Saturday, February 5, 2011

How Much Does Angus Jon Cryer Make Per Episode

ANOTHER NEWSPAPER: Souls of Distortion Awakening - Chapter 1: Changes of the Earth

Our dear mother Earth, Gaia, is suffering from stress affected by human behavior and becomes unbearable with population growth. The world's population now has 6 billion souls and will reach 10 billion by 2030 and 20 billion by 2070 if current growth is maintained. The
humanity alone consumes 40% of net primary production of food and energy that the Earth provides for all species. Over the past thirty years, more than one third of natural resources have been destroyed by human behavior. Our rivers are polluted and the oceans are dying.
Gaia no longer able to endure and we will experience results sooner or later is only a matter of time.
We no longer believe scientists who say the "global warming" can not be proven and that the Earth is well. All have eyes to see and ears to hear and should have noticed that the climate is changing. By the end of this century, the polar ice caps have melted, our oceans are polluted, the great forests, the lungs of the Earth, will go to two-thirds of animal species on Earth will be extinct!

Even in this alarming state, many of us seem worried about inflation and the annual compensation or for the results of the football team favored in the Champions League rather than the acid rain falling on roofs. If we a look at the newspapers, we have the impression that the world becomes ever more violent. The Middle East is in a state of tension and the threat of terrorism after the 'September 11 has become so imminent that affects the lives of millions of people. The polarization and intolerance between cultures and religions of the world are growing rapidly.

Many are also experiencing dramatic changes in their personal lives. Intimate relationships and marriages seem to break more easily and frequently than before. Our good work 9 to 5, which seemed guaranteed until retirement, is disappearing and job rotation has become the word buzzing!
Our Western economies that were so stable for decades, now seem very unbalanced and jobs in the West is lost in a large scale in favor of developing countries in facing the economic acceleration! Economic developments seem to grow more rapidly, the time of entry in the markets for new products has shrunk incredibly. So we have this deficit of billions of dollars of world economies, so heavy now that they can collapse under its own weight.

Even our political structures, the established parties that were the cornerstones and the glue of society, have become unpredictable. New parties with radical politics, born out of nothing and are loaded with followers, with the horror and sorpresa delle istituzioni. La corruzione su larga scala e gli scandali finanziari sembrano salire in superficie, dove vengono coinvolte compagnie multinazionali prestigiose. Il nostro mondo sta cambiando e molto rapidamente, sembra che il tempo stesso acceleri o no? Cosa sta avvenendo nel nostro mondo oggi e dove sta andando?


Il mondo ha conosciuto molti profeti e molti di essi hanno predetto distruzione e disperazione col nuovo millennio, che sembra un periodo magico per la fine del mondo. Questo non è solo profetizzato per la fine del secondo millennio, ma venne profetizzato per il primo millennio e come possiamo testimoniare, questa catastrofe non è arrivata.
Quindi ci sono altri veggenti come Nostradamus (1503-1566), who have prophesied that humanity would suffer in 2000 for an apocalyptic holocaust or would have seen an unprecedented change and the emergence of a new global consciousness. (1)
Madame Blavatsky (1831-1891), mystic and founder of the Theosophical Society has predicted that by the end of a period of 5200 years, the present Kali Yuga or Dark Age, has led to an era of light. So there's still hope! The most obvious

seer of the last century is undoubtedly Edgar Cayce (1877-1945). It 's the most documented clairvoyant of all time. Edgar Cayce, known as the sleeping prophet, has performed 14,306 "readings" in an altered state of consciousness, all documented. Edgar Cayce became very famous for his "readings" medical, as he could, with a nearly 100% accuracy, diagnose the disorder of his patients. In many cases, would also indicate the name and address of the doctor to see!
All this in a trance, knowing only the name of the patient without meeting him! In the last days of her career, she began to pass information about past civilizations, such as the Egyptian and Atlantean culture and predicted future events on the planet known as "Mutations of the Earth." The same Edgar Cayce founded the '' Association for Research and Enlightenment '(ARE) (ndt. Association for Research and Enlightenment), to preserve his work. This organization exists ancora ed è molto attiva. Edgar Cayce è stato studiato a fondo, gli sono stati dedicati più di trecento libri. (2)

Oggi Edgar Cayce fa grattare la testa a molte persone, perchè molte delle sue predizioni sono state confermate e molti studenti, in maggioranza archeologi ed egittologi, hanno capito che le sue informazioni vanno prese seriamente e usate come faro nel loro lavoro scientifico. Cayce suggerì che gli anni tra il 1958 e il 1998 sarebbero stati un periodo di grande cambiamento, una trasformazione globale. Questi cambiamenti non significherebbero la fine del mondo, ma avrebbero portato una Nuova Era e una trasformazione spirituale. La stessa Terra avrebbe mostrato mutazioni tremende con terremoti, eruzioni, per l'attività sunlight, dramatic climate changes, flooding of land, culminating in 'magnetic pole.

Now these prophecies are not a promising prospect, but as we show in this book are actually happening dramatic climate changes and natural disasters, while the writing of these words. Fortunately, one of the strongest arguments often used by Cayce, was that the future is not predetermined and that much depends on human intention in the model. With respect to this left the door open for other scenarios other than its predictions.

The Sleeping Prophet has also looked into the past of human history and has provided detailed information on ancient civilizations as the Egyptian. Hundreds of lectures discussing the lost continent of Atlantis was submerged in the Atlantic Ocean in 10,500 BC during a global cataclysm, a flood caused by 'reversal of the Earth's magnetic poles. Described as the most advanced Atlantean civilization in human history. Cayce also speaks of the Hall of Records, a library of knowledge that was rescued from the Atlantean survivors of Atlantis in two places on Earth, one should be between the left paw of the Sphinx and the Nile on the Giza plateau, while the other would be the Yucatan in Mexico. According to Cayce, the Great Pyramid (the Pyramid of Cheops or Khufu) in Giza in Egypt, was built in 10,500 BC by Thoth the Atlantean, known as Hermes Trismegistus by the Greeks and his priest Ra-Ta, both survivors of Atlantis. They built the Great Pyramid to preserve the culture Altantidea. Edgar Cayce said that he was the reincarnation of Ra-Ta, the priest who joined the construction of the Great Pyramid.

According to Cayce, much of our current modern science is simply the rediscovery of technologies that belonged to the Atlantean culture. As demonstrated in this book, in fact an ancient knowledge is emerging, bringing new light and regenerating the new science of etheric. Bits and pieces of the Atlantean knowledge was preserved secretly by secret societies like Freemasonry. Much of the original knowledge is gone lost, but its foundations have been preserved in an ancient scientific art known as "sacred geometry" which is now being rebuilt.

Leonardo Da Vinci was a member of such a secret society, in modern history has preserved the art of sacred geometry. The Roman Catholic Church forbade pagan this knowledge, as the Holy Scriptures of the Bible were the only required and allowed. The membership of Leonardo Da Vinci to a secret society has received worldwide attention since Dan Brown wrote a book called "The Da Vinci Code." Though the book deals with the hypothetical marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene and their descendants, also suggests that Leonardo Da Vinci insisted on the importance del Rapporto Aureo, il Phi. In questo libro mostreremo che gli scienziati hanno usato la geometria sacra, la geometria del Phi, per creare una nuova fisica basata sull'importanza del Rapporto Aureo, il Phi!
Il "Sacro Graal" che viene discusso dal "Codice Da Vinci", credo non sia un oggetto fisico, la coppa usata nell'ultima cena da Gesù e nemmeno la sua linea di sangue ("sang real"), ma la preservazione della geometria sacra e il significato del Rapporto Aureo che ora l'umanità sta riscoprendo!

Ultimo ma non meno importante, una delle profezie più incredibili che sta ottenendo attenzioni nel mondo, dato che sembra svolgersi in contemporanea alla scrittura di questo libro, sono le profezie dei Maya sul 2012. The Mayan culture was a Native American culture that flourished from 200 AD to 900 AD in South America. For reasons still unknown to scholars, the classical Maya culture abruptly ended when they abandoned the cities and temples around 900 AD. Today the descendants of the Maya are still in Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras, and bring with them the prophecies of their ancestors. The Maya were excellent observers of the sky and developed several highly accurate calendars based on celestial cycles.

One of these is the Tzolkin calendar of 260 kin (days), another is the Haab calendar of 365 kin (days). The Haab calendar is synchronized to the cycles of Venus and the Tzolkin is synchronized to the Mayan Long Count calendar. Calendar del Lungo Computo venne usato per lunghi periodi di tempo e consiste di 13 sotto cicli Baktun. Un Baktun consiste in 20 sotto cicli chiamati Katuns. Ogni Katun consiste di 20 tun e infine il tun consiste di 365 kin (giorni). Quindi un Baktun completo dura 20x20x360=144.000 kin, un numero molto sacro per l'antichità e menzionato molte volte nella Bibbia. Alcuni studiosi credono che il significato del rapporto 13:20 nel Calendario del Lungo Computo suggerisca il Rapporto Aureo della geometria sacra, comunque un rapporto 13:21 rappresenterebbe il vero rapporto di Fibonacci che converge nel Rapporto Aureo.

La durata totale del Calendario del Lungo Computo è 5200 anni. Secondo certi studiosi dei Maya, il calendario del Lungo Computo è iniziato l'11 August 3114 BC and will end December 21, 2012. The Mayans believed the world had passed many times they called Suns. The end of the Long Count calendar would be the end of the fourth Sun and the birth of the Fifth Sun, this means the end of the world as we know it and the beginning of a new world. So the prophecies of the Mayan end of time, really speak of a new beginning, a rebirth of the Earth.

The prophecies of the Mayans seem to agree with the predictions of Edgar Cayce, since even the Mayans predisero that this new initiative was preceded by serious upheaval in the world and great challenges for humanity. These challenges have changed the consciousness of humanity on a global scale. The origins of the prophecies
Maya can be traced to the Mayan book of creation, the Popol Vuh. Their greatest prophet was Lord Pacal. The prophecies of the Maya were kept secret for ages and decoding of only four Mayan codices survived the English Inquisition, started in the '60s and made an important leap in the 80s. Meanwhile, the Maya shaman prophecies handed down orally from one generation to the next in deep secrecy. Their privacy policy changed when the Maya recognized the first signs of mutations of the Earth predicted by such prophecies. They knew it was time that the world will become aware of.

In 1997, a Dutch film maker was allowed to resume meeting Native American tribes from all over the American continent, for a sacred ceremony in the dark forests of Guatemala. The ceremony served to heal the Earth and the Indians did not hide their prophecies more Wiek Lenssen and allowed to resume in film the event. His film "The Year Zero" is unfortunately not attracted the deserved attention (3). Crop circles

Among all these mutations of the Earth in our historical period is being denied and ridiculed almost a phenomenon, the appearance of crop circles around the globe over the past two decades. To date, some ten thousand crop circles have been reported and cataloged. Many would argue that jokes and many of them would be a trick like that Doug & Dave torque of 1991 that would have flattened the crops with the use of wooden planks.
The abundance of crop circles all over the world can not be the schezo few counterfeiters. Crop circles have been studied extensively and some of them show no signs of damage to plants, but only slight burns as if they were bent by an unknown energy force. Studies have revealed changes in the electromagnetic field around the crop circles. Whoever or whatever the cause of these formations in the fields is irrelevant to what the importance of the message contained in them. The crop circles are showing us the principles of sacred geometry!
elegant forms and often fractal in crop circles, contain geometry sometimes obvious and sometimes hidden. Crop circles depict the knowledge that was partially preserved in ancient traditions and who is now still in the Hindu and Buddhist Mandalas, the architecture of churches and cathedrals and many forms of art like the paintings of Leonardo Da Vinci.


The last century was quite rich, especially in the last two decades, many changes have occurred that seem to create disharmony and social and political instability. It 'also became obvious that our climate is changing and that is influencing the mass, and many species are dying out. Edgar Cayce predicted in the thirties of last century, many of the events che ora sono in corso. Predisse anche che la scienza avrebbe infine ripristinato la conoscenza scientifica del leggendario continente di Atlantide. Sta avvenendo qualcosa di profondo sul nostro pianeta e sorprendentemente Edgar Cayce predisse questi eventi in profezie che sono definite "Mutazioni della Terra". Lo stesso messaggio ci arriva dalle antiche profezie Maya, nascoste nei codici Maya e i Maya di oggi stanno confermando il sacro messaggio dei loro antenati.

Assieme a queste mutazioni della Terra, come predetto da Edgar Cayce, sta nascendo una nuova consapevolezza scientifica. La sua nascita avviene in piccoli circoli di scienziati piuttosto fuori dall'anello della scienza ufficiale. Questo circolo di studiosi si espande rapidamente, tra loro ci sono professori of famous universities in the fields of physics, biology and neurophysiology. These scientists paint a new scientific view that at least is breathtaking, but unfortunately there is little public awareness of this emerging new vision, given that our newspapers and newscasts hardly speak. Of all the scientists who have populated this land, 99% of them now walking on its surface, then no wonder of discovery!

The new view reveals a wonderful world in which human consciousness plays a more important role than previously thought. It also reveals that our civilization can not be the summit of evolution, it becomes increasingly clear that other great civilizations advanced have preceded us. Atlantis is being reborn as predicted by Edgar Cayce! All these developments could be the precursor of a scientific revolution that eventually could lead to a spiritual transformation, as predicted in the past? In the new scientific vision, science and spirituality converge!
Our knowledge seems to be expanding rapidly, so that if we do not change the school system, teach the children only in school history! Probably at some point in future history books will mark the end of the twentieth and early twenty-first century as the era of a scientific renaissance. So go ahead and see what he has to say this science.

Jan Wicherink


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