le sue radici nella dimenticata tematica del «Risorgimento tradito», passa per le insurrezioni latino-americane, la guerra civile spagnola e arriva fino alle battaglie combattute dai partigiani antifascisti e all’ideologia a cui guardarono sia le formazioni comuniste (non a caso dette «garibaldine»), sia le brigate di Giustizia e Libertà.


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