Sunday, January 30, 2011

Is Jcpenney A Good Place To Get Your Hair Dyed


Shamballah, the Kingdom of Light

"All roads lead to Shamballa.
This is the heart of the world.
It pulsates with energy of true love.
Nothing is stagnant, everything is free, forever.
Be Light also with your devotion to the Head of Shamballa: the great
Melkitzedeq Heart. "

Brigl, a brother stellar

Many traditions tell us of a mysterious kingdom which is in the basement of our planet, with different entrances located in inaccessible places, in the mountains of Tibet, in the South American Andes, and in high mountain ranges on Earth, hidden from the eyes of mortals.

Some scholars have searched for this mysterious realm valleys and mountains, along the length and breadth of entire continents, exploring caves and caverns, underground passages with no apparent result, but left evidence that actually exists somewhere, calling with different names. These include: Thule, Island of the Blessed, Pardes, Paradise, Iannah-Al-DNA, Lost Kingdom, the Kingdom of Light, White Island, Terre Bianche or Albania, El Dorado, Paititi, Mont Salvat, Terre Emerald, Shangri-La, Avalon, Agarthi, Hyperborea, Pure Land, Land of the living, land of the righteous, Earth Young, Land of the Immortals, Celeste Land, Terra d'Oro, Earth del Sole, Terra della Luce, Terra di mezzo, Isola di Cristallo, Salem, Monte Meru, Monte Qaf, Oggigia, Aztlan, Miz-tli-tlan, La Aurora, Erks, Shamfallah, Fraternità della Siddah, Isola di Iside, Monte Olimpo, Amenti, Regno Immutabile, Città degli Dei, Ordine degli Elohim, Ciudad de los Cesares, , Hurqalya, Centro Supremo, Monte Sion, Isidrin, Asgard, ecc...

Viene raccontato che questo regno è governato da un potentissimo Re con il potere assoluto su tutto e tutti, che viene chiamato Re del Mondo e il suo nome reale è Melkidzedeq, che nell'idioma ebraico antico significa Re di Giustizia e contemporaneamente, Re di Pace.
Gesù nei Vangeli Apocrifi lo chiama Melkitzedeq Zorocotora, Issuing of container and Light of Light, and in these times that the light begins to shine again, is identified with a cosmic name: Amura-Kur, as in the last century, the name of Sanat-Kumara, and before that, as Ancient of Days, the Ruler of all worlds, these names that indicate an immense being, priest of silence that governs the spiritual evolution of humans across all faiths and religions, from the youngest to the most advanced.

It 's the planetary Logos, the Manu, whose task is to guide the Progeny from a human evolutionary cycle to another and now more than ever, that we are on the threshold of a historic transition, it is important to recognize the spiritual being responsabile del futuro salto di qualità verso un ottava superiore, indicato dai Saggi del mondo Maya con la data 21/12/ 2012. Comunque su questo grandissimo Essere e il suo Regno esiste una vastissima bibliografia; e ultimamente se ne parla moltissimo anche usato profanamente, cosa che disturba il vero ricercatore che lo tiene in alta considerazione. Come nel nostro Universo, tutto è duale, anche questo Regno di Luce lo è, e la sua controparte si trova nascosta, tutta da scoprire, nell'interiorità dell' uomo stesso. Il tempo è quello giusto per risvegliare questo Regno dormiente, prima che sia troppo tardi.

Il Regno di Dio o Shamballah si trova nell'uomo

L'uomo "sephirotico"

tries to interpret the splitting Shamballah name, letter by letter:

SH = Energy emanating from eros coil, under the sign of Libra (point H) which flows from the kidneys = Justice =

AM Amen, Amen, Om, or Aum, movement or breathing God's universal

BA = The immortal spirit of man, according to the religion of Ancient Egypt.

ALLAH = Name of God according to Muslim tradition or 3 Sitael genius named according to the Cabala (God, hope of all creatures).

No doubt this kingdom is hidden in the human body. What better place to hide a treasure, which keep it on hand, so no one will think that is not it? Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is within you ... and you will find ... Knock and it shall be opened ... Ask and you shall receive ..." Shamballah clearly indicates the kingdom of the inner man, where Light is hidden, that every man will have to activate using the only method that is the Royal Art Alchemy or simplifying the Via del Fuego.

Surely a geographical Shamballah there somewhere, because our world is similar in all respects to a human body: "Just as it is in the small, so is the great", but start looking in is a great ' almost impossible, however, in the small, which is at hand, anyone wishing to, can succeed. And knowing the Kingdom of God inside, automatically, you will have access to the largest, to the universal. This Realm of Light has its foundations in the same man and he is responsible for, to awaken dormant now this Realm that is located in the deep, dark interior of the human body. In the old Kabala

this kingdom is called Malkuth, being the foundation of the roots of the human species as a large tree that rises to the sky Kether, or the crown, surpassing and going beyond. Or how the sacred Snake Kundali, sleeping in the sacred waters of heaven, rolled up, rests his head in the middle of the sacrum or tailbone. And is he "The great tempter," which gives us the keys to open the Seven Seals, and rising, reported the man with the Infinite. Then the Shekinah or divine spark will light and the Temple is the living man, "paralytic" walk by "blind" see, by "deaf" hear from "dumb" talk, because MISUSE energy is Christ himself who , waking up, realize the miracle of total healing of the Human becoming his Savior.

Melkidzedeq, the initiator

Melkitzedeq in a Byzantine icon

Melkitzedeq It was Abraham who taught the mystery of transubstantiation of the Eucharist, indicating the host or the male principle in the bread and the wine, the female principle, these elements of "sacrifice" instead of killing animals. The use of these elements similar to the Philosopher's Stone, transmutes and transforms itself, in ARS Regia "separating and reuniting, the matter is spiritualized by elevating the human being at the Gods" is then that this center is not only the Supreme geographical site, but can be placed in the heart of man "awakened" as well as in the great, the Earth, so in the small, Man.

And when the man has raised its Seminal Principle, the top echelons of his being, Shamballah will become evident in both the microcosm in the macrocosm. To define it another way, is the Heavenly Jerusalem that descends from 'Ain, Ain Soft Heaven, standing in the middle where it will radiate all its splendor and glory. The legislature will be its greatest Melkidzedeq, Metatron and Michael, in his triple aspect, transmuting and transforming the Christ began in a light, similar in all respects as the ECC Homo was the manner of Jesus the Priest Melkidzedeq.

The power of man so self-transmuted and threefold: Priest, Therapist and King are the three functions of the Priesthood of the light Melkidzedeq, and were the Three Kings with their gifts Wizards to recognize Baby Jesus these qualities: the priest recognizes the Incense, Myrrh and Gold King Therapist And so it was that these kings from the East, ie Shamballah, representing the Great King, recognize the high priest of Jesus El Elyon, the manner of Melkidzedeq, Pontifex Maximus or Heavenly Emperor, that he who creates bridges between Earth and Heaven knows the project and the Great Architect of the Universe and represents it.

Melkidzedeq the Christification

Humanity In the past there were people who transmute into their inner fires, they realized that the Great Work, to become priests in the manner of Melkidzedeq. These characters were the King of Justice and Peace, Humanity leaving their message of love, that still light up with their light, the darkness of the night human Ahura Mazda, Oannes, Horus, Osiris, Jupiter, Thoth, Kukulcan, Quetzalcoate, Krishna, Odin, Agni, Shiva , Buddha, Mithras, Moses, Jesus, Hiram and others ... all united from the top to have achieved in this floor christification of Light and you turn the Virgin of Light, whose container and issue is, was and will be, the High Priest of the Most High, also said Melkidzedeq the Ancient of Days, or Manu.

He knows God's plan and applies it here on Earth, is the King of the World that his kingdom Shamballah, rules and rule evolution spiritual of mankind. The city of Jerusalem was built for him, was to be a city of a King of Peace for Justice and Peace, similar to the heavenly Jerusalem, which houses the largest "dimensional portal" of the Earth, from there the great prophets were shown to Heaven . The possession of this place causes no end of wars, but the city of Peace ... Humanity is waiting for it to come to an agreement before it is too late ... That the light can illuminate Shamballah the hearts of men and Melkidzedeq christify its way!

Alfredo Di Prinzio


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