Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Normal Hemoglobin 1 Year Old

Addressing the lives of hard-nosed

address this hard-nosed life, says the song wonderful companion Pierangelo Bertoli - already three decades does he understand the evolution of politics in Italy. A country that, both right and left (pseudo between our partners), and the communists see communism as an absolute evil. Murderers murderers of millions of deaths in the gulag and Stalin's ruthless eaters children. Without mentioning that if we had not had the help of the Soviet Union and other allies, perhaps in Europe today there is still fascism. Recently, the intellectual vanguard of the PDL of my city (Civitavecchia) stated that "the Communists have given the country to the Russians." Ah yes, when would it end? Maybe I just did not know.

Here, these are the results of years of true defamation. Without mentioning the importance of the Italian Communist Party in the struggle for liberation, in the birth of the Italian Republic and in the drafting of the Constitution. And again, in the struggles of the workers and those in civil rights, freedom and equality, defending the weak and marginalized. All this was forgotten and communism are only the infamy and slander. Too often I hear that the "party system" is now finished, we must open up to civil society (in Italy?) And that we must focus on charismatic personalities (and then cucir upon them a great program, so then it will be rejected).

Now the ideals no longer exist, there are only people. Instead, today more than ever, with the looming crisis, you should make a square on a program to be applied specifically and only then choose who will represent him. This would not only be a prerogative of the Community, is also a factor of honesty, transparency and democracy. Nowadays, with fake gooders Democrat, praising both the "participation", then, in fact, to ensure that all decisions are taken by those who are in administrative bodies. Increasingly, the policy is learned only the worst vices.

one time, in PCI, a member of "administrative" (Municipal Council, assessor, etc.). was the "battering ram" of the Governing Body of the Club. The club decided to follow the political line. This was effective democracy. Not like now that the priorities (called "politics" and "programs" would be too) to give the elect.

But we Communists now "that we talk to?". For most of us eat the children, the Stalinists, the KGB, the stasis. In practice, the representation of absolute evil. To bring down Berlusconi must "swallow some toad" and then the Democratic Alliance, or so many say. As if the toads had not swallowed enough. To tanti compagni l’essere identificato come “uno dei rossi” ha rappresentato anche un danno: chi ha perso il lavoro o chi se l’è visto negato. Ciononostante possiamo dire di poter camminare per strada fieri e a testa alta, perché non ci siamo piegati dinanzi a nessuno, ignorando le lusinghe ghiotte del politico di turno e, quindi, non divenendo servi del potere. Se questo, secondo alcuni, vuol dire essere “anacronisti e isolazionisti”, beh allora lo siamo.

È ora di dire basta e di proseguire sulla nostra strada, rilanciando il nostro partito con la militanza e la presenza nei territori e nelle vertenze, cercando di salvare il nostro quotidiano Liberazione (as well as our daily Liberation), implementing the most practical way of mutual assistance (such as buying groups popular), trying to keep alive and functional circles and perhaps open new ones.

We have entered a new long political cycle, we are in pieces, and compacted and why we should seek unity with all true communist forces. The times are dark, and we see it all, but must be resisted because, sooner or later, our hard work will be recognized, because if it were missing in our country as an important force in the communist era would be a defeat for everyone, not just for us.

ANDREA BIANCHI GC federation of Civitavecchia


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