Wednesday, January 26, 2011

On Tv Without Clothes

Energy efficiency, the Lazio Region legislate, but it remains inert and leaves behind a sea of \u200b\u200bopportunities

Dichiarazione dei Consiglieri regionali Giuseppe Rossodivita e Rocco Berardo, gruppo Lista Bonino Pannella - Federalisti europei

In un contesto di risorse economiche limitate, il modo migliore per aiutare l’ambiente è consumare meglio l’energia, evitando di sprecarla. E l’efficienza energetica è anche un settore promettente per la riqualificazione e lo sviluppo di settori produttivi-chiave in termini di occupazione e competitività del sistema Paese e della Regione Lazio, che con la Legge Regionale n.6 del 27 maggio 2008 ha già rilanciato le norme efficiency of national public and private buildings. The law provides specific requirements for new buildings and sets out a system of incentives for regional intervention in private buildings.

Lazio Region and therefore before the class to eco-sustainability?

No, unfortunately, since the purpose was not followed by good example in its regional buildings of Rome. We

directors of the Lista Pannella-Bonino, on the basis of information gathered so far, we have found no trace, for the seat of the Regional Council of the energy certification required by law. Not only that: there is evidence that an ESCO (a company specializing in the design and implementation of efficiency measures energy) has long been a plan to retrofit and energy efficiency of local Pisana, yet it appears that the Region has achieved the proposed interventions.

Maybe because it was financially burdensome interventions for cases already sick of the administration?

Nonsense. The Esco propose interventions in which the customer does not anticipate even a euro, because they undertake to repay the investment, giving up a part of the subsequent savings in electricity bills.

As we wait then, because the region to apply its own legislation on energy saving? It also launches the municipalities through a program of formal efficiency of the whole public housing stock?

These are the reasons why we have filed an urgent question to the Board, requesting the reasons for the 'inertia of the Lazio region, urging immediately retrofit and efficiency of the center of Pisa, so that the first step in a plan adaptation of buildings around the public Lazio. All this is possible, just that the Government wants to advance without public money, and with immediate benefits for the environment and public utility bills.


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