Monday, January 24, 2011

Doushinjis Dragon Ball

Political debate absent, we discuss only the primary

In 2005, Italy imports a product to enhance the damaging American bipolarity: the primaries. The voter turnout in the U.S. is significantly lower than in Europe and it's no wonder the significant drop in turnout in Italy. The primary

arriving in Italy to consecrate the return of Prodi. Bertinotti immediately accepts and applies stopping at 14% versus 74% for Prodi. MA analyzed data from yesterday.

Primary In Naples in Naples

Cozzolino (PD) won the primaries against Ranieri (PD). Cozzolino stress that is being investigated for fraud in the same region of Campania. There is also a serious accusation of fraud.

"bewilderment and bitterness in the staff of Umberto Ranieri, where he gave a note among others:" Cozzolino wins in the seventh and eighth municipalities, but lost in the other eight. "The data on which the spotlight of the party : in the seat via Ianfolla to Miano, there has been a real boom suspicion.

Votes Cast in fact about two thousand people all in the same area in which the Democratic Party took the first major divisions around 2300 votes. In practical terms: in that seat Miano 68 voters voted Mancuso, Rainier 200, 230 1067 for Cozzolino Oddati well. "From

We are the actual figures:

MEP scored 16,358 (37, 3%) preference in the over 41 thousand votes counted, his opponents' formidable, the former head of the Democratic Party in the South Umberto Ranieri, 15,137 (34.6%) and the candidate of the Left, supported by the Fds and Sel, Libero Mancuso 6904; (15.8%)

Both the Democratic Party, have voiced Libero Mancuso.

Primaries in Bologna in Bologna

Merola (PD) wins hands down against the primary Frascaroli (Independent supported by FDS-SEL).

"Virginio Merola, candidate of the Democratic Party, wins (wins hands down in some cases) in the popular quarters and the candidate of the left Frascaroli Amelia manages to stay above his opponent in only two circumstances in the district that is" chic "and Santo Stefano voted mainly in the polling station where the special non-resident students. " From

The secretary of Fiom Bologna Papignani said, "Merola can 'ask for votes, but I, as a citizen, I have the freedom' not to vote for it and asking workers not to vote for him. "Or was it the part of workers or you are on the side of Marchionne on duty.

We are the actual figures:

Merola 16,407 (equal to 58.35% ) Frascaroli 10,119 votes (representing 35.99%), Zacchiroli 1594 (equal to 5.67%)

Curious how the media have given wide coverage to the "great contribution" to the primaries. These, as he had shown in Milan, passionate less and less. In Naples, 45,000 people voted, 5% of those entitled to vote, 28,000 people in Bologna, 8% of those entitled to vote.


in Turin at the end February primary will be held in Turin. All candidates of the Democratic Party have campaigned for the IT plan Marchionne. But not only.

At the urging of some MSW FIOM, Communist PRC has submitted a request on Monday January 10 meeting with the leaders of parties represented in the village hall, to highlight the municipal consilieri the deep state of unease and uncertainty that these days pre-referendum, Mirafiori workers live. The PD, the Third Pole and the IDV refused the meeting. That is the possible candidacy in the primaries Airaudo I do not like, I would have preferred a real alternative project that shares the Mirafiori No party against the amount he has said yes to that project.

Saying this are well aware that bi-polarity has relegated to the boundaries of political debate, we are left with their backs to the wall and the situation is difficult. So we should work more on the medium to long-term thinking is not only to the survival of today.

The PD is a party rooted in the territories, among them a thousand contradictions and internal struggles. Also, the national electoral data shows that the Communists were more likely to consent in middle-class neighborhoods (see S.salvario) and least in the popular districts (see Mirafiori), as emerges from the primary Bologna. I'd like to reflect on the causes of these factors. I conclude by saying that the project has clearly Marchionne policy. Or you build an alternative to farce or participate, then being forced to give votes to the Merola or Fassino of the situation.


Provincial Coordinator Andrea Young Communist Torino

you post an article to broaden the debate on the Primary.

Reflections on the "primary": let's not make fun of Mario Gabrielli Cossellu

"The primaries are like the child who takes the shell to your ear to hear the sound of the sea: are the noise of life. "Nicola Vendola art in" niche ", 2010

Chatter aside, what are these" primary "and where does it come out? We define more or less as the elections through which voters or activists of a political party decide who will be the candidate of the party, or of the political spectrum to which it belongs, for a subsequent election to public office, or improperly use a task leader of that party. Their purpose is to promote maximum participation of voters to choose candidates for public office, as opposed to the system of persons nominated by the parties. They are used especially negli USA dove sono nate nel 1842 come sistema locale per poi generalizzarsi a livello nazionale, in un contesto di rappresentanza politica di fatto da sempre monopartitica. Insomma, l’ennesima trovata, neanche tanto nuova, del paesedella “democrazia” dove l’unica cosa che si può veramente scegliere è il sorriso e il bla-bla più luccicante di uno o l’altro candidato che, una volta eletto, farà sempre le stesse politiche a favore dei padroni che gli finanziano la campagna elettorale. I risultati di tale “massima partecipazione” sono evidenti negli USA, ma allora perché queste pratiche si sono diffuse anche in Italia e satelliti vari? Da noi le “primarie” furono introdotte in 2005 from "The Union", the first in Puglia and then to the "choice" of the "candidate for prime minister" of the center against Berlusconi in the upcoming election. It was not merely to give a "popular legitimacy" to bargain Prodi, but also participates with the PRC Communist secretary Bertinotti, despite the doubts and uncertainties to something that reminded me of the "holy" by Democrat memory. The results were quite disappointing - only one voter in five of the center you attended, and Bertinotti took less than 15% of the votes cast - but then came the euphoria of "victory" of 2006 ... Since then, thanks the continued deterioration of the idea and the credibility of the parties, the "primary" are increasingly been presented as a "panacea" for good candidates for anything or even to elect the secretary of the Democratic Party (with results like Veltroni and Bersani) . With the number of participants gradually reduced, unlike that of "gazebo" and propaganda to try and attract someone so great "democratic party". PD stuff indeed, but also the new Federation of the Left there is falling more and more in this year 2010, again in Puglia with Vendola, then

Milan Pisapia, and perhaps even nationally for the "prime candidate" even against Berlusconi. Maybe with the dilemma between two eminent figures such as Bersani and Vendola (!!!).

But still, let's say it loud and clear for once! These so-called "primary" are nothing but a false democratic tool, a joke that gives the illusion of "participation" but unable to move from a preordained framework and pre-cooked, and fully functional bipolarity and the leader personality, where you gives more importance (or all) of the "face" to the "personal history" and the marketing of the words of one character or another, a "leader" that his "charisma" should "interpret the people and solve problems, or give the impression of doing so. All this talking about little or nothing of what really matters: the programs and concrete commitments on things to do, and how to do them and when, and with whom and for whom. Giving the final blow to what remains of the concept and practice of true POLITICS, degrading it to "support" for this or that, and reducing the parties to the electoral committees of "small fans' cheering and obedient. Berlusconi pure fact. Even the "left" or alleged. How can they not see all that many, many friends, at all levels (and especially the high) that you are blinded by these sirens? If they believe that the "primary" are all well and good and necessary for the "left" and that can really change something in the disastrous political and social situation in Italy, are simply naive? Difficult to think even for people for decades in the forefront of the party and in national political life, even to hold government positions as ministers and junior ministers. More likely is that yet another sign of a lack of training and strategy, a persistent cultural and political subordination to the dominant powers, accepting more or less aware of the "rules" capitalist e della rinuncia ad una vera e seria lotta per un’alternativa socialista verso il comunismo.

Come Comunisti dobbiamo prendere posizione in maniera forte e netta contro lo strumento delle “primarie” così come contro ogni forma di svuotamento della vera partecipazione democratica alla politica, contro ogni leaderismo e personalismo, contro ogni bipolarismo forzato che nei fatti esclude la grande maggioranza del popolo lavoratore e sfruttato. Ci auguriamo che la Federazione della Sinistra e specialmente i Comunisti in essa, a partire dai massimi

dirigenti, sappiano elaborare una propria riflessione su questo come su altri temi, e non continuino a fare degli errori che avranno, come unico risultato, la perdita Final of all credibility as a force and anti-capitalist alternative, and therefore the support of its activists and voters.



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