Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Average Price Of A Real Pearl Necklace

Radicals: Ratzinger makes a speech and politics genuflects

Dichiarazione dei Consiglieri regionali della Lista Bonino Pannella Federalisti europei, Giuseppe Rossodivita e Rocco Berardo

“In occasione del tradizionale scambio di auguri tra il papa e gli amministratori della Regione, della Provincia e del Comune, non abbiamo partecipato come Consiglieri regionali Radicali perché non apparteniamo a quella classe politica che si genuflette per poter essere più libera di meglio perseguire gli interessi partitocratici e dunque anche clericali".

“Dalle note di agenzie si evince che il tradizionale greeting has become a real rally where he dictated the line, however, the Lazio Regional Council is already pursuing: the transformation of counseling in private Catholic boycott of the potential uses of RU486, because abortions would be too many of our region, as well as the inability to consider civil unions as all other families. "

"Strange that Joseph Ratzinger has Polverini thanked the President for what he has done for the Vatican: preferential treatment used for the Policlinico Gemelli, for example, that if the same hospitalization or treatment is done at the Gemelli instead in a normal hospital is paid 's 8% more, or enhancement of the Biomedical Campus in response to the closure of other hospitals. Not to mention the double thanks to do with Alemanno and Polverini for the construction of a building on Vatican territory near the Basilica San Paolo in Rome, six-floor - in violation of the rules on urban planning - which looks set to host clinics and medical services from the Vatican and then financed by the Lazio Region. " "But these thanks, probably, become less official fora."


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