Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Condemnation of Ri.Rei that once again attempts to silence dissent with claims for damages millionaires

Declaration Att. Joseph Rossodivita, Regional Councillor and leader of the List Pannella-Bonino, European Federalists.

"The R.Rei-Unisan-Legacoop again sued, asking for € 1 million in damages, the parents and mothers in the care of the mentally disabled should be addressed. \u202a express a firm conviction, as well as already for the past free will defend the victims of these acts of intimidation are already victims of medical malpractice. "

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Omniroma-RI.REI, ROSSODIVITA (RADICALS): "TRIES to silence dissent"

Rome, 08 MAR -
" The Ri.Rei-Unisan-Legacoop again sued , asking for € 1 million in damages, the parents and the mothers of the mentally handicapped ... where you should care occupy. I express my firm conviction, as well as already for the past free will defend the victims of these acts of intimidation are already victims of medical malpractice. "Thus, in a note Rossodivita Joseph, Regional Director and leader of the List Pannella-Bonino, European Federalists.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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The youth of the Federation of the Left are organized. YOUTH FEDERATION OF BIRTH

Thursday, March 3, held in Turin, a first meeting between the leaders of youth organizations of the Federation of the Left in Piedmont. Unfortunately, a misunderstanding which we hope could easily have been the companions of the FGCI chose not to participate. were still attended by representatives of the provinces of Piedmont, including the coordinators Gc of Turin, Asti and Cuneo. Enjoy the presence of young members of the Federation of the Left, which in Turin have just elected a spokesperson.

Guest Simone Oggionni initiative was one of the national coordinators of the Young Communist League, which has tried to draw a line of work for the coming months: a firm commitment in build a national mobilization of the movement for peace against a war against Libya. E 'was made, again on the international level, a reading of the processes at work in Egypt and Tunisia, where the generational revolt may want to start a battle in our country for work and public education.

To this end, future campaigns will be important that the Party and the Federation will launch in view of the general strike of May 6, meeting to be organized and directed against the Berlusconi-model Marchionne.

is now focussed on building an organization, however, the stronger, who cares for the membership and the grounding and in the area, which has at its center, the young militant, with particular attention to women's issues.

The debate that developed was a useful and important, the inconveniences of the various territories as well as good practices have been socialized and shared, thus laying the first brick towards the building of the Federation of the Left. In fierro

coord. prov. James Cuneo

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As young members of the Federation of the Left, our will 'and' to unite in common action the youth wings of major parties that comprise FGCI and young communists to to collaborate together in the name of unity '. It 'important that young people return to politics in the future more and more' uncertain, locked in the grip of insecurity and youth unemployment, which in Italy is close to 30%.

Our intention, however ', is also the one to involve girls and boys still outside this political project that share the program and the anti-capitalist vision of society'.

The Federation was founded with the intention to join, within this project, movements, associations and individual comrades who have as a reference to historical and cultural ideals communists, socialists, pacifists, environmentalists, feminists, anti-fascists; work together and seek to join other realities' of the left Turin for example laboratories engaged nell'associazionismo youth and student movements.

It will not be 'far from easy, but the political passion and the will' that the FDS can really be regarded as a force that can be useful in society ', encourages us safe in spite of difficulties' path.

It 'good that the young comrades, to engage in politics because' participation and 'the essence of democracy.

In relation to the request of the companions of the Young Communist League at its meeting on 3 \\ 3 \\ 2011 to find a spokesperson to facilitate the "bridges" communication has' decided to appoint Ciabattoni Simone

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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The water battle

parties, corporations, banks and entrepreneurs with the usual hooks are just putting their hands on public companies and the water taps of millions of Italians.

We defend the public management of water control and promoting the direct participation of citizens in deciding on a common asset of vital importance


The government fears the people. It 's time to take sides, to participate, share,
to fight. Contested the only weapons we have.


Friday, March 4, 2011

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country and Communism

"We look at our country that we love, for the sake of which we have fought and worked and where we want to give and give, with the victory of democracy and socialism, happiness, prosperity and progress, security, independence, freedom and peace "

Very often the enemy of workers attempting to challenge the patriotism of Communists and Socialists calling their internationalism and presenting it as an expression of cosmopolitanism, of indifference and contempt for their country
. Also this and 'slander. Communism has nothing in common with cosmopolitanism. Fighting under the banner of solidarity 'international workers, the Communists of every country in their capacity as' vanguard of the working masses, are firmly on the national soil. Communism does not oppose, but grants and combines patriotism and proletarian internationalism since 'the one and the other based on respect for human rights, freedom of the' independence of individual nations. E ' ridiculous to think that the working class can come off, split the nation. The modern working class and 'the backbone of the nations, not only for her number, but for its economic and political function. The future of the nation rests primarily on the shoulders of the working classes. The Communists, who are the party the working class, thus can not detach themselves from their nation if they do not want trocar their vital roots. Cosmopolitanism and 'an ideology totally alien to the working class. And it 'instead of the ideology characteristic of men of the International Bank, international trusts and cartels, the big stock market speculators and manufacturers of weapons. They are the patriots of their portfolio. They not only sell, but we gladly sell to the highest bidder among the foreign imperialists.

(Palmiro Togliatti) - patriotism of Communists [Renaissance 1945]

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Statement Regional Councillor Joseph Rossodivita, leader of the List Pannella-Bonino, European Federalists.

"Because I agree with the substance of what was said by the parent company of PD in reference to the housing plan, which will be discussed at the Pisana, I pick the invitation to make a hard obstruction in the classroom.

The number of amendments and the Council Regulation allow - if at least this time the opposition will be united in defending their amendments without compromise of sorts - to continue the discussion at least until Christmas.

If the PD will maintain the commitment and if no opposition will be the bank of the majority, we will show that this majority, weakened by infighting between UDC, Storace, FLI and parts of the PDL, it is not able to take home this wicked measure is useful only to the pockets of the big property developers and speculators. "

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Rome, 04 MAR -" Because I agree with the substance of what was said by
parent company of PD in reference to the housing plan, which will be discussed to
Pisana, I collect the invitation to make a tough stonewalling in court. The
number of amendments and Regulation of the Council
help - if at least this time the opposition will be united in defending its amendments
without compromise of sorts - to continue the discussion
least until Christmas. If the PD will maintain the commitment and
if no opposition will be the bank of the majority, we will show that this majority
, weakened by infighting between UDC, Storace, FLI and
parts of the PDL, is unable to carry
home this wicked measure is useful only to the pockets of big contractors and
speculators. " So in a statement
Rossodivita Joseph Regional Council, the Parent List Pannella-Bonino, European Federalists

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Stop the war before it's too late

In the analysis read these days about the situation in Libya si sovrappongono due piani di discussione. Enunciarli separatamente può aiutare a dissipare dubbi e a dissolvere ambiguità. Il primo piano riguarda il giudizio sul regime di Gheddafi.

Come ha giustamente messo in evidenza nei giorni scorsi Luciana Castellina, bisogna tra noi essere onesti. La storia del Gheddafi anti-colonialista e anti-imperialista non si cancella e non si riscrive sulla base della cronaca degli ultimi giorni. La fine del regime di re Hidriss e del sistema coloniale e la sua sostituzione con un modello progressivo di partecipazione delle masse è un dato storico difficilmente contestabile.

Quella spinta si è però, e non da ieri, ampiamente esaurita. Gheddafi ha interrotto il processo di socializzazione delle resources already in 2003, introducing elements of strong liberalization, primarily in the energy field. Added to this is the regime's foreign policy, built up over the last decade unscrupulous relations with the United States and the European Union (in the energy field and in the migration policy) and empty rhetoric and inconclusive on the question of Palestine. Finally, we add a state of debasement of democracy and individual rights tragically consistent with the continuation of decades of personal regime of Saddam, well exemplified by the indiscriminate slaughter of these hours. Our aversion to the Libyan regime is established and then out of the question.

Within this framework ci deve stare un giudizio ponderato sulle rivolte. Molti fattori indicano che non siamo in presenza di una sollevazione popolare omogenea. Le differenze con quanto è accaduto in Tunisia e in Egitto sono molte (in primis la condizione economica-sociale di partenza e il coinvolgimento militare diretto di settori dell’esercito e del potere libico contro altri). Tuttavia, è comune a tutte queste esperienze (per non dire dell’Algeria e dello Yemen) – e neppure questo elemento va sottovalutato – la messa in discussione di una struttura di potere sclerotizzata, corrotta e anacronistica.

Ma una discussione seria e, soprattutto, non astratta non può fermarsi qui. L’intervento di Tommaso Di Francesco sul manifest from this point of view impeccable. The words of Fidel Castro, handed down from each other in splendid isolation several days ago, may prove to be prophetic.

The United States of America and the European Union are progressing in stages towards a new military intervention force. The first German military aircraft are already in Libya, while the F-16 fighter and the Eurofighter Italians were put on alert in the bases of Trapani and Gioia del Colle. At the same time is playing - as for interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan and Serbia - the mass media campaign of disinformation, lies and ideological reconstruction of reality from the mass graves at the inflated number of victims.

La verità è che il rullo dei tamburi di guerra sta coprendo la voce della ragione e della lucidità, e cioè la voce di chi mette in evidenza gli interessi economici e geopolitici (dal petrolio al metano al comando strategico Africom) di quegli stessi soggetti che stanno oggi soffiando sulle rivolte e sulla guerra civile appunto per facilitare un intervento militare internazionale.

È un film già visto e proprio per questo la sinistra non deve commettere error i già compiuti in passato. Condannare il regime di Gheddafi e denunciare la repressione e la smisurata violenza non può in alcun modo farci tentennare rispetto alla denuncia di questi propositi di guerra.

For this reason, any military intervention by the United States or the European Union, even more so in the form of a mission led by our country (and directed by the Berlusconi government that until recently close ally of the regime), is exactly what we have to fight with all the strength we have.

On this basis we have to rebuild the broken thread of Italian and international movement against the war. Our facility is available to the communist youth movement and the people of peace and fields, now, a mass campaign to challenge the sad winds of war.

Oggionni Simone - National Coordinator of the Young Communist

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Castronovo, a loyal companion against Fassino

The situation of the Party in a few weeks after the vote in local elections is disarmingly not yet know who will be our candidate for mayor, the head of that coalition, and how we behave in the elections division.
the controversy to the mayor would have preferred candidate in the election campaign, to support a fellow at the forefront to the Mirafiori No . This was not possible. Therefore we would like to support the name closest to our line: that of Beppe Castronovo. We still remember the harsh attacks that was submitted by the PD and the media lined up for having dared to receive pro-Palestinian demonstrators. To this add a tactical reason not indifferent between people so far identified as eligible candidates, Beppe is the most loyal . We do not want our military with the help swell the ranks of the elect of SEL.
We are ready to get on track for electoral competition, we look only at this point that the delay will be broken. The fight against Fassino-Marchionne can not suffer further delays. We hope that the reserves are in a hurry to loose support of Comrade Castronovo.

Young Communist Torino

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Addressing the lives of hard-nosed

address this hard-nosed life, says the song wonderful companion Pierangelo Bertoli - already three decades does he understand the evolution of politics in Italy. A country that, both right and left (pseudo between our partners), and the communists see communism as an absolute evil. Murderers murderers of millions of deaths in the gulag and Stalin's ruthless eaters children. Without mentioning that if we had not had the help of the Soviet Union and other allies, perhaps in Europe today there is still fascism. Recently, the intellectual vanguard of the PDL of my city (Civitavecchia) stated that "the Communists have given the country to the Russians." Ah yes, when would it end? Maybe I just did not know.

Here, these are the results of years of true defamation. Without mentioning the importance of the Italian Communist Party in the struggle for liberation, in the birth of the Italian Republic and in the drafting of the Constitution. And again, in the struggles of the workers and those in civil rights, freedom and equality, defending the weak and marginalized. All this was forgotten and communism are only the infamy and slander. Too often I hear that the "party system" is now finished, we must open up to civil society (in Italy?) And that we must focus on charismatic personalities (and then cucir upon them a great program, so then it will be rejected).

Now the ideals no longer exist, there are only people. Instead, today more than ever, with the looming crisis, you should make a square on a program to be applied specifically and only then choose who will represent him. This would not only be a prerogative of the Community, is also a factor of honesty, transparency and democracy. Nowadays, with fake gooders Democrat, praising both the "participation", then, in fact, to ensure that all decisions are taken by those who are in administrative bodies. Increasingly, the policy is learned only the worst vices.

one time, in PCI, a member of "administrative" (Municipal Council, assessor, etc.). was the "battering ram" of the Governing Body of the Club. The club decided to follow the political line. This was effective democracy. Not like now that the priorities (called "politics" and "programs" would be too) to give the elect.

But we Communists now "that we talk to?". For most of us eat the children, the Stalinists, the KGB, the stasis. In practice, the representation of absolute evil. To bring down Berlusconi must "swallow some toad" and then the Democratic Alliance, or so many say. As if the toads had not swallowed enough. To tanti compagni l’essere identificato come “uno dei rossi” ha rappresentato anche un danno: chi ha perso il lavoro o chi se l’è visto negato. Ciononostante possiamo dire di poter camminare per strada fieri e a testa alta, perché non ci siamo piegati dinanzi a nessuno, ignorando le lusinghe ghiotte del politico di turno e, quindi, non divenendo servi del potere. Se questo, secondo alcuni, vuol dire essere “anacronisti e isolazionisti”, beh allora lo siamo.

È ora di dire basta e di proseguire sulla nostra strada, rilanciando il nostro partito con la militanza e la presenza nei territori e nelle vertenze, cercando di salvare il nostro quotidiano Liberazione (as well as our daily Liberation), implementing the most practical way of mutual assistance (such as buying groups popular), trying to keep alive and functional circles and perhaps open new ones.

We have entered a new long political cycle, we are in pieces, and compacted and why we should seek unity with all true communist forces. The times are dark, and we see it all, but must be resisted because, sooner or later, our hard work will be recognized, because if it were missing in our country as an important force in the communist era would be a defeat for everyone, not just for us.

ANDREA BIANCHI GC federation of Civitavecchia

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Hands off public school

E 'paradoxical and unacceptable that a prime minister, called to embody and protect the public good, attacks head-on the state public school and then millions of people who believe in this and which allowed each day, often in very difficult conditions, their personal effort: DIFENDIAMOLA.


Editorial by Lorenzo Jovanotti Cherubini

When our daughter arrived at the age of the school my wife and we talked and we decided: public school. We could afford to choose e abbiamo scelto. Abbiamo pensato che fosse giusto così, per lei. E’ nostra figlia ed è la persona a cui teniamo di più al mondo ma è anche una bimba italiana e l’Italia ha una Scuola Pubblica. Sapevamo di inserirla in una realtà problematica ma era proprio quello il motivo della scelta.

Un luogo pubblico, che fosse di sua proprietà in quanto giovane cittadina, che non fosse gestito come un’azienda e che non basasse i suoi principi su una dottrina religiosa per quanto ogni religione venisse accolta. Un luogo pubblico, di tutti e per tutti, scenario di conquiste e di errori, di piccole miserie e di grandi orizzonti, teatro di diversi saperi e di diverse ignoranze. C’è da imparare anche dalle ignoranze, selected not only by knowledge. The school is for everyone, should be for everyone, it's nice that it is, is a great achievement to have a public school, especially the obligation.

I've seen countries where the public school is just a word, you are worse off even if a small minority is sitting with the warmth and learn three languages. A need to know three languages \u200b\u200bif you do not know how to talk with a different from you? Our chairman of the board, saying what he said offends million households and thousands of people who devote their time to teach better, with care, with true affection for those kids.

Among the people I know among my relatives were there and there are professors of school teachers, I have a cousin who is a school aide in the province. I hear them talking and are not cynics, they do their work with civil passion and with great difficulty for the majority of public school teachers is so. Why offend them? Why unmotivated? Why use a term like "inculcate"? It 's a bad word about a world that does not exist anymore.

The public school is not in competition with private schools, there is the struggle between RAI and Mediaset, or between two supermarkets to gain an audience or client more, not let's put on this plane ...

School State is one that is financed by the taxes of the citizens, even those who do not have children and also those who send their children to private school, is the point. It 'an achievement, it's like you get to the tap water: then everyone can buy mineral water they prefer but woe to those who poison the tap water to sell more mineral water.

E 'an achievement of civilization becomes a right when you set out. But it was a right of all children before, only it was conquered, was affirmed. The public school must be defended, edited, improved.

As the idea, and then just as school desks with the teacher boys whiteboards. Must love and be proud of.

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Press of the National Association of Friendship Italy - Cuba in response to the allegations of Nichi Vendola

over Cuba in some newspapers on February 28, 2011 were published excerpts of the intervention of the Nichi Vendola Convention (sic) of SEL to the Tent of Rome. In one of these steps are shown in the following words: "I who have loved the face of what I say that freedom and democracy are issues that should also apply to Cuba, if not now, when?".

regrettable to note, once again, a politician by profession, is more di sinistra, dimostri una così scarsa conoscenza riguardo a questi due concetti, quando si parla di Cuba.

Il popolo cubano ha conquistato la propria libertà il 1° gennaio 1959, dopo una lotta di trent’anni contro il colonialismo spagnolo, poi di altri sessant’anni contro i governi o i dittatori imposti dagli Stati Uniti.

Il sistema democratico cubano ha il suo fondamento nella Costituzione della Repubblica di Cuba, approvata il 15 febbraio 1976 attraverso un referendum - con voto libero, uguale, diretto e segreto - dal 97.7 % dei voti della popolazione cubana. Lo scrutinio ha riportato questo risultato: su 5.602.973 elettori, 5.473.534 hanno votato “sì” and 54,070 "no".

Constitution derives from the Electoral Act which states that any Cuban citizen can be elected delegate to the Municipal Assembly or a Provincial Assembly has provided over 16 years. To be elected deputy to the National Assembly (Parliament) should have completed 18 years.

The Communist Party of Cuba does not participate in elections and does not propose candidates.

Cuban Democracy is a system that guarantees its citizens the opportunity not only to elect and be elected, but also an active role in the sentence, in the selection and supervision of the performance of their institutional representatives.


institutional office, at any level, lapse at the end of a mandate established by a Constitution approved directly by the Cuban people. Through the electoral process may decide to Cuban citizens to confirm or replace their representatives.

The economic aspect has no bearing on the outcome of the elections, as each candidate should not spend even a penny for their electioneering. Besides, who is elected has no economic self-interest as it continues to earn the same salary as if he were in his place of work.

The presence of a large number of women elected to Parliament - the 43 % nelle elezioni di gennaio 2008 – costituisce un indice di emancipazione e di uguaglianza nella società cubana, percentuale che pone Cuba ai primissimi posti nel mondo tra i paesi con maggiore presenza femminile nel Parlamento.

La partecipazione in massa dell’elettorato a tutte le elezioni dal 1976 fino a oggi – una trentina tra Nazionali, Provinciali e Municipali - sempre di gran lunga oltre il 95 % degli aventi diritto al voto pur non essendo obbligatorio andare a votare, dimostra che la trasparenza, la legalità e l’attaccamento del popolo a questo sistema sono inequivocabili.

I risultati delle ultime elezioni del 20 gennaio 2008 comprovano the strength of the Revolution: the cards deposited in ballot boxes were 8,231,365 representing 96.9% of those entitled to vote. Of these, the boards considered valid were the 95.3%, 3.7% and the white ones canceled only 1%.

Mr. Vendola has every right to dislike the current system in Cuba, but at least let the Cuban people the right to determine if their is a free and democratic society.

National Secretariat

National Association of Italy-Cuba Friendship

Monday, February 28, 2011

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advisers Rossodivita Berardo and have a question to ascertain the actual value of the assets of the Lazio region Lazio region

Declaration of Regional Councillors of the Bonino List Pannella - European Federalists, Joseph and Rocco Berardo Rossodivita

"Given the disturbing information came out during the telecast "live" on Rai three last night, and having already filed a motion with regard to the assets of the Lazio Region July 30, 2010, we reaffirm today presented with a question, what is important to know the huge real estate owned by the Lazio Region, on why today, in accordance with the principle of legality and trasparenza, non sia possibile consultare, attraverso il sito della Regione Lazio, l'ubicazione e il valore di mercato dei beni patrimoniali e infine chiediamo al Presidente della Giunta Renata Polverini, quali iniziative si intendono adottare in merito alla razionalizzazione degli spazi utili alla riduzione dell'enorme onere degli affitti che ogni anno la Regione Lazio paga."

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, Rossodivita-Berardo Launched challenge halve commissions.

Dichiarazione dei Consiglieri regionali Giuseppe Rossodivita e Rocco Berardo, Lista Bonino Pannella Federalisti europei

Ci rivolgiamo pubblicamente a tutti i gruppi del Consiglio regionale del Lazio che in queste ore con imbarazzo alternato tentano di spiegare perché il Consiglio regionale ha istituito (con voto unanime di tutti i gruppi, tranne that radicals) other four special committees to the already huge number of sixteen, driving up to twenty (twenty-one by adding the committee contol accounting) which sit on the chairs, and a challenge. If you wish to peacefully overcome this is by all recognized as abnormal proliferation of power, prebend, assumptions and autoblu can put on the agenda of the bill - which we subscribe as radicals - majority of an adviser, Pierre Ernest Irmici (PDL), which provides for a halving of the ordinary fees. The bill is assigned to the committee and steps in the classroom, with the same speed with which it came to a vote of the four special committees. Who is opposed?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Friday, February 25, 2011

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Region Lazio: honesty and transparency give the power of the seats

Rossodivita Joseph Regional Council statement, Bonino Lista Pannella - European Federalists

bottomless party politics in the last few hours: first those of the majority resign from the commission house along with the opposition in the hope The President of the Dodge, in view of its legal proceedings, adds to his resignation. Then with a stroke of genius - so we read the latest agencies - the Bureau's promise of special committee on the Olympics but to yield to the demands of the UDC and give the group the Commission Casini house and public works. In short, in the name of the ethics of sharing is exceeded the alleged ethics of honesty and transparency of institutions. In summary, we could say that with one hand raise the book's honesty and transparency and the other touching the thighs of power and armchairs.

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question on the risk of environmental contamination and hydrogeological for lack sewers in the area Rocca di Papa, the regional park of the Castelli Romani

Declaration of Regional Councillors of the Bonino List Pannella - European Federalists, Joseph and Rocco Berardo Rossodivita:

"We understand that in the town of Rocca di Papa, and surrounding areas, municipalities have allowed the construction of buildings totally not connected to a sewerage system by issuing permits for commercial activities, including hotels and restaurants, in the absence of any system of sewage disposal for this So we decided to put questions to the President and Alderman Polverini Environment and Sustainable Development, Marco Mattei, since this situation, if confirmed, is likely to cause pollution of groundwater and soil erosion with its hydrogeological. "

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Hands Off Libya!

In Libya, more than a war for bread, a civil war is underway. The conflict does not arise, as in other countries of the Maghreb and Arab, for reasons primarily economic and social. Living conditions remain in Libya, significantly better than in other countries of the area, despite contractions in this field since 2003, with the start of deregulation (and re-engagement with U.S. and European Union) and the depletion the process of socialization of resources. The Gaddafi in recent years is quite different from that which animated the anti-colonial struggles and put his country as a bank of anti-African and Arab resistance. There is a split within the leadership of Jamayria, with obvious repercussions and splits in the military. There are long-established interests of a bourgeois clan, reactionary state, essentially anti-revolutionary and 'Western', ingrassatasi with oil revenues. There are forces historically Islamic rebels in the region of Cyrenaica. There are external imperialist interests that aim to integrate into internal conflict Libyan move the axis to the benefit of a new political entity servile.

The images that are constantly being re-launched by the mass media hype 'West' of protesters with signs in English like "Free Libya and flags was (until 1969) and semi-corrupt monarchy of Idris say a lot. Everything has to think deeply. That the critical not lost in the wake of the conditioning and manipulation of mass media. E 'must make an effort of analysis and understanding, to seek alternative sources and start up of gray matter in the best position to develop its thinking and consequent political action.

Gaddafi seems to be behaving brutally. At the same time, however, in the "west" are given the numbers already. There is talk of genocide and mass graves, calling a situation already seen against Serbia. The French Defence Minister talk about military intervention, while others place it as background-and-excuse for the evacuation of the "European". A few hours ago, the master's voice: President of the United States, Barack Obama, in his first statement since the crisis began, said the violence "must " be stopped, and he appealed to the international community to intervene " coordinated and agreed " . With him was the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, Monday in Geneva to meet with other foreign ministers to consider joint action. Violence ' must "be stopped. Words not spoken to the massacres in Bahrain (also) of these hours and that nobody talks about or the repression of pro U.S. allies. Words never spoken to the decades of violence antipalestinese of Israel, which is continua anzi a sostenere, anche ponendo il veto all'ultima risoluzione di condanna di Israele (al Consiglio di Sicurezza dell'ONU lo scorso 18 febbraio), stavolta per la sua politica degli insediamenti coloniali.

Per gli USA intervenire in Libia sarebbe una bella mossa per instaurare un regime servile ed impiantarsi in una zona strategica, tra l'altro ricca di petrolio, al confine con l'Egitto, da destabilizzare se la transizione non andasse come auspicato. Avendo un ulteriore trampolino di lancio non solo in funzione di controllo delle economie subalterne cosiddette "europee", comunque da tenere sempre sotto controllo, ma anche per rafforzare la politica di contrasto a tutto campo della penetrazione cinese in Africa . The coverage of communication for military intervention in Libya has already begun to produce its rumors background, including humanitarian bodies against dictatorships and preventive actions against the specter of governments Spectre, that is, pro Al Qaeda. Check a country of 8 million people is not how to intervene in a 40 or 80. So it should be. Washington and hope to have already begun to move their checkers.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Old House Sore Throat

the primaries of Turin to win the worst

The primaries, as often happens, stop the political discussion on what to do. The Democratic Party chooses the program and draw five candidati eterogenei pronti a sottoscriverlo, così da poter raccogliere maggior consenso. Ho già espresso la mia poszione nell'articolo "Dibattito politico assente, si discute solo di primarie" e il caso torinese ha del tutto confermato questa tesi. Non mi interessa perdere tempo a discutere del loro programma, che dice Si alla Torino-Lione ignorando il popolo, sempre vivo, No Tav della val di Susa e dice Si al modello Marchionne, ignorando più di 2000 operai (quasi il 50%) che ha detto NO all'accordo della Fiat, la stessa Fiat che potrebbe spostarsi a Detroit.
Il Partito Democratico torinese ha chiuso la porta in faccia alla Federazione della Sinistra. Mentre molti dirigenti hanno piagnucolato per questa scelta, i Giovani Comunisti Torino not only did not pay half a tear, but have always pushed for all, do not agree with those who are on duty on the part of Marchionne.

candidates in the primaries of Turin as mentioned above and five have signed that program. So who to vote for?
Regional Councillor PD (Gariglio) quoting the Gospel and blackmail Marchionne sees a "high-profile agreement"
Assessor Chiamparino the junta (Passoni) which uses the slogan "work good"
The doctor lay ( Avenue), famous for its commitment to the RU-486
The young independent (Curtis), a former commissioner of Borgaro, which uses the slogan "we do not want to be squeezed"
Man of the apparatus of PD (Fassino) that a month ago said, "If I were a worker would vote yes in the referendum on the agreement Mirafiori"

The five candidates have therefore signed a program that tells you to blackmail by Marchionne, who is even called "high-profile agreement." Passoni and Curtis signed the work against the common good, an agreement has already squeezed workers. A
Fassino, a laborer, I said campaigning for a NO!

These primaries are a farce, which will be decided by the very low turnout. We will not be voting in the primaries. But if we must choose the opponent, to win the worst. Fassino to win. We are ready to support a Communist candidate who is the spokesman of nearly 50% of No of Mirafiori. Fassino is the best opponent, the enemy is culturally and politically we want and desire.

Provincial Coordinator Andrea Young Communist Torino 2.0

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Lazio Region, the counselors all become presidents

From La Stampa, February 23, 2011.

Most committees: higher wages, racks, and blue cars

ROME - There was missing was the commission regardless. Sets up tomorrow in the Lazio Regional Council to support a view of `Rome Olympics 2020. And if the capital can not apply? And if the International Olympic Committee awards Games to an `other city? Never mind, the committee will survive. Regardless, as said Toto. With surreal prestigious forum meetings and agendas worthy of Ionesco: what would we do if we had in organizing the Olympics, who wishes to speak? A memorable

decoubertiniano momentum, because it is sin to think that the Lazio regional council interest plus commission `s Olympics. Indeed, the commissions. Tomorrow, as well as the Olympic torch, he settled three other, so-called 'special': fiscal federalism and Rome as the capital, security, social inclusion and crime, accidents at work. Which, in addition to the 16 ordinary, bring the bill to 20.
I give you the
from Germany. An absolute record. On average, the other regions have a dozen. Lombardy stops at eight: less than half of Latium with a population almost double. But the rule goes beyond national borders, pale even by the German Lander, with far more extensive legislative powers, Germany being a true federal state.

A comparison with representatives of Tuscia workaholic and Ciociaria, the elect of Baden-Württemberg (10.7 million inhabitants and 14 commissions) and Bavaria (12.5 million inhabitants and 12 committees) seem to be the slackers. Who deserves credit? Lazio that the majority of the Board, as one man, before they voted the `establishment delle nuove commissioni (emendamento bipartisan presentato in commissione e approvato definitivamente in aula in quattro giorni, con il weekend in mezzo) e poi si sono spartiti le presidenze: due alla maggioranza di centrodestra, altrettante all`opposizione di centrosinistra.

Solitari oppositori «a questa ignobile moltiplicazione dei pani e dei pesci» i radicali Giuseppe Rossodivita e Rocco Berardo, che le hanno provate tutte, sette ore di ostruzionismo e valanghe di emendamenti, compreso quello che chiedeva quantomeno di sciogliere automaticamente la commissione olimpica in caso di mancata assegnazione dei Giochi. Sconfitti 45 voti a 2.

Il motivo di un risultato così netto consiste nell’«indotto» advisers to ensure that each committee, but already have a not inconsiderable salary of about € 10 000 net. The Chairman and two Vice-pocket increases respectively of 900 and 600 € net per month. Authority to make secretaries and (the number varies from 3 to 5, depending on the type of contract). Autoblu representation. Spacious offices and seems in great demand, so that in these times There's a certain excitement with fast-paced work of technicians (now the space is scarce). Similar benefits - and sometimes more - are also recognized the Prime Minister, Vice-Chairpersons, presidents and secretaries of the groups board `s classroom. It is not surprising that almost all the directors are Lazio now somehow "graduate" from various committees, commissions in the Council and the notorious "monogroup '(7 of 16), whose President chairs only themselves. Today, before the new bodies produce four other presidents and eight vice-presidents, the situation is this: out of 70 elected, there are 16 committee chairmen and 30 deputies, a prime minister and two deputy secretaries 3, 16 group leaders and a Councillor .

short, a phalanx of generals running out of soldiers, as the Fascist Italian army. The unfortunate political without stars are only five, of course in pole position for the new twelve seats. The proliferation of biblical seats also means slowing down the work. Each director is forced to sit on various committees, with scenes of politicians fantozziane running back and forth like the legendary "Rules for use aboard timber ships of the Royal Navy and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies" mid-session or ask for a referral "because I go, or from `the other hand, lacks a quorum." And there's the constitutional affairs committee that "in six months has met twice for a total of ten minutes," reports the radical Rossodivita, a few days ago he spectacularly resigned, denouncing "the 'idiocy' of setting up new committees if you can not run existing ones. Not to mention the money. The new fees will cost 5 million euro, further raising expenditure of the Regional Council in 2009 were 91milioni, this year it expects to reach 103 million. An increase that would have been sufficient to pay for the restoration of the Colosseum, where the state has declared no money, lost years and finally was reduced to begging to individuals. Word is not random. Just a month ago, the governor Renata Polverini, in the traditional visit to the Pope, called the policy "a special form of charity." Matter of point of view.

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States General City of Rome regime propaganda. The failure of the government of Rome and 'under the eyes of all

Rossodivita Declaration of Joseph and Rocco Berardo, respectively, Group Leader and Director Pannella List Bonino, European Federalists to the Regional Council

Lazio Rome, February 22, 2011

"Now it is announced in the media for days, and with great waste of economic resources of all citizens, the initiative of the States General of the City of Rome, which was inaugurated today in Eur . This morning, in front of the convention, we have promoted, along with other political and social forces, a counter-demonstration to strongly denounce the bad situation, more and more serious, is located in the City of Rome, from its now full-blown financial collapse.

the 'festival of regime' we will remove government ministers and representatives of the disaster of the city certainly will not talk about the failure delle politiche proibizioniste messe in atto sotto la voce ‘sicurezza’. Occorre ricordare che solo all’inizio dell’anno tre diverse autorevolissime fonti hanno denunciato l’incremento del fenomeno della prostituzione nella città, e questo nonostante tutta la propaganda attuata dalla Giunta Alemanno con le delibere ‘antiprostituzione’. La città di Roma ha, inoltre, il triste primato dei casi di violenza contro le donne e di quelli violenti di omofobia. Su questi punti non sono state avviate nemmeno campagne mirate di informazione e prevenzione.

Il fallimento delle politiche di Alemanno riguardano anche le iniziative politiche relative alla gestione dei campi Rom. La città di Roma ha la popolazione nomadic highest in Italy, which is over 7,000 people and there is no integrated plan with the Lazio region - which disapply a regional law of 1985 - to manage the phenomenon.

There are other points on which you do not speak at the convention regime: the disaster of the streets of Rome, which has the record of claims, just over 4,000 in 2009, including 3,000 in the hole, the mismanagement of waste policy with Malagrotta the landfill, the largest in Europe, which has 80 of the waste discharged untreated, with serious breaches of European directives. Furthermore, the question

urbanisitica, who deserves a job ad hoc because of the serious situation of actual abandonment where there are many areas of the outskirts of Rome completely neglected. In this convention it is called Tor Bellamonaca stutter and the euro without anything on dozens of totally degraded areas of Rome, and - without saying a word - we are witnessing the carnage that only we have denounced radical: the construction of a building immense size of the Vatican next to the Basilica of St. Paul in an area recognized by UNESCO for cultural and historical interest and in open violation of the zoning regulations.

Finally, we invite all of you gentlemen to go to the euro, the two-day exhibition of propaganda, public transport and leave the blue car still in garage. They would realize their own della qualità scadente, disorganizzata e irrazionale, dei trasporti pubblici della Città di Roma, dai bus, ai tram, ai treni locali, fino alle carrozze malconcie della metropolitana”.

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nomad camp Tor Tax and Regional Law of 1985 which provides for initiatives and specific rules regarding the Roma population in the territory. Law of all provision.

The directors of the Lista Bonino Regional Pannella, European Federalists, and Joseph Rocco Berardo Rossodivita have today lodged an urgent question to the President of the Executive Councillors Renata Polverini and competent about what happened last week the gypsy camp Tor Fiscale.

Among the questions are also asked what initiatives on behalf of the various members of the Council, within their powers, have done so far to secure areas of danger for women, the elderly and children. Among other pressing issues are also asked for clarification regarding the implementation of the Regional Law 24 May 1985, No 82, 'Standards for the Roma' which seems completely unapplied on the territory of the Region. The law provides for art. 4 of the specific rules regarding the methods of construction of camps and safeguards as regards hygiene and health. Also

Regional Law No Article 82 provides. 9 the establishment of a 'Regional Council for the Protection of Roma' which should be chaired by the social services on the involvement of other council departments, municipalities in Lazio, associations and other institutions.

Regional Councillors have now asked about, including through the switchboard of the Region of Lazio, where it seems entirely lacking Look.

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Submitted urgent question about the Tor Fiscale nomad camp and Regional Law of 1985 which provides for initiatives and specific rules regarding the Roma population in the territory. Law of all provision. Urgent Question Submitted

The directors of the Lista Bonino Regional Pannella, European Federalists, and Joseph Rocco Berardo Rossodivita have today lodged an urgent question to the President of the Executive Councillors Renata Polverini and competent about what happened la scorsa settimana al campo nomadi di Tor Fiscale.

Tra le questioni poste si chiede anche conto di quali iniziative i diversi componenti della Giunta, nell’ambito delle loro competenze, hanno fatto fino ad oggi per mettere in sicurezza le aree di pericolo per le donne, gli anziani e i bambini. Tra le altre questioni urgenti si chiede anche un chiarimento riguardo l’applicazione della Legge Regionale 24 maggio 1985, n. 82, ‘Norme in favore dei Rom’ che parrebbe del tutto inapplicata sul territorio della Regione. La legge prevede all’art. 4 delle norme ben precise riguardo le modalità di costruzione dei campi nomadi e garanzie sul piano igienico-sanitario.

Inoltre la Legge Regionale n. 82 prevede all’art. 9 the establishment of a 'Regional Council for the Protection of Roma' which should be chaired by the social services on the involvement of other council departments, municipalities in Lazio, associations and other institutions.

Regional Councillors have now asked about, including through the switchboard of the Region of Lazio, where it seems entirely lacking Look.

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sit-in counter of the Greens, Socialists, Radicals

Oggi, martedì 22 febbraio, dalle ore 11, Verdi, Socialisti e Radicali, sono presenti presso il Palazzo dei Congressi dell’Eur, in un sit-in di controinformazione, sulle politiche del sindaco di Roma Alemanno.

Durante il sit-in, sarà reso pubblico un dossier relativo alle emergenze di Roma, volto a svelare la manifesta incapacità di governare la Capitale, da parte del sindaco. Dallo smog, alla questione sicurezza, dal trasporto pubblico ai rifiuti, fino ai reali aumenti delle tariffe, the reduction of social services, by the acts of homophobia to social rights, the Roma issue: all data will be released which mark the failure of the junta's center.

the garrison will be attended by regional councilors Angelo Bonelli (Verdi), Luciano Novels (Socialists), Giuseppe Rossodivita (Lista Bonino panel), Nando Bonessio (Verdi president of Lazio), Gerardo Labellarte (Socialist Party national secretary responsible for local authorities).

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pain In All Places On Back

The NATO plan is to occupy Libya

Reflections of Comrade Fidel

Oil has become the main source of wealth in the hands of big corporations Yankee, thanks to this source ' energy have a tool that has significantly increased their political power in the world.
was their main weapon when they decided to liquidate the Cuban Revolution easily be promulgated as soon as the first just laws and sovereign in our country: to deprive it of oil.
This energy source has developed the present civilization. Venezuela is the country in this hemisphere who paid the highest price.
The United States had become masters of nature has huge deposits in this brotherly country.
At the end of the last World War began to be extracted from fields in Iran, as well as those of Saudi Arabia, Iraq and the Arab countries located in the area, more oil.
These became the main suppliers.

World consumption is raised gradually to the fabulous figure, approximate 80 million barrels a day, including those that are extracted in the territory of the United States, and the like to further add up the gas, hydropower and nuclear energy. In the early twentieth century, coal was the basic source of energy that made it possible for industrial development, before they occurred thousands of millions of cars and engines that use liquid fuel.
Waste oil and gas is associated with one of the greatest tragedies ever unresolved, which is suffering humanity: climate change.

When our Revolution arose, Algeria, Libya and Egypt were not oil producers, and most of the huge reserves Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran and the UAE had not yet been discovered.
In December 1951, Libya became the first African country to gain its independence after the Second World War, when its territory was the scene of major fighting between German troops and the United Kingdom, who gave the famous general Erwin Rommel and Bernard L. Montgomery.
95% of its territory is completely deserted. Technology has allowed us to discover important reserves of light oil of excellent quality, which now reach one million 800,000 barrels per day, and abundant deposits of natural gas.
This wealth has enabled it to reach a life expectancy of nearly 75 anni e il più alto ingresso pro capite dell’Africa.
Il suo duro deserto si trova ubicato al di sopra di un enorme lago di acqua fossile, equivalente a tre volte la superficie di Cuba, e questo ha reso possibile la costruzione di una vasta rete di conduzioni di acqua dolce che si estende in tutto il paese.
La Libia, che aveva un milione di abitanti quando conquistò la su indipendenza, oggi conta su circa sei milioni.

La Rivoluzione della Libia avvenne nel mese di settembre del 1969. Il suo principale dirigente fu Muammar al-Gaddafi, militare d’origine beduina che, giovanissimo, s’ispirò nelle idee del leader egiziano Gamal Abdel Nasser. Senza dubbio molte delle due decisioni sono state associate ai cambi che avvennero quando, come in Egitto, una monarchia debole e corrotta fu spazzata via dalla Libia.

Gli abitanti di questo paese hanno millenari tradizioni guerriere. Si dice che gli antichi libici facevano parte del ‘esercito di Annibale, quando fu al punto di liquidare l’antica Roma con le forze che valicarono le Alpi.

Si potrà essere o no d’accordo con Gaddafi. Il mondo è stato invaso con tutti i tipi di notizie, soprattutto quelle dei media di massa dell’informazione.
Si dovrà aspettare il tempo necessario per conoscere con rigore quanto c’è di vero o di falso, o una miscela di fatti di ogni tipo che, in mezzo al caos, si sono prodotti in Libia.
What for me is absolutely clear is that the U.S. government are not concerned about peace in Libya and not falter in giving the order to NATO 's rich invade this country, perhaps in a matter of hours or few days. What
with wicked intentions have invented falsehoods that Gaddafi was heading to Venezuela, as they did on the afternoon of Sunday, February 20, today received a response worthy of the Foreign Minister of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, who literally said that he hoped " Meeting the people of Libya, in 'exercise of its sovereignty, a peaceful solution to its difficulties, that they preserve the integrity of the Libyan people and the nation, without the interference of imperialism "

I, for my part, I guess that the Libyan leader left the country, forgetting the responsibilities that are charged whether or not false, in part or in totality.

An honest person will always be against any injustice committed by any nation in the world, and the worst of these, at this moment, it would be silent in the face of crime that NATO is prepared to commit against the people of Libya.

The dome of this organization has warlike urgency.
And this must be condemned!

Fidel Castro Ruz February 21, 2011

(Traduzione Gioia Minuti)

Friday, February 18, 2011

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Reflections on Italy after the events of Chile

L’obiettivo di una forza rivoluzionaria , che è quello di trasformare concretamente i dati di una determinata realtà storica e sociale, non è raggiungibile fondandosi sul puro volontarismo e sulle spinte spontanee di classe dei settori più combattivi delle masse lavoratrici, ma muovendo sempre dalla visione del possibile, unendo la combattività e la risolutezza alla prudenza e alla capacità di manovra. Il punto di partenza della strategia e della tattica del movimento rivoluzionario è la esatta individuazione dello stato dei rapporti di forza esistenti in ogni momento e, più in generale, understanding of the overall framework of international and internal situation in all its aspects, not by isolating this or that element never unilaterally.

The democratic path to socialism is a progressive transformation - which in Italy can be done within the Constitution anti-fascist - the entire economic and social structure, values \u200b\u200band guiding ideas of the nation's power system and bloc of social forces in which it is expressed. What is certain is that the general transformation to a democratic path that we want to do in Italy, needs, in all its phases, and of force and consent.

The force must be expressed in constant vigilance, the combativeness of the working masses, in the determination to trim down quickly - you are in government or opposition - the maneuvers, attempts and attacks on freedom, democratic rights and legality constitutional. In recognition of this imperative, we have always put on guard the working masses and popular, and continue to do so against any form of deception or naivete, aggressive intentions against any underestimation of the right-wing forces. At the same time, we warn against any illusion of democracy opponents. How reiterated Longo companion to the thirteenth Congresso, chiunque coltivasse propositi di avventura sappia che il nostro partito saprebbe combattere e vincere su qualunque terreno, chiamando all’unità e alla lotta tutte le forze popolari e democratiche, come abbiamo saputo fare nei momenti più ardui e difficili ”.

Una lotta e una resistenza allo stremo delle forze, questo aveva previsto il segretario del PCI. Perché Berlinguer aveva compreso con estrema chiarezza che questo mutamento dei rapporti di forza doveva obbligatoriamente portare alla distruzione del progetto politico del suo partito, della possibilità da parte del proletariato di accedere al governo del Paese per via democratica. Sarebbe stato di fatto il crollo plant on which it is held up to our Constitution, with its high profile and the outlet of values \u200b\u200brepresented dall'antifascismo socialist.

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Antonio Gramsci - I hate the indifferent

Here is the full text from "The future city"

"I hate the cold. I believe that life should mean to be partisan. Who really lives can not be a citizen and partisan. The indifference is apathy, is parasitism, it is cowardice, not life. So I hate the cold.

Indifference is the dead weight of history. The indifference shown strength in history. Deposit, but it works. It's inevitable, is that on which we can not count, is what upsets the programs, which brings down the best built planes, is the stuff that chokes brute intelligence. What happens, the evil that befalls everyone, is because the mass of men abdicating to his will, leaving only enact laws which will repeal the revolt, leaving the men who come to power only then will a mutiny to overthrow. Between absenteeism and indifference few hands, not supervised by any control, they weave the fabric of community life, and ignores the mass, why does not care, and then seems to be the fate to overwhelm everything and everyone, it seems che la storia non sia altro che un enorme fenomeno naturale, un’eruzione, un terremoto del quale rimangono vittime tutti, chi ha voluto e chi non ha voluto, chi sapeva e chi non sapeva, chi era stato attivo e chi indifferente. Alcuni piagnucolano pietosamente, altri bestemmiano oscenamente, ma nessuno o pochi si domandano: se avessi fatto anch’io il mio dovere, se avessi cercato di far valere la mia volontà, sarebbe successo ciò che è successo?

Odio gli indifferenti anche per questo: perché mi dà fastidio il loro piagnisteo da eterni innocenti. Chiedo conto a ognuno di loro del come ha svolto il compito che la vita gli ha posto e gli pone quotidianamente, di ciò che has done and especially what did not. And I feel I can be relentless, not having to waste my pity, not having to share them with my tears.

am partisan, I live, I feel in the consciousness of my hand already beating the activity of the future city that my part is building. And it does not weigh up the social chain short, everything that happens in it is not due to chance, the fatality, but it's intelligent work of citizens. There is no one who is in it to the window and watch as the few sacrifice themselves, he fainted. Vivo, are partisan. So do not hate those sides, I hate the indifferent. "

February 11, 1917