Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Whats Song In Unleashed

responses to the Washington Post Hu Jintao 01/16/AR2011011601921.html? hpid = TopNews

translation by Andrea Parties (GC Florence)


This is a complete and unpublished transcript of a series of questions in Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal to Chinese President Hu Jintao. The interview was mailed in late December and answers in English were published by the Chinese government on January 16.

How do you see the current state of relations between China and the United States? What are the most promising areas of mutual cooperation between China and the United States? What do you think are the most important challenges in the continuing long-term and narrow development of Sino-American?

Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, thanks to the concerted efforts of both sides, relations between China and the United States has shown steady growth. Since President Obama took office, we have maintained close contracts through the exchange of visits, meetings, telephone conversations and letters. We agree to the twenty-first century to build constructive relations, and global cooperative between China and the United States. Together we have established the mechanism of the Committee SED (China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues). Over the past two years, China and the United States played hannno functional cooperation in a wide range of areas including economy and trade, energy, development, counter-terrorism, law enforcement and culture . The two countries have maintained close contacts and coordination on major issues of hot spots, international and regional organizations, and led global challenges like climate change and international crisis finance. The strategic significance and overall impact of Sino-US relations is in its growth.

China and the United States greater influence in international affairs, must take greater responsibility in the defense of world peace and promoting common development. In the new context, the common interests of both countries are growing and areas of cooperation are expanding. There is a high potential for our mutual benefit in advancing regional cooperation in Asia-Pacific is strengthening global economic governance to promote sustainable growth of the global economy, expanding cooperation in economy and trade, and fortifying la cooperazione in nuove aree come le nuove risorse energetiche, l’energia pulita, lo sviluppo delle infrastrutture, l’aviazione e lo spazio; sia nel combattere il terrorismo, prevenire la profiliferazione di armi di distruzioni di massa, far fronte alle sfide come disastri naturali, i problemi della sicurezza alimentare e delle maggiori malattie trasmissibili.

Da una relazione sana tra Cina e Stati Uniti abbiamo entrambi da guadagnare, e tutto da perdere nel caso di uno scontro. Dobbiamo agire nei fondamentali interessi dei nostri due popoli e sostenere gli interessi generali della pace e dello sviluppo del mondo. Dobbiamo reagire alle sfide, rimuovere i disturbi, lavorare per obiettivi condivisi e promuovere la crescita continua of our relations. I want to emphasize the following four points. First we need to increase dialogue, contacts and enhance strategic mutual trust. Second, we must abandon the zero-sum mentality of the Cold War, to observe each other to mutual development of each in an objective and reasonable, respect the decisions of other development and pursue common development through a form of cooperation that we see both winners [ translator's note: the interviewee refers to the concept of "win-win strategy" from now on I will just use the original wording]. Third, we must respect each other's sovereignty, integrity territoriale, sviluppare interessi e affrontare adeguatamente i maggiori problemi che ci riguardano. E quarto, dobbiamo fare sforzi costanti per espandere i nostri interessi convergenti così che la Cina e gli Stati Uniti siano partner per la cooperazione in aree più ampie.

Non si può negare che ci siano alcune differenze e questioni delicate tra noi. Entrambe le parti devono prendere la giusta direzione nello sviluppo delle nostre relazioni, incrementare gli scambi, rafforzare la fiducia reciproca, cercare un terreno comune pur riservandosi le differenze, gestire correttamente le differenze e le questioni delicate, promuovere congiuntamente lo sviluppo a lungo termine, il continuo e stretto sviluppo delle relazioni sino-americane.

Despite the continuous growth of foreign investment in China, some U.S. companies have complained about China's business climate. What steps is China doing to ensure a level playing field for U.S. companies and foreign?

The use of foreign investment is an important part of the state policy of opening. Over the past ten years, from its access to WTO, China has fully honored its commitments by abolishing all laws and regulations inconsistent with the laws of the WTO, providing national treatment to foreign companies. All foreign companies registered in China are Chinese companies. Their innovation, production and business in China enjoy the same treatment as Chinese companies. The package of related policy choices that the government has introduced counterstand the international financial crisis has also provided good opportunities for all companies in China, including foreign ones.

China remains firmly committed to the state policy of opening. We will use active and effective foreign investment, improving facilities, diversify the forms and open up more channels and sectors so as to facilitate investment. China will continue to improve laws and regulations concerning foreign investment, strengthening protection of intellectual property, to respond promptly to legitimate concerns about foreign companies in China and facilitate the growth of enterprises of all types, by providing a stable and transparent legal and political environment, a coherent and open market environment, a standardized and efficient administrative environment.

What lessons can be drawn from the thought that the international financial crisis of 2008? That China will adopt effective measures to counter the impact of the crisis?

This international financial crisis has revealed the absence of a regulation in financial innovation. The main cause lies in the serious defects of the financial system. Mainly include the following: First, the international system has not kept pace with the recent development of economic and financial globalization has been unable to cope with the risks and challenges brought by massive financial assets. Second, international financial institutions have failed because they could not fully reflect the change in status of developing countries within the economy and world finance. The representativeness and importance of these institutions require in the future to be strengthened. Third, the international financial system was severely lacking in resources and means to address the crisis and its storage capacity must be rebuilt.

Anyway, thanks the concerted efforts of the international community and the member countries of the G20 over the past two years since the outbreak of the crisis, progress has been made in reforming the international financial system. China hopes that the international community will work together to advance the reform of the international financial system to move towards creating a fair, just, inclusive and well-managed international financial order. To achieve sound long-term growth of the global economy, we must not only turn to specific issues such as proper handling of the relationship between the financial sector and the real economy, including financial innovation and regulation, including consumer e risparmio, ma anche, e ancora più importante, rivedere i problemi fondamentali dell’economia mondiale da un punto di vista macroeconomico. Il più marcato problema nell’attuale squilibrio dell’economia mondiale è quello tra il Nord e il Sud. La comunità internazionale deve fare sforzi concentrati per costruire un nuova, più equa ed equilibrata, partnership globale per la crescita, incoraggiando i paesi sviluppati e in via di sviluppo ad avere una maggior comprensione reciproca e invitarli a un più stretto coordinamento, così da promuovere un forte, sostenibile e equilibrato sviluppo dell’economia mondiale.

La crisi finanziaria internazionale ha inflitto alla Cina difficoltà e unprecedented challenges. To address the impact and maintain a steady and relatively rapid economic growth, China has quickly adjusted its macroeconomic policies, adopting preventive measures adopted in fiscal policy, with a moderate monetary policy actions put in place a package to accelerate the development of domestic demand and economic growth, significantly increasing the public resources, implementing a plan of readjustment and strengthening large-scale industrial, vigorously promoting scientific innovation and technological update, raising a substantial margin the levels of benefits and introducing a more efficient social policy per l’occupazione. Come risultato, la nostra economia nel 2009 e nel 2010 ha mantenuto una crescita costante e relativamente veloce, contribuendo al recupero della regione e del mondo. Guardando avanti, la Cina prenderà lo sviluppo scientifico come il tema più importante e si concentrerà sulla trasformazione del modello di sviluppo ad un ritmo più veloce. Attueremo un modello di prevenzione in politica fiscale e una prudente politica monetaria, velocizzeremo la ristrutturazione economica, rafforzeremo vigorosamente l’innovazione indigena, faremo grandi progressi nel risparmio energetico e nella riduzione dell’inquinamento, continueremo con le riforme e l’apertura, lavoreremo duramente per assicurare e migliorare life, the livelihood of the people we will rely on the results achieved to address the international financial crisis, we will maintain a steady and relatively fast economic growth, promote social stability and harmony. China will pursue "win-win strategy" opening, will be ready to work with the United States and the international community as a whole to step up practical cooperation, properly handle the various risks, challenges and make the greatest contribution to the recovery of 'world economy.

What do you think of the future global role of the U.S. dollar? How does the question of the yuan to become an international currency? Some think that one of his price increase could stop the Chinese inflation, what is your opinion?

The current international monetary system is the product of the past. As a major reserve currency, the U.S. dollar is used considerably in the global trade in raw materials as well as in most of the investments and financial transactions. The monetary policy of the United States has a greater impact on global liquidity, the flow of capital and thus the liquidity of the dollar should be kept to a reasonable level and stable.

It takes a long time for a national currency is widely accepted around the world. China has a important contribution to the world economy in terms of total economic output and trade, the yuan has played a role in world economic development. But an international currency to the yuan will be a fairly long process. Pilot programs for the establishment of the yuan in the cross-border trade and investment transactions are concrete steps that China has taken to respond to the crisis of international finance, with the proposal to promote trade and investment facilitation. This is well adapted to market demand as evidenced by the scale, fast-growing, of such transactions.

China has adopted a package to curb inflation, including the rate interest adjustment. We have adopted a system of floating exchange rate based on market supply and demand with reference to a basket of currencies. Changes in exchange rates are the result of multiple factors, including the balance of payments and international supply and demand market. In this sense, inflation can hardly be the main factor in determining the exchange rate policy.

How do you comment the results that China has made in the development of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan? There is a risk that inflation in China may go out of control? Policy reforms are in line with economic reforms?

The Eleventh Five-Year Plan period has been very eventful in the development of China. Addressing the complex changes at home and abroad, the major risks and challenges, we have adhered to the concept of scientific development outlook, strengthen and improve macro-regulation, give space to the basic role of market in resource allocation, without preventive steps to curb the unhealthy and unstable factors of economic transactions, maintained a steady and relatively fast growth of the national economy, harmony and social stability.

Over the past five years, China's GDP grew at an average annual rate of 11%, and GDP per capita reached $ 4000. The accelerated development of agriculture and grain production has increased on a continuous basis. There have been major advances in economic restructuring. The development of different regions began to be more balanced. Urbanization and development of new campaign has constantly advanced. Good progress has been made in energy saving and pollution reduction. The foreign trade has enjoyed stability and a fast relative growth. While developing the economy, we continue to give priority to the interests of the people and to give much attention to social planning, improving i mezzi di sussistenza della popolazione. Il reddito pro-capite dei residenti urbani e rurali è stimato di crescere annualmente ad un tasso del 9,3% e circa l’8% rispettivamente agli scorsi cinque anni. La popolazione sotto la soglia di povertà nelle aree rurali è stata notevolmente ridotta. Educazione, sicurezza sociale, salute e altri programmi sono stati sviluppati molto rapidamente. In breve, notevoli risultati sono stati fatti nell’economia socialista cinese, nella politica, nello sviluppo e nella conservazione della cultura. Allo stesso tempo, siamo consapevoli che la Cina è ancora il più grande paese in via di sviluppo del mondo e abbiamo bisogno a lungo di sforzi se vogliamo costruire una società di tutto rispetto, moderately prosperous, fundamentally based on modernizzazzione.

The increase in the general price level has a strong structural feature, as a whole is still moderate and manageable. There is a basic balance between total demand and total supply, the base materials are strong enough to keep the market supply and stabilize the general price level. We have the confidence, conditions and ability to do this.

We have always argued that popular democracy is the life of socialism. Without democracy, then there may be the socialist modernization. To develop socialist democracy è un’obiettivo che ci siamo sempre dati. La riforma della Cina è complessiva, copre la ristrutturazione dell’economia, la ristrutturazione politica, la ristrutturazione culturale e la ristrutturazione sociale. Negli ultimi trent’anni e più dalle riforme e dall’apertura, notevoli progressi sono stati fatti nella ristrutturazione politica della Cina. Il fatto che la Cina abbia goduto di una sostenuta e rapida crescita economica, di armonia e stabilità sociale, prova che il sistema politico cinese si adatta alla condizioni nazionali della Cina e va incontro alle richieste generali di sviluppo economico-sociale.

La ristrutturazione politica deve essere approfondita nel corso dello sviluppo economico-sociale and meet the growing enthusiasm of the people to participate in political life. The policy we are pursuing restructuring in China aims to promote self-improvement and development of the socialist political system. We will continue to expand people's democracy, building a socialist country of law in line with the national conditions of China. We will ensure that all work is based on state law and the legitimate rights and interests of citizens are protected. Establish rules, institutions and procedures for socialist democracy, expanding at all levels and in all areas popular participation in politics, mobilizing, organizing as widely as possible the people to manage the affairs of state and social as well as economic and cultural programs in accordance with the law, struggling for continued progress in building a socialist political civilization.

The Chinese government is committed to peaceful development. But in recent years, China has begun to assert itself more. Do you think this will affect Chinese relations with the United States and its neighbors in Asia?

Follow the path of peaceful development is a solemn commitment to the international community by the government and the Chinese people. It 'a policy which we adhere to always. Specifically, it means that will achieve national development through our hard and creative work, reforming and improving our institutions, maintaining the friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries.
China has always been involved in the independent foreign policy of peace, he developed friendship and cooperation with all countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. We are for equality and respect between countries. Like the others, China needs to sustain its sovereignty, territorial integrity and development interests. At the same time, we are prepared to handle differences and disagreements in relations between the state and was in line with the basic rules that govern international relations and the principles of mutual understanding, mutual accommodation, dialogue and consultation. In

Over the years, relations between China and other countries in Asia and the Pacific, including the United States and our Asian neighbors, have grown steadily and together we have contributed to the development in the Asia-Pacific. Mutual trust between China and other countries have improved our common response to difficult challenges, and our cooperation has expanded continuously in search of mutual benefit and win-win results. At present, relations between China and other countries in the Asia-Pacific to confront unprecedented opportunity. China is ready to work with other countries to seize the opportunities, challenges, promote peace and development in the region and beyond.

What is the vision of China about the tensions on the Korean Peninsula? China thinks that the reunification of the Korean Peninsula to bring more stability than maintaining the status quo? How do you see the goal of North Korean nuclear weapons?

few weeks ago, the tension was high on the Korean peninsula. China maintains close contact and coordination with both parties, unbending effort is to help relieve tension, maintain peace and stability on the peninsula. We have urged the North and the South to remain calm and exercise restraint, refrain from any action that would raised tensions, undermined peace and stability on the peninsula and to enter the dialogue as quickly as possible in order to find an appropriate solution. We also invited interested parties to work to alleviate tension and contribute to peace and stability on the peninsula. Thanks to the common efforts of China and other parts, there were signs of relaxation. We hope that parties concerned will seize the opportunity to engage in interactions, as soon as possible to resume the process of dialogue and consultation, ensure that the situation on the peninsula is moving in the future in a positive direction.

As immediate neighbors and friends of both the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Republic of Korea, China hopes that North and South to improve their relations, to achieve reconciliation and cooperation through dialogue, consultation, and eventually achieve an independent and peaceful reunification, we will support their efforts towards this purpose. This is in the fundamental interests of the North, South and is also conducive to peace and stability on the peninsula.

China pays great attention to the Korean nuclear issue. We are to achieve the denuclearization of the peninsula by peaceful means, through dialogue and consultation to maintain peace and stability in the peninsula and in northeast Asia. For this proposal, China supports and actively promotes dialogue in six parts. We hope that by taking over the general interests of the denuclearization of the peninsula, peace and regional stability, the parties to take active measures to create conditions for the recovery of the dialogue to six. I am convinced that as long as the parties will respect each other, engaging in consultations on an equal footing, implementing the joint statement of September 19 in a broad and balanced way through dialogue to six, is coming to an appropriate solution to the question Korean nuclear and contribute to lasting peace, stability on the peninsula and northeast Asia.



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