Press of the National Association of Friendship Italy - Cuba in response to the allegations of Nichi Vendola
over Cuba in some newspapers on February 28, 2011 were published excerpts of the intervention of the Nichi Vendola Convention (sic) of SEL to the Tent of Rome. In one of these steps are shown in the following words: "I who have loved the face of what I say that freedom and democracy are issues that should also apply to Cuba, if not now, when?".
regrettable to note, once again, a politician by profession, is more di sinistra, dimostri una così scarsa conoscenza riguardo a questi due concetti, quando si parla di Cuba.
Il popolo cubano ha conquistato la propria libertà il 1° gennaio 1959, dopo una lotta di trent’anni contro il colonialismo spagnolo, poi di altri sessant’anni contro i governi o i dittatori imposti dagli Stati Uniti.
Il sistema democratico cubano ha il suo fondamento nella Costituzione della Repubblica di Cuba, approvata il 15 febbraio 1976 attraverso un referendum - con voto libero, uguale, diretto e segreto - dal 97.7 % dei voti della popolazione cubana. Lo scrutinio ha riportato questo risultato: su 5.602.973 elettori, 5.473.534 hanno votato “sì” and 54,070 "no".
Constitution derives from the Electoral Act which states that any Cuban citizen can be elected delegate to the Municipal Assembly or a Provincial Assembly has provided over 16 years. To be elected deputy to the National Assembly (Parliament) should have completed 18 years.
The Communist Party of Cuba does not participate in elections and does not propose candidates.
Cuban Democracy is a system that guarantees its citizens the opportunity not only to elect and be elected, but also an active role in the sentence, in the selection and supervision of the performance of their institutional representatives.
Eachinstitutional office, at any level, lapse at the end of a mandate established by a Constitution approved directly by the Cuban people. Through the electoral process may decide to Cuban citizens to confirm or replace their representatives.
The economic aspect has no bearing on the outcome of the elections, as each candidate should not spend even a penny for their electioneering. Besides, who is elected has no economic self-interest as it continues to earn the same salary as if he were in his place of work.
The presence of a large number of women elected to Parliament - the 43 % nelle elezioni di gennaio 2008 – costituisce un indice di emancipazione e di uguaglianza nella società cubana, percentuale che pone Cuba ai primissimi posti nel mondo tra i paesi con maggiore presenza femminile nel Parlamento.
La partecipazione in massa dell’elettorato a tutte le elezioni dal 1976 fino a oggi – una trentina tra Nazionali, Provinciali e Municipali - sempre di gran lunga oltre il 95 % degli aventi diritto al voto pur non essendo obbligatorio andare a votare, dimostra che la trasparenza, la legalità e l’attaccamento del popolo a questo sistema sono inequivocabili.
I risultati delle ultime elezioni del 20 gennaio 2008 comprovano the strength of the Revolution: the cards deposited in ballot boxes were 8,231,365 representing 96.9% of those entitled to vote. Of these, the boards considered valid were the 95.3%, 3.7% and the white ones canceled only 1%.
Mr. Vendola has every right to dislike the current system in Cuba, but at least let the Cuban people the right to determine if their is a free and democratic society.
National Secretariat
National Association of Italy-Cuba Friendship
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