Monday, February 28, 2011
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Declaration of Regional Councillors of the Bonino List Pannella - European Federalists, Joseph and Rocco Berardo Rossodivita
"Given the disturbing information came out during the telecast "live" on Rai three last night, and having already filed a motion with regard to the assets of the Lazio Region July 30, 2010, we reaffirm today presented with a question, what is important to know the huge real estate owned by the Lazio Region, on why today, in accordance with the principle of legality and trasparenza, non sia possibile consultare, attraverso il sito della Regione Lazio, l'ubicazione e il valore di mercato dei beni patrimoniali e infine chiediamo al Presidente della Giunta Renata Polverini, quali iniziative si intendono adottare in merito alla razionalizzazione degli spazi utili alla riduzione dell'enorme onere degli affitti che ogni anno la Regione Lazio paga."
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Dichiarazione dei Consiglieri regionali Giuseppe Rossodivita e Rocco Berardo, Lista Bonino Pannella Federalisti europei
Ci rivolgiamo pubblicamente a tutti i gruppi del Consiglio regionale del Lazio che in queste ore con imbarazzo alternato tentano di spiegare perché il Consiglio regionale ha istituito (con voto unanime di tutti i gruppi, tranne that radicals) other four special committees to the already huge number of sixteen, driving up to twenty (twenty-one by adding the committee contol accounting) which sit on the chairs, and a challenge. If you wish to peacefully overcome this is by all recognized as abnormal proliferation of power, prebend, assumptions and autoblu can put on the agenda of the bill - which we subscribe as radicals - majority of an adviser, Pierre Ernest Irmici (PDL), which provides for a halving of the ordinary fees. The bill is assigned to the committee and steps in the classroom, with the same speed with which it came to a vote of the four special committees. Who is opposed?
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
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Rossodivita Joseph Regional Council statement, Bonino Lista Pannella - European Federalists
bottomless party politics in the last few hours: first those of the majority resign from the commission house along with the opposition in the hope The President of the Dodge, in view of its legal proceedings, adds to his resignation. Then with a stroke of genius - so we read the latest agencies - the Bureau's promise of special committee on the Olympics but to yield to the demands of the UDC and give the group the Commission Casini house and public works. In short, in the name of the ethics of sharing is exceeded the alleged ethics of honesty and transparency of institutions. In summary, we could say that with one hand raise the book's honesty and transparency and the other touching the thighs of power and armchairs.
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Declaration of Regional Councillors of the Bonino List Pannella - European Federalists, Joseph and Rocco Berardo Rossodivita:
"We understand that in the town of Rocca di Papa, and surrounding areas, municipalities have allowed the construction of buildings totally not connected to a sewerage system by issuing permits for commercial activities, including hotels and restaurants, in the absence of any system of sewage disposal for this So we decided to put questions to the President and Alderman Polverini Environment and Sustainable Development, Marco Mattei, since this situation, if confirmed, is likely to cause pollution of groundwater and soil erosion with its hydrogeological. "
Thursday, February 24, 2011
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In Libya, more than a war for bread, a civil war is underway. The conflict does not arise, as in other countries of the Maghreb and Arab, for reasons primarily economic and social. Living conditions remain in Libya, significantly better than in other countries of the area, despite contractions in this field since 2003, with the start of deregulation (and re-engagement with U.S. and European Union) and the depletion the process of socialization of resources. The Gaddafi in recent years is quite different from that which animated the anti-colonial struggles and put his country as a bank of anti-African and Arab resistance. There is a split within the leadership of Jamayria, with obvious repercussions and splits in the military. There are long-established interests of a bourgeois clan, reactionary state, essentially anti-revolutionary and 'Western', ingrassatasi with oil revenues. There are forces historically Islamic rebels in the region of Cyrenaica. There are external imperialist interests that aim to integrate into internal conflict Libyan move the axis to the benefit of a new political entity servile.
The images that are constantly being re-launched by the mass media hype 'West' of protesters with signs in English like "Free Libya and flags was (until 1969) and semi-corrupt monarchy of Idris say a lot. Everything has to think deeply. That the critical not lost in the wake of the conditioning and manipulation of mass media. E 'must make an effort of analysis and understanding, to seek alternative sources and start up of gray matter in the best position to develop its thinking and consequent political action.
Gaddafi seems to be behaving brutally. At the same time, however, in the "west" are given the numbers already. There is talk of genocide and mass graves, calling a situation already seen against Serbia. The French Defence Minister talk about military intervention, while others place it as background-and-excuse for the evacuation of the "European". A few hours ago, the master's voice: President of the United States, Barack Obama, in his first statement since the crisis began, said the violence "must " be stopped, and he appealed to the international community to intervene " coordinated and agreed " . With him was the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, Monday in Geneva to meet with other foreign ministers to consider joint action. Violence ' must "be stopped. Words not spoken to the massacres in Bahrain (also) of these hours and that nobody talks about or the repression of pro U.S. allies. Words never spoken to the decades of violence antipalestinese of Israel, which is continua anzi a sostenere, anche ponendo il veto all'ultima risoluzione di condanna di Israele (al Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU lo scorso 18 febbraio), stavolta per la sua politica degli insediamenti coloniali.
Per gli USA intervenire in Libia sarebbe una bella mossa per instaurare un regime servile ed impiantarsi in una zona strategica, tra l'altro ricca di petrolio, al confine con l'Egitto, da destabilizzare se la transizione non andasse come auspicato. Avendo un ulteriore trampolino di lancio non solo in funzione di controllo delle economie subalterne cosiddette "europee", comunque da tenere sempre sotto controllo, ma anche per rafforzare la politica di contrasto a tutto campo della penetrazione cinese in Africa . The coverage of communication for military intervention in Libya has already begun to produce its rumors background, including humanitarian bodies against dictatorships and preventive actions against the specter of governments Spectre, that is, pro Al Qaeda. Check a country of 8 million people is not how to intervene in a 40 or 80. So it should be. Washington and hope to have already begun to move their checkers.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
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The primaries, as often happens, stop the political discussion on what to do. The Democratic Party chooses the program and draw five candidati eterogenei pronti a sottoscriverlo, così da poter raccogliere maggior consenso. Ho già espresso la mia poszione nell'articolo "Dibattito politico assente, si discute solo di primarie" e il caso torinese ha del tutto confermato questa tesi. Non mi interessa perdere tempo a discutere del loro programma, che dice Si alla Torino-Lione ignorando il popolo, sempre vivo, No Tav della val di Susa e dice Si al modello Marchionne, ignorando più di 2000 operai (quasi il 50%) che ha detto NO all'accordo della Fiat, la stessa Fiat che potrebbe spostarsi a Detroit.
Il Partito Democratico torinese ha chiuso la porta in faccia alla Federazione della Sinistra. Mentre molti dirigenti hanno piagnucolato per questa scelta, i Giovani Comunisti Torino not only did not pay half a tear, but have always pushed for all, do not agree with those who are on duty on the part of Marchionne.
candidates in the primaries of Turin as mentioned above and five have signed that program. So who to vote for?
Regional Councillor PD (Gariglio) quoting the Gospel and blackmail Marchionne sees a "high-profile agreement"
Assessor Chiamparino the junta (Passoni) which uses the slogan "work good"
The doctor lay ( Avenue), famous for its commitment to the RU-486
The young independent (Curtis), a former commissioner of Borgaro, which uses the slogan "we do not want to be squeezed"
Man of the apparatus of PD (Fassino) that a month ago said, "If I were a worker would vote yes in the referendum on the agreement Mirafiori"
The five candidates have therefore signed a program that tells you to blackmail by Marchionne, who is even called "high-profile agreement." Passoni and Curtis signed the work against the common good, an agreement has already squeezed workers. A
Fassino, a laborer, I said campaigning for a NO!
These primaries are a farce, which will be decided by the very low turnout. We will not be voting in the primaries. But if we must choose the opponent, to win the worst. Fassino to win. We are ready to support a Communist candidate who is the spokesman of nearly 50% of No of Mirafiori. Fassino is the best opponent, the enemy is culturally and politically we want and desire.
Provincial Coordinator Andrea Young Communist Torino 2.0
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From La Stampa, February 23, 2011.
Most committees: higher wages, racks, and blue cars
ROME - There was missing was the commission regardless. Sets up tomorrow in the Lazio Regional Council to support a view of `Rome Olympics 2020. And if the capital can not apply? And if the International Olympic Committee awards Games to an `other city? Never mind, the committee will survive. Regardless, as said Toto. With surreal prestigious forum meetings and agendas worthy of Ionesco: what would we do if we had in organizing the Olympics, who wishes to speak? A memorable
decoubertiniano momentum, because it is sin to think that the Lazio regional council interest plus commission `s Olympics. Indeed, the commissions. Tomorrow, as well as the Olympic torch, he settled three other, so-called 'special': fiscal federalism and Rome as the capital, security, social inclusion and crime, accidents at work. Which, in addition to the 16 ordinary, bring the bill to 20.
I give you the
from Germany. An absolute record. On average, the other regions have a dozen. Lombardy stops at eight: less than half of Latium with a population almost double. But the rule goes beyond national borders, pale even by the German Lander, with far more extensive legislative powers, Germany being a true federal state.
A comparison with representatives of Tuscia workaholic and Ciociaria, the elect of Baden-Württemberg (10.7 million inhabitants and 14 commissions) and Bavaria (12.5 million inhabitants and 12 committees) seem to be the slackers. Who deserves credit? Lazio that the majority of the Board, as one man, before they voted the `establishment delle nuove commissioni (emendamento bipartisan presentato in commissione e approvato definitivamente in aula in quattro giorni, con il weekend in mezzo) e poi si sono spartiti le presidenze: due alla maggioranza di centrodestra, altrettante all`opposizione di centrosinistra.
Solitari oppositori «a questa ignobile moltiplicazione dei pani e dei pesci» i radicali Giuseppe Rossodivita e Rocco Berardo, che le hanno provate tutte, sette ore di ostruzionismo e valanghe di emendamenti, compreso quello che chiedeva quantomeno di sciogliere automaticamente la commissione olimpica in caso di mancata assegnazione dei Giochi. Sconfitti 45 voti a 2.
Il motivo di un risultato così netto consiste nell’«indotto» advisers to ensure that each committee, but already have a not inconsiderable salary of about € 10 000 net. The Chairman and two Vice-pocket increases respectively of 900 and 600 € net per month. Authority to make secretaries and (the number varies from 3 to 5, depending on the type of contract). Autoblu representation. Spacious offices and seems in great demand, so that in these times There's a certain excitement with fast-paced work of technicians (now the space is scarce). Similar benefits - and sometimes more - are also recognized the Prime Minister, Vice-Chairpersons, presidents and secretaries of the groups board `s classroom. It is not surprising that almost all the directors are Lazio now somehow "graduate" from various committees, commissions in the Council and the notorious "monogroup '(7 of 16), whose President chairs only themselves. Today, before the new bodies produce four other presidents and eight vice-presidents, the situation is this: out of 70 elected, there are 16 committee chairmen and 30 deputies, a prime minister and two deputy secretaries 3, 16 group leaders and a Councillor .
short, a phalanx of generals running out of soldiers, as the Fascist Italian army. The unfortunate political without stars are only five, of course in pole position for the new twelve seats. The proliferation of biblical seats also means slowing down the work. Each director is forced to sit on various committees, with scenes of politicians fantozziane running back and forth like the legendary "Rules for use aboard timber ships of the Royal Navy and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies" mid-session or ask for a referral "because I go, or from `the other hand, lacks a quorum." And there's the constitutional affairs committee that "in six months has met twice for a total of ten minutes," reports the radical Rossodivita, a few days ago he spectacularly resigned, denouncing "the 'idiocy' of setting up new committees if you can not run existing ones. Not to mention the money. The new fees will cost 5 million euro, further raising expenditure of the Regional Council in 2009 were 91milioni, this year it expects to reach 103 million. An increase that would have been sufficient to pay for the restoration of the Colosseum, where the state has declared no money, lost years and finally was reduced to begging to individuals. Word is not random. Just a month ago, the governor Renata Polverini, in the traditional visit to the Pope, called the policy "a special form of charity." Matter of point of view.
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Rossodivita Declaration of Joseph and Rocco Berardo, respectively, Group Leader and Director Pannella List Bonino, European Federalists to the Regional Council
Lazio Rome, February 22, 2011
"Now it is announced in the media for days, and with great waste of economic resources of all citizens, the initiative of the States General of the City of Rome, which was inaugurated today in Eur . This morning, in front of the convention, we have promoted, along with other political and social forces, a counter-demonstration to strongly denounce the bad situation, more and more serious, is located in the City of Rome, from its now full-blown financial collapse.
the 'festival of regime' we will remove government ministers and representatives of the disaster of the city certainly will not talk about the failure delle politiche proibizioniste messe in atto sotto la voce ‘sicurezza’. Occorre ricordare che solo all’inizio dell’anno tre diverse autorevolissime fonti hanno denunciato l’incremento del fenomeno della prostituzione nella città, e questo nonostante tutta la propaganda attuata dalla Giunta Alemanno con le delibere ‘antiprostituzione’. La città di Roma ha, inoltre, il triste primato dei casi di violenza contro le donne e di quelli violenti di omofobia. Su questi punti non sono state avviate nemmeno campagne mirate di informazione e prevenzione.
Il fallimento delle politiche di Alemanno riguardano anche le iniziative politiche relative alla gestione dei campi Rom. La città di Roma ha la popolazione nomadic highest in Italy, which is over 7,000 people and there is no integrated plan with the Lazio region - which disapply a regional law of 1985 - to manage the phenomenon.
There are other points on which you do not speak at the convention regime: the disaster of the streets of Rome, which has the record of claims, just over 4,000 in 2009, including 3,000 in the hole, the mismanagement of waste policy with Malagrotta the landfill, the largest in Europe, which has 80 of the waste discharged untreated, with serious breaches of European directives. Furthermore, the question
urbanisitica, who deserves a job ad hoc because of the serious situation of actual abandonment where there are many areas of the outskirts of Rome completely neglected. In this convention it is called Tor Bellamonaca stutter and the euro without anything on dozens of totally degraded areas of Rome, and - without saying a word - we are witnessing the carnage that only we have denounced radical: the construction of a building immense size of the Vatican next to the Basilica of St. Paul in an area recognized by UNESCO for cultural and historical interest and in open violation of the zoning regulations.
Finally, we invite all of you gentlemen to go to the euro, the two-day exhibition of propaganda, public transport and leave the blue car still in garage. They would realize their own della qualità scadente, disorganizzata e irrazionale, dei trasporti pubblici della Città di Roma, dai bus, ai tram, ai treni locali, fino alle carrozze malconcie della metropolitana”.
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The directors of the Lista Bonino Regional Pannella, European Federalists, and Joseph Rocco Berardo Rossodivita have today lodged an urgent question to the President of the Executive Councillors Renata Polverini and competent about what happened last week the gypsy camp Tor Fiscale.
Among the questions are also asked what initiatives on behalf of the various members of the Council, within their powers, have done so far to secure areas of danger for women, the elderly and children. Among other pressing issues are also asked for clarification regarding the implementation of the Regional Law 24 May 1985, No 82, 'Standards for the Roma' which seems completely unapplied on the territory of the Region. The law provides for art. 4 of the specific rules regarding the methods of construction of camps and safeguards as regards hygiene and health. Also
Regional Law No Article 82 provides. 9 the establishment of a 'Regional Council for the Protection of Roma' which should be chaired by the social services on the involvement of other council departments, municipalities in Lazio, associations and other institutions.
Regional Councillors have now asked about, including through the switchboard of the Region of Lazio, where it seems entirely lacking Look.
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The directors of the Lista Bonino Regional Pannella, European Federalists, and Joseph Rocco Berardo Rossodivita have today lodged an urgent question to the President of the Executive Councillors Renata Polverini and competent about what happened la scorsa settimana al campo nomadi di Tor Fiscale.
Tra le questioni poste si chiede anche conto di quali iniziative i diversi componenti della Giunta, nell’ambito delle loro competenze, hanno fatto fino ad oggi per mettere in sicurezza le aree di pericolo per le donne, gli anziani e i bambini. Tra le altre questioni urgenti si chiede anche un chiarimento riguardo l’applicazione della Legge Regionale 24 maggio 1985, n. 82, ‘Norme in favore dei Rom’ che parrebbe del tutto inapplicata sul territorio della Regione. La legge prevede all’art. 4 delle norme ben precise riguardo le modalità di costruzione dei campi nomadi e garanzie sul piano igienico-sanitario.
Inoltre la Legge Regionale n. 82 prevede all’art. 9 the establishment of a 'Regional Council for the Protection of Roma' which should be chaired by the social services on the involvement of other council departments, municipalities in Lazio, associations and other institutions.
Regional Councillors have now asked about, including through the switchboard of the Region of Lazio, where it seems entirely lacking Look.
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Oggi, martedì 22 febbraio, dalle ore 11, Verdi, Socialisti e Radicali, sono presenti presso il Palazzo dei Congressi dell’Eur, in un sit-in di controinformazione, sulle politiche del sindaco di Roma Alemanno.
Durante il sit-in, sarà reso pubblico un dossier relativo alle emergenze di Roma, volto a svelare la manifesta incapacità di governare la Capitale, da parte del sindaco. Dallo smog, alla questione sicurezza, dal trasporto pubblico ai rifiuti, fino ai reali aumenti delle tariffe, the reduction of social services, by the acts of homophobia to social rights, the Roma issue: all data will be released which mark the failure of the junta's center.
the garrison will be attended by regional councilors Angelo Bonelli (Verdi), Luciano Novels (Socialists), Giuseppe Rossodivita (Lista Bonino panel), Nando Bonessio (Verdi president of Lazio), Gerardo Labellarte (Socialist Party national secretary responsible for local authorities).
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
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Reflections of Comrade Fidel
Oil has become the main source of wealth in the hands of big corporations Yankee, thanks to this source ' energy have a tool that has significantly increased their political power in the world.
was their main weapon when they decided to liquidate the Cuban Revolution easily be promulgated as soon as the first just laws and sovereign in our country: to deprive it of oil.
This energy source has developed the present civilization. Venezuela is the country in this hemisphere who paid the highest price.
The United States had become masters of nature has huge deposits in this brotherly country.
At the end of the last World War began to be extracted from fields in Iran, as well as those of Saudi Arabia, Iraq and the Arab countries located in the area, more oil.
These became the main suppliers.
World consumption is raised gradually to the fabulous figure, approximate 80 million barrels a day, including those that are extracted in the territory of the United States, and the like to further add up the gas, hydropower and nuclear energy. In the early twentieth century, coal was the basic source of energy that made it possible for industrial development, before they occurred thousands of millions of cars and engines that use liquid fuel.
Waste oil and gas is associated with one of the greatest tragedies ever unresolved, which is suffering humanity: climate change.
When our Revolution arose, Algeria, Libya and Egypt were not oil producers, and most of the huge reserves Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran and the UAE had not yet been discovered.
In December 1951, Libya became the first African country to gain its independence after the Second World War, when its territory was the scene of major fighting between German troops and the United Kingdom, who gave the famous general Erwin Rommel and Bernard L. Montgomery.
95% of its territory is completely deserted. Technology has allowed us to discover important reserves of light oil of excellent quality, which now reach one million 800,000 barrels per day, and abundant deposits of natural gas.
This wealth has enabled it to reach a life expectancy of nearly 75 anni e il più alto ingresso pro capite dell’Africa.
Il suo duro deserto si trova ubicato al di sopra di un enorme lago di acqua fossile, equivalente a tre volte la superficie di Cuba, e questo ha reso possibile la costruzione di una vasta rete di conduzioni di acqua dolce che si estende in tutto il paese.
La Libia, che aveva un milione di abitanti quando conquistò la su indipendenza, oggi conta su circa sei milioni.
La Rivoluzione della Libia avvenne nel mese di settembre del 1969. Il suo principale dirigente fu Muammar al-Gaddafi, militare d’origine beduina che, giovanissimo, s’ispirò nelle idee del leader egiziano Gamal Abdel Nasser. Senza dubbio molte delle due decisioni sono state associate ai cambi che avvennero quando, come in Egitto, una monarchia debole e corrotta fu spazzata via dalla Libia.
Gli abitanti di questo paese hanno millenari tradizioni guerriere. Si dice che gli antichi libici facevano parte del ‘esercito di Annibale, quando fu al punto di liquidare l’antica Roma con le forze che valicarono le Alpi.
Si potrà essere o no d’accordo con Gaddafi. Il mondo è stato invaso con tutti i tipi di notizie, soprattutto quelle dei media di massa dell’informazione.
Si dovrà aspettare il tempo necessario per conoscere con rigore quanto c’è di vero o di falso, o una miscela di fatti di ogni tipo che, in mezzo al caos, si sono prodotti in Libia.
What for me is absolutely clear is that the U.S. government are not concerned about peace in Libya and not falter in giving the order to NATO 's rich invade this country, perhaps in a matter of hours or few days. What
with wicked intentions have invented falsehoods that Gaddafi was heading to Venezuela, as they did on the afternoon of Sunday, February 20, today received a response worthy of the Foreign Minister of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, who literally said that he hoped " Meeting the people of Libya, in 'exercise of its sovereignty, a peaceful solution to its difficulties, that they preserve the integrity of the Libyan people and the nation, without the interference of imperialism "
I, for my part, I guess that the Libyan leader left the country, forgetting the responsibilities that are charged whether or not false, in part or in totality.
An honest person will always be against any injustice committed by any nation in the world, and the worst of these, at this moment, it would be silent in the face of crime that NATO is prepared to commit against the people of Libya.
The dome of this organization has warlike urgency.
And this must be condemned!
Fidel Castro Ruz February 21, 2011
(Traduzione Gioia Minuti)
Friday, February 18, 2011
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“ L’obiettivo di una forza rivoluzionaria , che è quello di trasformare concretamente i dati di una determinata realtà storica e sociale, non è raggiungibile fondandosi sul puro volontarismo e sulle spinte spontanee di classe dei settori più combattivi delle masse lavoratrici, ma muovendo sempre dalla visione del possibile, unendo la combattività e la risolutezza alla prudenza e alla capacità di manovra. Il punto di partenza della strategia e della tattica del movimento rivoluzionario è la esatta individuazione dello stato dei rapporti di forza esistenti in ogni momento e, più in generale, understanding of the overall framework of international and internal situation in all its aspects, not by isolating this or that element never unilaterally.
The democratic path to socialism is a progressive transformation - which in Italy can be done within the Constitution anti-fascist - the entire economic and social structure, values \u200b\u200band guiding ideas of the nation's power system and bloc of social forces in which it is expressed. What is certain is that the general transformation to a democratic path that we want to do in Italy, needs, in all its phases, and of force and consent.
The force must be expressed in constant vigilance, the combativeness of the working masses, in the determination to trim down quickly - you are in government or opposition - the maneuvers, attempts and attacks on freedom, democratic rights and legality constitutional. In recognition of this imperative, we have always put on guard the working masses and popular, and continue to do so against any form of deception or naivete, aggressive intentions against any underestimation of the right-wing forces. At the same time, we warn against any illusion of democracy opponents. How reiterated Longo companion to the thirteenth Congresso, chiunque coltivasse propositi di avventura sappia che il nostro partito saprebbe combattere e vincere su qualunque terreno, chiamando all’unità e alla lotta tutte le forze popolari e democratiche, come abbiamo saputo fare nei momenti più ardui e difficili ”.
Una lotta e una resistenza allo stremo delle forze, questo aveva previsto il segretario del PCI. Perché Berlinguer aveva compreso con estrema chiarezza che questo mutamento dei rapporti di forza doveva obbligatoriamente portare alla distruzione del progetto politico del suo partito, della possibilità da parte del proletariato di accedere al governo del Paese per via democratica. Sarebbe stato di fatto il crollo plant on which it is held up to our Constitution, with its high profile and the outlet of values \u200b\u200brepresented dall'antifascismo socialist.
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Here is the full text from "The future city"
"I hate the cold. I believe that life should mean to be partisan. Who really lives can not be a citizen and partisan. The indifference is apathy, is parasitism, it is cowardice, not life. So I hate the cold.
Indifference is the dead weight of history. The indifference shown strength in history. Deposit, but it works. It's inevitable, is that on which we can not count, is what upsets the programs, which brings down the best built planes, is the stuff that chokes brute intelligence. What happens, the evil that befalls everyone, is because the mass of men abdicating to his will, leaving only enact laws which will repeal the revolt, leaving the men who come to power only then will a mutiny to overthrow. Between absenteeism and indifference few hands, not supervised by any control, they weave the fabric of community life, and ignores the mass, why does not care, and then seems to be the fate to overwhelm everything and everyone, it seems che la storia non sia altro che un enorme fenomeno naturale, un’eruzione, un terremoto del quale rimangono vittime tutti, chi ha voluto e chi non ha voluto, chi sapeva e chi non sapeva, chi era stato attivo e chi indifferente. Alcuni piagnucolano pietosamente, altri bestemmiano oscenamente, ma nessuno o pochi si domandano: se avessi fatto anch’io il mio dovere, se avessi cercato di far valere la mia volontà, sarebbe successo ciò che è successo?
Odio gli indifferenti anche per questo: perché mi dà fastidio il loro piagnisteo da eterni innocenti. Chiedo conto a ognuno di loro del come ha svolto il compito che la vita gli ha posto e gli pone quotidianamente, di ciò che has done and especially what did not. And I feel I can be relentless, not having to waste my pity, not having to share them with my tears.
am partisan, I live, I feel in the consciousness of my hand already beating the activity of the future city that my part is building. And it does not weigh up the social chain short, everything that happens in it is not due to chance, the fatality, but it's intelligent work of citizens. There is no one who is in it to the window and watch as the few sacrifice themselves, he fainted. Vivo, are partisan. So do not hate those sides, I hate the indifferent. "
February 11, 1917
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Fratelli d'Italia,
l'Italia s'è desta,
dell'elmo di Scipio
s'è cinta la testa.
Dov'è la Vittoria?
Le porga la chioma,
che schiava di Roma
Iddio la creò.
Stringiamoci a coorte,
siam pronti alla morte.
Siam pronti alla morte,
l'Italia chiamò.
Stringiamoci a coorte,
siam pronti alla morte.
Siam pronti alla morte,
l'Italia chiamò, sì!
Noi fummo da secoli
calpesti, derisi,
we are not one people,
we are divided.
Let one flag, one hope: to be unified
time already played.
join in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die,
Italy called, yes!
Let us unite, join, union and love
Show the people the ways of the Lord.
swear to free Our native soil
united under God,
Who can defeat us?
join in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die,
Italy called, yes!
From the Alps to Sicily,
Legnano is everywhere;
Every man has the heart and hand;
The children of Italy Are all called
the sound of each ring
the Vespers .
join in cohort, We are ready to
Ready to die,
Italy called, yes!
Son that drunk
swords sold;
Already the Eagle of Austria
Has lost his plumes.
The blood of Italy and the Polish blood
She drank with the Cossack,
But it burned her heart.
join in cohort, We are ready
Ready to die,
Italy called, yes!
the helmet of Scipio : Italy has once again head the helmet of Scipio (Scipio Africanus), the Roman general who in 202 BC defeated at Zama (current Algeria), the Carthaginian general Hannibal. Italy has returned to fight.
Let her bow down : Victory will be in Rome, namely Italy. In ancient Rome the slaves were cut your hair. So the victory will give her hair because it is cut, perché la Vittoria è schiava di Roma che sarà appunto vincitrice.
coorte : nell'esercito romano le legioni (cioè l'esercito), era diviso in molte coorti. Stringiamoci a coorte significa quindi restiamo uniti fra noi combattenti che siamo pronti a morire per il nostro ideale.
calpesti : calpestati
Raccolgaci : la lingua di Mameli è la lingua poetica dell'Ottocento. Questo raccolgaci in italiano moderno sarebbe ci raccolga, a subjunctive which compares the direct pronoun. The meaning is: we must collect, hold together.
one hope: another literary or archaic word. means hope. But there is no wonder too if Mameli use these words. In the language of the songs of pop music around 1950, these words are still.
us together: the years of Goffredo Mameli Italy is still divided into many small states. The text says that it is time to merge, to achieve national unity.
for God : double interpretation as possible. For God is a Frenchman, and therefore means "by God" if we are united by God, by God, no one will ever win.
What is certain is that in Italian, "for God" can also be a curse, an exclamation rather strong. Who will ever want to understand Goffredo Mameli? As he had twenty years we like to think that he wanted to play on the double meaning (at the bottom of his relations with the Vatican were not very good, so much so that just died in Rome, where he fought for the Republic)
Legnano is everywhere: every Italian town, Legnano is the place where in 1176 the Lombard communes defeated the German Emperor Frederick Barbarossa
Ferruccio : every man is like Francesco Ferrucci, l ' man who defended Florence in 1530 by Emperor Charles V.
Balilla : is the nickname of the baby with the launch of a stone in 1746 began the revolt of Genoa against the Austro-Piedmontese
Vespers : In 1282 the Sicilians rebelled against the French invaders, one evening, at the hour of evening. The revolt was then called the Sicilian Vespers revolt
swords sold : the soldiers as mercenaries bent reeds and the eagle, symbol of Austria, lost their feathers.
Blood Polish : Austria, allied with Russia (the Cossack) drank Polish blood, dismembered and divided Poland. But this blood drinking poison the hearts of the oppressors
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Congratulatory Sppeches
Lettera ai Giovani Comunisti - Tesseramento 2011
E' stata dura. Le difficoltà hanno messo a dura prova la nostra tenacia, la nostra forza, il nostro spirito rivoluzionario.
Ma ce l'abbiamo fatta compagni, i Giovani Comunisti Torino sono rinati dalle proprie ceneri, come l'araba fenice.
Ho sottomano i dati (non ancora definitivi) del tesseramento 2010. Nonostante la grandissima scissione subita a fine 2009 (la fuoriuscita di tutto il coordinamento provinciale), i Giovani Comunisti Torino hanno di gran lunga superato il 100%. Il dato più interessante è che più del 80% sono neoiscritti.
E' been a tough year, a mere 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees of militancy. By pickets and principals at the factory, the brigades antisfratto; from the occupations student cultural initiatives and training, participation in the demonstrations, the street battles. Our newly created Web TV "Video 2.0" and our blogs are getting a following. We were able to interact with associations, youth organizations and movements, succeeding in our little affect. We have succeeded in the first enterprise: It exists to resist.
thank all the comrades for their work and commitment, for their generosity and friendship, for all the support and enthusiasm that have made and sent to the youth. Represented the most beautiful, most healthier, more authentic and revolutionary politics and this party. Tragically you are, indeed, we are the generation most tormented and hurt our society. Inequality, poverty, denial of rights, insecurity, unemployment: what future for us? A future of struggle, tears and blood.
We have made our contribution fiercely against the capitalist system, a war we can never win alone. The social war
thickens: the dangers to our generation increases, the Young Communists Turin need you.
Act, to regain control of our lives
Fighting to obtain rights and social justice
win for the socialist fatherland
Join the Young Communist League, the fight with us!
Provincial Coordinator Andrea Young Communist Torino
Milan July 27, 1848
war thickens: the dangers increase. The country needs you. Who directed these words to honor fought as best he could, the Italian name to distant shores, and came with a handful of brave fellows, from Montevideo to help himself win the country, and die on Italian soil. He has faith in you want, or young, have it in him? Hasten: concentrate around me; Italy needs ten, twenty thousand volunteers; Gather all parts are many, and Alp! Example Italy, to Europe, we want to win, and win!
G. Garibaldi
Thursday, February 10, 2011
How Much Does A Quinceanera Usually Cost?
The Young Communist Torino 2.0 Tip: The little red book of Garibaldi
The only hero that the world has never needed you call Joseph Garibaldi.
Since 1861, completed the tortured path that would allow Italy to discover together, the figure of Giuseppe Garibaldi, the great protagonist of the Risorgimento, was the subject of intensive operation that historiographical review, when delivered, "the hero of two worlds" to the dusty gallery of the "fathers of the Fatherland" hiding behind the icon character, the important social content of his thought and action. The result of careful selection of proclamations, letters, wills and political posters signed by the soldier of Nice, "The Red Book of Garibaldi recovers the political vision that animated the leader and delivery to the Garibaldi a memory of this from time to time operated, internationalist, socialist and anticlerical. An important path, tutto da riscoprire, che, affondando le sue radici nella dimenticata tematica del «Risorgimento tradito», passa per le insurrezioni latino-americane, la guerra civile spagnola e arriva fino alle battaglie combattute dai partigiani antifascisti e all’ideologia a cui guardarono sia le formazioni comuniste (non a caso dette «garibaldine»), sia le brigate di Giustizia e Libertà.
Red Nipples On My Dog Is She Pregnant
"Di fronte ad una razza inferiore e barbara come la slava, non si deve seguire la politica che dà lo zuccherino, ma quella del bastone. I confini dell'Italia devono essere il Brennero, il Nevoso e le Dinariche: io credo che si possano sacrificare 500.000 slavi barbari a 50.000 italiani" (Benito Mussolini)
The furviante and instrumental information that the media have taken some time ago about the February 10 date on which the Italian state is celebrating the "Day of Remembrance" in memory of the tragedy of the Italians of all victims of sinkholes , the exodus from their lands of Istria, Fiume and Dalmatia after World War II "(Law 30, March 2004, n. 92) prompts me to take up the matter and give proper contextualization of the facts. The myth of the sinkholes was created to art to try to equate the anti-fascist and fascist violence. The Italian State, with the complicity of the extreme right, fascist revisionism uses to create new martyrs so you can hide their crimini.L 'Fascist occupation in Yugoslavia, especially in the provinces of the Littoral and Istria imposed since the '20s culture and Italian, Slovenian and Croatian closing schools, destroying 400 homes and associations cultural exclusion from public office Slavs and abducting thousands of agricultural lands, entrusting them to the Italians. In 1920 Benito Mussolini said: "in front of an inferior race and barbaric as the Slavic, do not follow the policy of the sugar but the stick." In 1938, the racial laws were to hit, especially the Jewish minority of these territories. In Yugoslavia between 1940 and 1945, only Slovenia, died in the camps Italian 13,606 Slovenes and Croats, he died in the camps of Rab from 1,500 to around 2,500. The estimate of civilians and partisans immediately shot is around 95,460 while 2,500 were arrested and interned in concentration camps who were 113 in Italy, 15 in Yugoslavia, and several others still in the occupied territories. At the end of the war in Yugoslavia, there are about half a million deaths. To distinguish itself in the continuing massacres, looting, torture, rapes, which affects thousands of women and men Serbs, children and old Italian was the Second Army under General Roatta. I believe that no comparison should be made between this type of violence is a central part of an ideological agenda that takes a category of human beings superiore alle altre e una violenza liberatoria di chi per anni aveva subito gli indescrivibili soprusi di questa ideologia. Rifiuto di cadere in una logica che ci porta a pensare che le azioni contro gli squadristi, i collaborazionisti e chi, italiano, aveva approfittato dell'occupazione dell'Istria per i suoi interessi, diventi un generico odio anti-italiano e la foiba diventi il simbolo di uno sterminio etnico da parte della popolazione slava.Mi sembra giusto precisare che la stima realistica e verificata dei corpi estratti dalle caverne,i famosi infobati, di cui in questi giorni si parla tanto è di 570 e non la fantasiosa ipotesi di centinaia di migliaia di vittime come molti vogliono far credere cercando di modificare la storia a loro piacimento per fare propaganda policy.
Ketty Bertuccelli (09 February 2008)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Chicken Pox Effect On Menstruation Delay
Declaration of Joseph Rossodivita, Parent Pannella List Bonino, the European Federalists Lazio
"I thank the President of the Lazio Regional Council, the Hon. Mario Abbruzzese, for the attention paid to the issues raised in relation to me ' inoperative Statutory and Constitutional Affairs Committee. I hope that this focus will continue and contributes, in a spirit of cooperation as well as institutional arrange with the President Sbardella a good job at this important commission. "
Following is the text of the letter:
Subject: issues related Statutory and Constitutional Affairs Committee.
Dear Councillor,
I read carefully your letter of 25 January last with which you have raised a number of problems concerning the functioning of the Commission concerned, in relation to which you resigned from its components. I read, therefore, with pleasure, your next communication of February 4 power with which you considered responsibly to withdraw the aforesaid resignation. In
applaud that decision, which certainly indicates a high sensitivity and a great sense of responsibility for the role, but I believe that the considerations raised by you are not outlandish and deserve the greatest attention.
inform you, therefore, that also adhere to a similar report of the Commission's own Vice President, Director Sisk, I will be promoted to President Sbardella taken to ensure that the most important work already being considered by the Commission in the previous Legislature and to address regulatory issues and statutes of most immediate relevance.
Sincerely, Mario Abbruzzese
Monday, February 7, 2011
Bruising Swelling Under Knuckle
Monday, 'Feb. 7, 2011, 11:30 am, at the headquarters of radical, via di Torre Argentina, 76 - Rome
speakers include: Joseph
Rossodivita, leader of the Pannella-Bonino List European Federalists
Rocco Berardo, Regional Director Pannella-Bonino List of European Federalists
Mario Staderini, Secretary of the Italian Radicals
Iervolino Maximilian, a member of the Board of the Italian Radicals
The report, sent to EU Commissioner Janez Potocnik will demonstrate that the Regional Waste Plan Lazio - approvato dalla Giunta Polverini il 19/11/2010 e presentato a Bruxelles in data 20/01/2011 - non è sufficiente ad assicurare il rispetto degli obblighi di diritto dell’Unione europea gravanti sull’Italia.
Il nuovo piano approvato dalla Giunta Regionale “non ha un grado di precisione sufficiente per assicurare la piena efficacia della direttiva 75/442 (è stata codificata e abrogata dalla Dir. 06/12/CE del 5 aprile 2006 relativa ai rifiuti)” e non consente di “individuare i luoghi o impianti adatti allo smaltimento dei rifiuti, in particolare per quanto riguarda i rifiuti pericolosi”.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
How Much Does Angus Jon Cryer Make Per Episode
Our dear mother Earth, Gaia, is suffering from stress affected by human behavior and becomes unbearable with population growth. The world's population now has 6 billion souls and will reach 10 billion by 2030 and 20 billion by 2070 if current growth is maintained. The
humanity alone consumes 40% of net primary production of food and energy that the Earth provides for all species. Over the past thirty years, more than one third of natural resources have been destroyed by human behavior. Our rivers are polluted and the oceans are dying.
Gaia no longer able to endure and we will experience results sooner or later is only a matter of time.
We no longer believe scientists who say the "global warming" can not be proven and that the Earth is well. All have eyes to see and ears to hear and should have noticed that the climate is changing. By the end of this century, the polar ice caps have melted, our oceans are polluted, the great forests, the lungs of the Earth, will go to two-thirds of animal species on Earth will be extinct!
Even in this alarming state, many of us seem worried about inflation and the annual compensation or for the results of the football team favored in the Champions League rather than the acid rain falling on roofs. If we a look at the newspapers, we have the impression that the world becomes ever more violent. The Middle East is in a state of tension and the threat of terrorism after the 'September 11 has become so imminent that affects the lives of millions of people. The polarization and intolerance between cultures and religions of the world are growing rapidly.
Many are also experiencing dramatic changes in their personal lives. Intimate relationships and marriages seem to break more easily and frequently than before. Our good work 9 to 5, which seemed guaranteed until retirement, is disappearing and job rotation has become the word buzzing!
Our Western economies that were so stable for decades, now seem very unbalanced and jobs in the West is lost in a large scale in favor of developing countries in facing the economic acceleration! Economic developments seem to grow more rapidly, the time of entry in the markets for new products has shrunk incredibly. So we have this deficit of billions of dollars of world economies, so heavy now that they can collapse under its own weight.
Even our political structures, the established parties that were the cornerstones and the glue of society, have become unpredictable. New parties with radical politics, born out of nothing and are loaded with followers, with the horror and sorpresa delle istituzioni. La corruzione su larga scala e gli scandali finanziari sembrano salire in superficie, dove vengono coinvolte compagnie multinazionali prestigiose. Il nostro mondo sta cambiando e molto rapidamente, sembra che il tempo stesso acceleri o no? Cosa sta avvenendo nel nostro mondo oggi e dove sta andando?
Il mondo ha conosciuto molti profeti e molti di essi hanno predetto distruzione e disperazione col nuovo millennio, che sembra un periodo magico per la fine del mondo. Questo non è solo profetizzato per la fine del secondo millennio, ma venne profetizzato per il primo millennio e come possiamo testimoniare, questa catastrofe non è arrivata.
Quindi ci sono altri veggenti come Nostradamus (1503-1566), who have prophesied that humanity would suffer in 2000 for an apocalyptic holocaust or would have seen an unprecedented change and the emergence of a new global consciousness. (1)
Madame Blavatsky (1831-1891), mystic and founder of the Theosophical Society has predicted that by the end of a period of 5200 years, the present Kali Yuga or Dark Age, has led to an era of light. So there's still hope! The most obvious
seer of the last century is undoubtedly Edgar Cayce (1877-1945). It 's the most documented clairvoyant of all time. Edgar Cayce, known as the sleeping prophet, has performed 14,306 "readings" in an altered state of consciousness, all documented. Edgar Cayce became very famous for his "readings" medical, as he could, with a nearly 100% accuracy, diagnose the disorder of his patients. In many cases, would also indicate the name and address of the doctor to see!
All this in a trance, knowing only the name of the patient without meeting him! In the last days of her career, she began to pass information about past civilizations, such as the Egyptian and Atlantean culture and predicted future events on the planet known as "Mutations of the Earth." The same Edgar Cayce founded the '' Association for Research and Enlightenment '(ARE) (ndt. Association for Research and Enlightenment), to preserve his work. This organization exists ancora ed è molto attiva. Edgar Cayce è stato studiato a fondo, gli sono stati dedicati più di trecento libri. (2)
Oggi Edgar Cayce fa grattare la testa a molte persone, perchè molte delle sue predizioni sono state confermate e molti studenti, in maggioranza archeologi ed egittologi, hanno capito che le sue informazioni vanno prese seriamente e usate come faro nel loro lavoro scientifico. Cayce suggerì che gli anni tra il 1958 e il 1998 sarebbero stati un periodo di grande cambiamento, una trasformazione globale. Questi cambiamenti non significherebbero la fine del mondo, ma avrebbero portato una Nuova Era e una trasformazione spirituale. La stessa Terra avrebbe mostrato mutazioni tremende con terremoti, eruzioni, per l'attività sunlight, dramatic climate changes, flooding of land, culminating in 'magnetic pole.
Now these prophecies are not a promising prospect, but as we show in this book are actually happening dramatic climate changes and natural disasters, while the writing of these words. Fortunately, one of the strongest arguments often used by Cayce, was that the future is not predetermined and that much depends on human intention in the model. With respect to this left the door open for other scenarios other than its predictions.
The Sleeping Prophet has also looked into the past of human history and has provided detailed information on ancient civilizations as the Egyptian. Hundreds of lectures discussing the lost continent of Atlantis was submerged in the Atlantic Ocean in 10,500 BC during a global cataclysm, a flood caused by 'reversal of the Earth's magnetic poles. Described as the most advanced Atlantean civilization in human history. Cayce also speaks of the Hall of Records, a library of knowledge that was rescued from the Atlantean survivors of Atlantis in two places on Earth, one should be between the left paw of the Sphinx and the Nile on the Giza plateau, while the other would be the Yucatan in Mexico. According to Cayce, the Great Pyramid (the Pyramid of Cheops or Khufu) in Giza in Egypt, was built in 10,500 BC by Thoth the Atlantean, known as Hermes Trismegistus by the Greeks and his priest Ra-Ta, both survivors of Atlantis. They built the Great Pyramid to preserve the culture Altantidea. Edgar Cayce said that he was the reincarnation of Ra-Ta, the priest who joined the construction of the Great Pyramid.
According to Cayce, much of our current modern science is simply the rediscovery of technologies that belonged to the Atlantean culture. As demonstrated in this book, in fact an ancient knowledge is emerging, bringing new light and regenerating the new science of etheric. Bits and pieces of the Atlantean knowledge was preserved secretly by secret societies like Freemasonry. Much of the original knowledge is gone lost, but its foundations have been preserved in an ancient scientific art known as "sacred geometry" which is now being rebuilt.
Leonardo Da Vinci was a member of such a secret society, in modern history has preserved the art of sacred geometry. The Roman Catholic Church forbade pagan this knowledge, as the Holy Scriptures of the Bible were the only required and allowed. The membership of Leonardo Da Vinci to a secret society has received worldwide attention since Dan Brown wrote a book called "The Da Vinci Code." Though the book deals with the hypothetical marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene and their descendants, also suggests that Leonardo Da Vinci insisted on the importance del Rapporto Aureo, il Phi. In questo libro mostreremo che gli scienziati hanno usato la geometria sacra, la geometria del Phi, per creare una nuova fisica basata sull'importanza del Rapporto Aureo, il Phi!
Il "Sacro Graal" che viene discusso dal "Codice Da Vinci", credo non sia un oggetto fisico, la coppa usata nell'ultima cena da Gesù e nemmeno la sua linea di sangue ("sang real"), ma la preservazione della geometria sacra e il significato del Rapporto Aureo che ora l'umanità sta riscoprendo!
Ultimo ma non meno importante, una delle profezie più incredibili che sta ottenendo attenzioni nel mondo, dato che sembra svolgersi in contemporanea alla scrittura di questo libro, sono le profezie dei Maya sul 2012. The Mayan culture was a Native American culture that flourished from 200 AD to 900 AD in South America. For reasons still unknown to scholars, the classical Maya culture abruptly ended when they abandoned the cities and temples around 900 AD. Today the descendants of the Maya are still in Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras, and bring with them the prophecies of their ancestors. The Maya were excellent observers of the sky and developed several highly accurate calendars based on celestial cycles.
One of these is the Tzolkin calendar of 260 kin (days), another is the Haab calendar of 365 kin (days). The Haab calendar is synchronized to the cycles of Venus and the Tzolkin is synchronized to the Mayan Long Count calendar. Calendar del Lungo Computo venne usato per lunghi periodi di tempo e consiste di 13 sotto cicli Baktun. Un Baktun consiste in 20 sotto cicli chiamati Katuns. Ogni Katun consiste di 20 tun e infine il tun consiste di 365 kin (giorni). Quindi un Baktun completo dura 20x20x360=144.000 kin, un numero molto sacro per l'antichità e menzionato molte volte nella Bibbia. Alcuni studiosi credono che il significato del rapporto 13:20 nel Calendario del Lungo Computo suggerisca il Rapporto Aureo della geometria sacra, comunque un rapporto 13:21 rappresenterebbe il vero rapporto di Fibonacci che converge nel Rapporto Aureo.
La durata totale del Calendario del Lungo Computo è 5200 anni. Secondo certi studiosi dei Maya, il calendario del Lungo Computo è iniziato l'11 August 3114 BC and will end December 21, 2012. The Mayans believed the world had passed many times they called Suns. The end of the Long Count calendar would be the end of the fourth Sun and the birth of the Fifth Sun, this means the end of the world as we know it and the beginning of a new world. So the prophecies of the Mayan end of time, really speak of a new beginning, a rebirth of the Earth.
The prophecies of the Mayans seem to agree with the predictions of Edgar Cayce, since even the Mayans predisero that this new initiative was preceded by serious upheaval in the world and great challenges for humanity. These challenges have changed the consciousness of humanity on a global scale. The origins of the prophecies
Maya can be traced to the Mayan book of creation, the Popol Vuh. Their greatest prophet was Lord Pacal. The prophecies of the Maya were kept secret for ages and decoding of only four Mayan codices survived the English Inquisition, started in the '60s and made an important leap in the 80s. Meanwhile, the Maya shaman prophecies handed down orally from one generation to the next in deep secrecy. Their privacy policy changed when the Maya recognized the first signs of mutations of the Earth predicted by such prophecies. They knew it was time that the world will become aware of.
In 1997, a Dutch film maker was allowed to resume meeting Native American tribes from all over the American continent, for a sacred ceremony in the dark forests of Guatemala. The ceremony served to heal the Earth and the Indians did not hide their prophecies more Wiek Lenssen and allowed to resume in film the event. His film "The Year Zero" is unfortunately not attracted the deserved attention (3). Crop circles
Among all these mutations of the Earth in our historical period is being denied and ridiculed almost a phenomenon, the appearance of crop circles around the globe over the past two decades. To date, some ten thousand crop circles have been reported and cataloged. Many would argue that jokes and many of them would be a trick like that Doug & Dave torque of 1991 that would have flattened the crops with the use of wooden planks.
The abundance of crop circles all over the world can not be the schezo few counterfeiters. Crop circles have been studied extensively and some of them show no signs of damage to plants, but only slight burns as if they were bent by an unknown energy force. Studies have revealed changes in the electromagnetic field around the crop circles. Whoever or whatever the cause of these formations in the fields is irrelevant to what the importance of the message contained in them. The crop circles are showing us the principles of sacred geometry!
elegant forms and often fractal in crop circles, contain geometry sometimes obvious and sometimes hidden. Crop circles depict the knowledge that was partially preserved in ancient traditions and who is now still in the Hindu and Buddhist Mandalas, the architecture of churches and cathedrals and many forms of art like the paintings of Leonardo Da Vinci.
The last century was quite rich, especially in the last two decades, many changes have occurred that seem to create disharmony and social and political instability. It 'also became obvious that our climate is changing and that is influencing the mass, and many species are dying out. Edgar Cayce predicted in the thirties of last century, many of the events che ora sono in corso. Predisse anche che la scienza avrebbe infine ripristinato la conoscenza scientifica del leggendario continente di Atlantide. Sta avvenendo qualcosa di profondo sul nostro pianeta e sorprendentemente Edgar Cayce predisse questi eventi in profezie che sono definite "Mutazioni della Terra". Lo stesso messaggio ci arriva dalle antiche profezie Maya, nascoste nei codici Maya e i Maya di oggi stanno confermando il sacro messaggio dei loro antenati.
Assieme a queste mutazioni della Terra, come predetto da Edgar Cayce, sta nascendo una nuova consapevolezza scientifica. La sua nascita avviene in piccoli circoli di scienziati piuttosto fuori dall'anello della scienza ufficiale. Questo circolo di studiosi si espande rapidamente, tra loro ci sono professori of famous universities in the fields of physics, biology and neurophysiology. These scientists paint a new scientific view that at least is breathtaking, but unfortunately there is little public awareness of this emerging new vision, given that our newspapers and newscasts hardly speak. Of all the scientists who have populated this land, 99% of them now walking on its surface, then no wonder of discovery!
The new view reveals a wonderful world in which human consciousness plays a more important role than previously thought. It also reveals that our civilization can not be the summit of evolution, it becomes increasingly clear that other great civilizations advanced have preceded us. Atlantis is being reborn as predicted by Edgar Cayce! All these developments could be the precursor of a scientific revolution that eventually could lead to a spiritual transformation, as predicted in the past? In the new scientific vision, science and spirituality converge!
Our knowledge seems to be expanding rapidly, so that if we do not change the school system, teach the children only in school history! Probably at some point in future history books will mark the end of the twentieth and early twenty-first century as the era of a scientific renaissance. So go ahead and see what he has to say this science.
Jan Wicherink
Friday, February 4, 2011
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On 21 January is an important date for us: we take the wishes of the path is still long and profiqua and, do it, remember the great history of Communists in Italy. Our thoughts are the foundation of the Communist Party of Italy. For this reason, from the roots antiche vogliamo ispirare la nostra Rifondazione Comunista, il nostro futuro. Avrebbe detto Togliatti: “Veniamo da lontano, andiamo lontano”. E’ così che inizia il TESSERAMENTO 2011 ai Giovani Comunisti.
Iscriviti perché abbiamo bisogno di essere in tanti, perché di giovani e comunisti c’è urgenza più che mai!
Cambia le regole del gioco, entra in partita con noi
"L'unico eroe di cui il mondo ha mai avuto bisogno si chiama Giuseppe Garibaldi (Che Guevara, 1955)
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Scooter Wheels In Usa
La nostra Patria non deve morir
Assemblea pubblica organizzata Turin by the Young Communists and independent magazine
Francis Labonia - Magazine Independence
Valerio Gentile - Author of the Book: Arditi del Popolo - The Roman legion
Dario Romeo - Review Independence
Cardetta Daniele - Torino FGCI
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Craziest Sorority Stories
Dichiarazione di Joseph Rossodivita, Parent Pannella List Bonino, the European Federalists Lazio
I note with satisfaction that my resignation have been able to move the majority of the UDC and the President Sbardella which finally convened the Statutory and Constitutional Affairs Committee. However, from reading the agenda, I seem to grasp the application of the rule in force on board the ships of the Royal Navy of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies in 1841 "facite Ammuina. Too bad that the President has escaped Sbardella for many the mentioned rule and 'the result of a false history.
the agenda, in fact, has been paid to the planning of the work on the revision of the Statute, the Electoral Law and the Regulations of the Regional Council, or what has already been established at the first meeting on 3 August and which shows the keen observers of things of Pisa, which stalled in recent months is totally unjustified and unjustifiable. Monitor, participating in the deliberations of the Commission to verify that at least "the Ammuina", true or false, or acted in a workmanlike manner.
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(OMNIROMA) Rome, 01 FEB - "I note with satisfaction that my resignation have been able to move the majority of the UDC and the President Sbardella ch ... and finally convened the Constitutional Affairs Committee and the Statutory . However, from reading the agenda, I seem to grasp the application of the rule in force on board the ships of the Royal Navy of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies in 1841 'facite Ammuina'. Too bad that the President has escaped Sbardella for many the mentioned rule and 'the result of a false history. "Thus, in a note Rossodivita Joseph, Parent Bonino Lista Pannella, European Federalists to the Lazio region.
" on the agenda, in fact - Rossodivita continues - was placed
the planning of the work on the revision of the Statute of the Electoral Law and the Regulations of the Regional Council, or what has already been established at the first meeting on 3 August and which shows the keen observers of things of Pisa, which stall di questi mesi è del tutto ingiustificato e ingiustificabile. Vigileremo, partecipando ai lavori della Commissione, per verificare che almeno 'l'ammuina', vera o falsa che sia, sia recitata a regola d'arte".