Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Blueprintsfor Making A Popsicle Bridge

Flowers metteteveli ass


è giunto il tempo del primo messaggio di fine anno del 2.0

Mi rivolgo a voi, mentre sta per concludersi il 2010, per condividere qualche riflessione sul difficile periodo che stiamo vivendo e sulle modalità delle nostre lotte. Siamo nel bel mezzo di una crisi del capitalismo, e noi come forza comunista, stiamo soccombendo in essa. Inutili e divertenti sono gli slogan "uscire dalla crisi da sinistra". La sinistra italiana è storicamente innocua al sistema, anzi, diro di più. Risulta persino funzionale ad essa. Il tutto risulta molto più evident in the foreign policy of our party, I would call horrible to say the least. Ferrero, who went to Rome for the release of Sakineh is a perfect picture. Lack even a sound basis for social projects. But this factor will look better in the coming months

Critical to our political action. We are a youth organization that works with self-described socialist perspective. Our party suffers, in my opinion, his lack of political action.
take two examples: the students' and the struggle of factory workers.
On 14 December was a positive experience for a new act, disorganized, spontaneous and confused. I stress this aspect to be explored and on which we should work. But it has really scared the palace. Right and left have rallied to condemn the work done and, well, to block any action of such violent protests. They felt that air that you breathe in Greece for some time. The difference seems substantial.
of KKE Aleka Papariga said that "workers must be aware of the causes of the crisis and prepare for a real war conscious, planned and organized, leading to the overthrow of power." Simone Oggionni, the Young Communist League, said in a video that we are a non-violent movement that gives flowers to the police and parcel gifts to the ministry. Personally, the only flowers I want to see are those on the coffins of the owners of world and their capitalist system. On the other side, as workers, we have seen in France as workers kidnapped the owners, threatening to blow up factories, while the most revolutionary spirit of the National Secretary of the PRC is to ask the Camusso a general strike and throw statements like this "Who launches milk paint on the headquarters of the CISL wrong. "The difference here seems clear. In France seize the manager, in Italy the secretary of a Communist Party disassociates itself and attacks of workers for the launch of a can of paint against a door. Now we have different proposals on how the fight, but today I wanted to focus only on the evidence of our imagination.

"Many are those who immerse themselves fully in the political militant in the preparation of social revolution. Rare, very rare, are those who, perpreparare the Revolution, I intend to deserve." G. Friedmann

Now commit all against the plan Marchionne, together with workers and FIOM Fiat Mirafiori. They destroyed the national contract and the political and social left is incapable of reacting. America wake up from this nightmare, mobilize and block the plan Marchionne praised and applauded by the right and left. Yesterday Fassino, candidate for mayor of Turin said: "If I were a worker would vote yes in the referendum on the agreement Mirafiori. I reply: "I am a worker and I would vote no in the referendum that tramples ulteriormente i nostri diritti". La differenza è tutta qua: padroni e politici del sistema da una parte, il popolo sottomesso dall'altra. Proviamo a fermarli, il nostro sogno sarà il loro incubo: Patria Socialista.

Questo è il mio messaggio e il mio augurio per il 2011. I fiori regalateli alle vostre ragazze, è ora di mantenere la promessa al compagno Monicelli.
Basta parole: è il tempo di fare la rivoluzione. 

Bisogna invece restaurare l’odio di classe, perché loro ci odiano e noi dobbiamo ricambiare. Loro fanno la lotta di classe, perché chi lavora non deve farla proprio in una fase in cui la merce dell’uomo è la più deprezzata e svenduta in assoluto? (Edoardo Sanguineti)

Salutari Andrea
Coordinatore dei Giovani Comunisti Torino 2.0

«La violenza è la levatrice di ogni vecchia società, gravida di una nuova società.» Karl Marx


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