Sunday, January 30, 2011
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Shamballah, the Kingdom of Light
"All roads lead to Shamballa.
This is the heart of the world.
It pulsates with energy of true love.
Nothing is stagnant, everything is free, forever.
Be Light also with your devotion to the Head of Shamballa: the great
Melkitzedeq Heart. "
Brigl, a brother stellar
Many traditions tell us of a mysterious kingdom which is in the basement of our planet, with different entrances located in inaccessible places, in the mountains of Tibet, in the South American Andes, and in high mountain ranges on Earth, hidden from the eyes of mortals.
Some scholars have searched for this mysterious realm valleys and mountains, along the length and breadth of entire continents, exploring caves and caverns, underground passages with no apparent result, but left evidence that actually exists somewhere, calling with different names. These include: Thule, Island of the Blessed, Pardes, Paradise, Iannah-Al-DNA, Lost Kingdom, the Kingdom of Light, White Island, Terre Bianche or Albania, El Dorado, Paititi, Mont Salvat, Terre Emerald, Shangri-La, Avalon, Agarthi, Hyperborea, Pure Land, Land of the living, land of the righteous, Earth Young, Land of the Immortals, Celeste Land, Terra d'Oro, Earth del Sole, Terra della Luce, Terra di mezzo, Isola di Cristallo, Salem, Monte Meru, Monte Qaf, Oggigia, Aztlan, Miz-tli-tlan, La Aurora, Erks, Shamfallah, Fraternità della Siddah, Isola di Iside, Monte Olimpo, Amenti, Regno Immutabile, Città degli Dei, Ordine degli Elohim, Ciudad de los Cesares, , Hurqalya, Centro Supremo, Monte Sion, Isidrin, Asgard, ecc...
Viene raccontato che questo regno è governato da un potentissimo Re con il potere assoluto su tutto e tutti, che viene chiamato Re del Mondo e il suo nome reale è Melkidzedeq, che nell'idioma ebraico antico significa Re di Giustizia e contemporaneamente, Re di Pace.
Gesù nei Vangeli Apocrifi lo chiama Melkitzedeq Zorocotora, Issuing of container and Light of Light, and in these times that the light begins to shine again, is identified with a cosmic name: Amura-Kur, as in the last century, the name of Sanat-Kumara, and before that, as Ancient of Days, the Ruler of all worlds, these names that indicate an immense being, priest of silence that governs the spiritual evolution of humans across all faiths and religions, from the youngest to the most advanced.
It 's the planetary Logos, the Manu, whose task is to guide the Progeny from a human evolutionary cycle to another and now more than ever, that we are on the threshold of a historic transition, it is important to recognize the spiritual being responsabile del futuro salto di qualità verso un ottava superiore, indicato dai Saggi del mondo Maya con la data 21/12/ 2012. Comunque su questo grandissimo Essere e il suo Regno esiste una vastissima bibliografia; e ultimamente se ne parla moltissimo anche usato profanamente, cosa che disturba il vero ricercatore che lo tiene in alta considerazione. Come nel nostro Universo, tutto è duale, anche questo Regno di Luce lo è, e la sua controparte si trova nascosta, tutta da scoprire, nell'interiorità dell' uomo stesso. Il tempo è quello giusto per risvegliare questo Regno dormiente, prima che sia troppo tardi.
Il Regno di Dio o Shamballah si trova nell'uomo
L'uomo "sephirotico"
tries to interpret the splitting Shamballah name, letter by letter:
SH = Energy emanating from eros coil, under the sign of Libra (point H) which flows from the kidneys = Justice =
AM Amen, Amen, Om, or Aum, movement or breathing God's universal
BA = The immortal spirit of man, according to the religion of Ancient Egypt.
ALLAH = Name of God according to Muslim tradition or 3 Sitael genius named according to the Cabala (God, hope of all creatures).
No doubt this kingdom is hidden in the human body. What better place to hide a treasure, which keep it on hand, so no one will think that is not it? Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is within you ... and you will find ... Knock and it shall be opened ... Ask and you shall receive ..." Shamballah clearly indicates the kingdom of the inner man, where Light is hidden, that every man will have to activate using the only method that is the Royal Art Alchemy or simplifying the Via del Fuego.
Surely a geographical Shamballah there somewhere, because our world is similar in all respects to a human body: "Just as it is in the small, so is the great", but start looking in is a great ' almost impossible, however, in the small, which is at hand, anyone wishing to, can succeed. And knowing the Kingdom of God inside, automatically, you will have access to the largest, to the universal. This Realm of Light has its foundations in the same man and he is responsible for, to awaken dormant now this Realm that is located in the deep, dark interior of the human body. In the old Kabala
this kingdom is called Malkuth, being the foundation of the roots of the human species as a large tree that rises to the sky Kether, or the crown, surpassing and going beyond. Or how the sacred Snake Kundali, sleeping in the sacred waters of heaven, rolled up, rests his head in the middle of the sacrum or tailbone. And is he "The great tempter," which gives us the keys to open the Seven Seals, and rising, reported the man with the Infinite. Then the Shekinah or divine spark will light and the Temple is the living man, "paralytic" walk by "blind" see, by "deaf" hear from "dumb" talk, because MISUSE energy is Christ himself who , waking up, realize the miracle of total healing of the Human becoming his Savior.
Melkidzedeq, the initiator
Melkitzedeq in a Byzantine icon
Melkitzedeq It was Abraham who taught the mystery of transubstantiation of the Eucharist, indicating the host or the male principle in the bread and the wine, the female principle, these elements of "sacrifice" instead of killing animals. The use of these elements similar to the Philosopher's Stone, transmutes and transforms itself, in ARS Regia "separating and reuniting, the matter is spiritualized by elevating the human being at the Gods" is then that this center is not only the Supreme geographical site, but can be placed in the heart of man "awakened" as well as in the great, the Earth, so in the small, Man.
And when the man has raised its Seminal Principle, the top echelons of his being, Shamballah will become evident in both the microcosm in the macrocosm. To define it another way, is the Heavenly Jerusalem that descends from 'Ain, Ain Soft Heaven, standing in the middle where it will radiate all its splendor and glory. The legislature will be its greatest Melkidzedeq, Metatron and Michael, in his triple aspect, transmuting and transforming the Christ began in a light, similar in all respects as the ECC Homo was the manner of Jesus the Priest Melkidzedeq.
The power of man so self-transmuted and threefold: Priest, Therapist and King are the three functions of the Priesthood of the light Melkidzedeq, and were the Three Kings with their gifts Wizards to recognize Baby Jesus these qualities: the priest recognizes the Incense, Myrrh and Gold King Therapist And so it was that these kings from the East, ie Shamballah, representing the Great King, recognize the high priest of Jesus El Elyon, the manner of Melkidzedeq, Pontifex Maximus or Heavenly Emperor, that he who creates bridges between Earth and Heaven knows the project and the Great Architect of the Universe and represents it.
Melkidzedeq the Christification
Humanity In the past there were people who transmute into their inner fires, they realized that the Great Work, to become priests in the manner of Melkidzedeq. These characters were the King of Justice and Peace, Humanity leaving their message of love, that still light up with their light, the darkness of the night human Ahura Mazda, Oannes, Horus, Osiris, Jupiter, Thoth, Kukulcan, Quetzalcoate, Krishna, Odin, Agni, Shiva , Buddha, Mithras, Moses, Jesus, Hiram and others ... all united from the top to have achieved in this floor christification of Light and you turn the Virgin of Light, whose container and issue is, was and will be, the High Priest of the Most High, also said Melkidzedeq the Ancient of Days, or Manu.
He knows God's plan and applies it here on Earth, is the King of the World that his kingdom Shamballah, rules and rule evolution spiritual of mankind. The city of Jerusalem was built for him, was to be a city of a King of Peace for Justice and Peace, similar to the heavenly Jerusalem, which houses the largest "dimensional portal" of the Earth, from there the great prophets were shown to Heaven . The possession of this place causes no end of wars, but the city of Peace ... Humanity is waiting for it to come to an agreement before it is too late ... That the light can illuminate Shamballah the hearts of men and Melkidzedeq christify its way!
Alfredo Di Prinzio
Friday, January 28, 2011
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Young Communist League and youth workers
The Young Communist Torino, often dubbed the "2.0 Club Garibaldi," are a small but dignified youth organization in these months, often without the support and aid of the party, has worked to give a svolta proletaria e operaia. Il compito è del tutto superiore alle nostre forze politiche, ma buona parte del nostro impegno militante è dedicato a questo nobile compito. In questi mesi siamo stati impegnati in presidi e volantinaggi in alcune fabbriche in crisi, dal gruppo Fiat e indotto, a fabbriche di altri settori. Abbiamo partecipato alle manifestazioni nazionali dell'USB e della FIOM, immergendoci col sindacato in lotta. Questo stremante impegno ha contribuito a creare un legame, ma siamo onesti. Pensiamo di conoscere molte problematiche
interne, merito non dei volantinaggi, ma dal fatto che molti di noi in fabbrica ci lavorano.
La rabbia e la sfiducia verso istituzioni, partiti e sindacati dilaga e rimane il sentimento maggioritario delle factories forget politics.
representation and role of the Communist
Our mission, indeed our duty is to give voice to that 46% of NO, to give strong representation in this spirit, this body full of heart and dignity. It 's a decent rating, NO has won the most seats in the assembly (seats 6-7-8-9). If we exclude the votes of white-collar executives and the paint shop, NO is well above 51%. The impression that we felt during the many leaflets in the city was not so positive. But you know, who knows that world of trouble, you know what was at stake. Friday we were 12 hours to protest outside of Gate 2 Mirafiori, along with companions, workers, the solid and, for a night of hope and glory. A defeat of dignity, well above all expectations. The SI
Committee in the days before announcing that the NO would not exceed 20%.
whole world of politics has sided with Marchionne, from the right, the Democratic Party. Vendola has not had the courage to openly take sides and we were alone, against the party of capital. The Democratic Party, IDV and the Third Pole Monday, January 10 have even denied a meeting with the FIOM domenca January 23 and the Democratic Party has downloaded the Communist Federation of the Left in local optical. Marchionne's plan has finally made clear in the parties of the former unione, ci ha aiutato nel comprendere meglio il quadro politico.
Ora tocca a noi costruire un partito degno di questo nome, capace di dare rappresentanza a quel 46% di Mirafiori, perchè chi come noi ha fatto inchiesta in questi luoghi, sa che siamo lontanissimi da questo obiettivo. Nonostante siamo l'unico partito a pieno sostegno di questi lavoratori, non riusciamo ad essere attrattivi e credibili. Il motivo è semplice. Gli operai non hanno bisogno di un partito che gli dice: "avete ragione, noi siamo con voi". Hanno bisogno di un partito che si prenda carico di questi problemi e con una progettualità concreta e pragmatica che riesca a risolverli. Questa dovrà essere la nostra sfida, siamo realmente troppo lontani da questo compito, negarlo non ci aiuterà a risolvere il problema.
I Mass media vogliono eliminarci
I media, soprattutto quelli di sinistra, stanno in tutti i modi tentando di oscurarci. Credo che questo sia lampante. Spesso le rare occasioni di visibilità ci vengono concesse dai destri, pensiamo a "L'ultima parola" di Paragone o al "Il Tempo" di Sechi.
Molti compagni avranno notato come in quest'ultimo mese i media, i TG nazionali piuttosto che dare spazio al nostro partito, hanno ripetutamente dato visibilità al presunto compagno Rizzo e al progetto fantasma Sinistra Popolare. Credo che il perchè sia chiaro a tutti.
Piccolo aneddoto: alla manifestazione nazionale dell'USB del 9 ottobre Marco Rizzo è comparso suddenly and within minutes was chased by the workers. This to understand when you away from our people. Never has his political views close to Mirafiori. The Federation of the Left, by contrast, is almost 8 months at the gates of Fiat, the secretary of the Communist PRC has often been our own. Paolo Ferrero is in fact the only politician who went to speak with the workers forever, long before the referendum, a few days before it, but especially the one who went after the referendum. So the logical question: Why give space to him and not us?
The aim of the Communist Youth
As young communists, but most as young workers in the era of rampant insecurity, we know our skin is a problem that rarely addressed the world of politics. A growing problem in our generation that is deliberately obscured. We often young workers we are not directly employed by the company, but we work through employment agencies and cooperatives. The young working class is so disjointed, fragmented.
fact, there is prevented the strike and joining the union. It happens not infrequently that workers with the same task have different rights, from pay and breaks. Believe us, it is a problem in the factory, but also in other jobs, you start to feel very seriously that if not addressed could help increasing the war between the poor, the workers themselves. The end of the national contract and the future of the new individual contracts come to disunite workers and weaken their request. We must strive to better represent this new generation disillusioned by the politics of business, employers' unions. The Battle of the Young Communist League on the related work is the beginning of a just and indispensable work. We have a very important resource
lobotomized by television, mesmerized by the style Berlusconi culturally, politically and civilly ignorant.
recent Istat said that youth unemployment is 28.9%, this means that the real figure is much higher. In these months of struggle operaie, di lotte dei lavoratori, dove sta la quasi totalità dei giovani? Tocca a noi portare questi apatici dalle poltrone di casa alle piazze, alle lotte. E' un'impresa sicuramente impossibile, ma "chi lotta può perdere, chi non lotta ha già perso"
28 gennaio 2011
Noi facciamo nostro questo spirito rivoluzionario. Questa mattina alle 5 abbiamo aderito, sotto invito della Fiom, al picchetto dell'Iveco. E' riuscito benissimo, il nostro contributo è stato utile e necessario. Poche ore dopo abbiamo partecipato compatti alla bellissima e partecipata manifestazione regionale indetta dalla FIOM. Sarebbe dovuto e sensato creare nelle prossime mobilitazioni un'azione e una presenza unita di tutti i giovani comunisti, tutti i giovani della Federazione della Sinistra perchè solo quando siamo uniti nelle lotte il padrone trema.
Questo è il nostro obiettivo. Siamo realisti, esigiamo l'impossibile.
Giovani Comunisti Torino 2.0
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
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Il consigliere regionale radicale Giuseppe
Rossodivita, informa una nota "si dimette dalla commissione affati
costituzionali e statutari, causa inattività. La commissione si è riunita
due volte in oltre sei mesi con zero provvedimenti". "Con la presente -
scrive il consigliere nella lettera indirizzata ai vertici della commissione
- sono a rassegnare le dimissioni dalla I Commissione Consiliare Affari
Costituzionali e Statutari. Le ragioni di questa decisione risiedono nella
necessità che sento, quale Consigliere Regionale del Lazio, eletto tra i
Radicali della Lista Bonino Pannella, di non rendermi complice o partecipe
della completa inattività e dunque della totale inutilità, in questa
legislatura e sino ad oggi, della I Commissione. Dal giorno della elezione a
Presidente del Consigliere Pietro Sbardella sono trascorsi ben 190 giorni,
oltre sei mesi di prezioso e ben remunerato tempo, che hanno prodotto il
triste primato di due pseudo riunioni, l'ultima del 28 ottobre 2010, e zero
provvedimenti. Finanche dal sito del Consiglio emerge la totale inattività
della Commissione; agli altisonanti intenti, al serrato "programma di
work "emerged during the first meeting of August 3, 2010 and
widely 'advertised', is simply the result no longer tolerable
" nothing "."
"... In the 'corridors' Council - says the letter - a rumor
that this inactivity is not random, is not the result of negligence or
disinterest, but is the result of a strategy to win the UDC
other presidencies, maybe one of the four Special Commissions or
of Public Works, currently chaired by the Council of Dodge.
Personally I do not know if these rumors are true and frankly
hard to believe that they can claim the presidency of the Commission
giving demonstration of inactivity for those already Chairs,
would be a bad card in any other context, would
'Palazzo games' garbled and one thousand miles distant from
interests of the voters who have given us confidence. The fact is that no matter what
is the reason for this inactivity, the same result for me
intolerable and that is why I resigned my resignation from the "nothing"
of this term, that is, from the Constitutional Affairs Committee and Statutory
, and while continuing the ineffective nature of the announcement that
Commission presented a proposal to amend the statutory time
provocatively to suspend for the current legislature, the need
Commission for Constitutional Affairs and statutory. "
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Regional Councillors Rossodivita Joseph and Rocco Berardo, Group List Pannella Bonino, European Federalists, has now filed an urgent question about the very serious situation in which there is Villa Maraini, the larger community to help and support to drug addicts and prisoners City of Rome.
The question was signed among others by the group leaders of the Greens, Psi, Sel, FDS, Pd, Civic List for Bonino, and the Councillor of Rhône IDV Giulia.
The grave situation of insecurity is located in Villa Maraini, according to the questioners, necessita di un urgente intervento da parte della Regione Lazio con l'apertura di un tavolo di confronto immediato e di interventi economici.
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Dichiarazione dei Consiglieri regionali Giuseppe Rossodivita e Rocco Berardo, gruppo Lista Bonino Pannella - Federalisti europei
In un contesto di risorse economiche limitate, il modo migliore per aiutare l’ambiente è consumare meglio l’energia, evitando di sprecarla. E l’efficienza energetica è anche un settore promettente per la riqualificazione e lo sviluppo di settori produttivi-chiave in termini di occupazione e competitività del sistema Paese e della Regione Lazio, che con la Legge Regionale n.6 del 27 maggio 2008 ha già rilanciato le norme efficiency of national public and private buildings. The law provides specific requirements for new buildings and sets out a system of incentives for regional intervention in private buildings.
Lazio Region and therefore before the class to eco-sustainability?
No, unfortunately, since the purpose was not followed by good example in its regional buildings of Rome. We
directors of the Lista Pannella-Bonino, on the basis of information gathered so far, we have found no trace, for the seat of the Regional Council of the energy certification required by law. Not only that: there is evidence that an ESCO (a company specializing in the design and implementation of efficiency measures energy) has long been a plan to retrofit and energy efficiency of local Pisana, yet it appears that the Region has achieved the proposed interventions.
Maybe because it was financially burdensome interventions for cases already sick of the administration?
Nonsense. The Esco propose interventions in which the customer does not anticipate even a euro, because they undertake to repay the investment, giving up a part of the subsequent savings in electricity bills.
As we wait then, because the region to apply its own legislation on energy saving? It also launches the municipalities through a program of formal efficiency of the whole public housing stock?
These are the reasons why we have filed an urgent question to the Board, requesting the reasons for the 'inertia of the Lazio region, urging immediately retrofit and efficiency of the center of Pisa, so that the first step in a plan adaptation of buildings around the public Lazio. All this is possible, just that the Government wants to advance without public money, and with immediate benefits for the environment and public utility bills.
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OMNIROMA) Rome, Jan. 17 - "In a context of limited economic resources, the best way to help the environment is to consume more energy and avoid wasting it. ... And energy efficiency is also a promising sector for the rehabilitation and development of key sectors
productive in terms of employment and competitiveness of the country
and Lazio, who with Regional Law No. 6 of 27 May 2008 has raised the national rules on the efficiency of public and private buildings. The law provides specific requirements for new buildings
and outlines a system of regional incentives
interventions in private buildings. Lazio region, therefore, before the class to echo
sustainability? ". I said in a statement the directors and regional Rossodivita
Joseph Rocco Berardo, group Bonino List Pannella -
European Federalists, who continued: "No, unfortunately, since the purpose was not followed by good example in its regional buildings in Rome. We directors of the Lista Pannella-Bonino, based on information collected
far, we have found no trace, the Headquarters of the Council
Regional energy certification required by law. Not only that, there is evidence that an ESCO (a company specialized in designing and implementing energy efficiency measures) has long been a plan to retrofit and energy efficiency of local Pisana, yet does not appear that the Region has achieved the proposed interventions.
Maybe because it was financially burdensome interventions for cases already sick of the administration? Not at all. The Esco propose interventions in which the customer does not anticipate even a euro, because they undertake to repay the investment, giving up a part of the subsequent savings in electricity bills. As we wait then, because the region to apply its own legislation on energy saving? It also launches the municipalities through a program of formal efficiency of the entire public housing stock? These are the reasons why we have filed an urgent question to the Board, requesting the reasons for the inertia of the Lazio region, urging immediately retrofit and efficiency of the center of Pisa, so that the first step in a plan for upgrading energy in public buildings throughout Lazio. All
this is possible, just that the Government should advance money
without result, and with immediate benefits for the environment and public
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Rome, Jan. 17. - (Adnkronos) - "L 'energy efficiency'
... a promising sector for the rehabilitation and development of key sectors
in terms of employment and competitiveness ', that the law
regional No.6 of 27 May 2008 has already' rilanciato.Regione Lazio
So before the class to eco-sustainability '? No, unfortunately, seen
that the plans have not followed the good example'. It is the state
Regional Councillors and Joseph Rossodivita
Rocco Berardo, Group List Bonino Pannella.
"We have not found a trace, the Headquarters of the Council
regional energy certification required by law.
not alone - still continuing - there is evidence that Esco (
company specializing in the design and implementation of measures for energy efficiency
) has long proposed a plan to retrofit
the premises of Pisa, but does not appear that the region has made
proposed measures. "
For this reason, the advisers explained, "we have filed an urgent
the junta, which calls for the reasons of '
inertia of the region, calling for the retrofit and now
efficienza della sede della Pisana, affinche' sia il primo passo di un
piano di adeguamento energetico degli edifici pubblici di tutto il
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Dichiarazione dei Consiglieri regionali della Lista Bonino Pannella Federalisti europei, Giuseppe Rossodivita e Rocco Berardo
“In occasione del tradizionale scambio di auguri tra il papa e gli amministratori della Regione, della Provincia e del Comune, non abbiamo partecipato come Consiglieri regionali Radicali perché non apparteniamo a quella classe politica che si genuflette per poter essere più libera di meglio perseguire gli interessi partitocratici e dunque anche clericali".
“Dalle note di agenzie si evince che il tradizionale greeting has become a real rally where he dictated the line, however, the Lazio Regional Council is already pursuing: the transformation of counseling in private Catholic boycott of the potential uses of RU486, because abortions would be too many of our region, as well as the inability to consider civil unions as all other families. "
"Strange that Joseph Ratzinger has Polverini thanked the President for what he has done for the Vatican: preferential treatment used for the Policlinico Gemelli, for example, that if the same hospitalization or treatment is done at the Gemelli instead in a normal hospital is paid 's 8% more, or enhancement of the Biomedical Campus in response to the closure of other hospitals. Not to mention the double thanks to do with Alemanno and Polverini for the construction of a building on Vatican territory near the Basilica San Paolo in Rome, six-floor - in violation of the rules on urban planning - which looks set to host clinics and medical services from the Vatican and then financed by the Lazio Region. " "But these thanks, probably, become less official fora."
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Declaration of the Regional Council of the Bonino List Pannella, European Federalists, Joseph Rossodivita
Over Yesterday's Ass. Malcotti, in response to the Greens in relation to seizure by the financial police documents about the age-old story on the Rome-Latina, said that if the "suspects" are mentioned by Bonelli, they should be reserved as had the previous reached the center-left. "If something happened - he said Malcotti - so expect to hear it from the center left."
"In that regard, I consider it a duty on the part of the Ass. Malcotti make known to the public what it knows about what happened on the deal Roma-Latina. As a Councillor in charge will certainly have studied the entire dossier, and transparency towards citizens is a duty. In the event that the silence continued to persist, I will have to submit a complaint to the ordinary courts, to investigate whether, in addition to any liability / fees, there are other, more serious responsibilities, regardless of political color of the three successive Juntas In recent years, with obvious continuity in the management of the deal. "
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
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Pubblichiamo una lettera inviataci da un giovane compagno.
E' un grido di rabbia che conosciamo, che proviamo, consapevoli della nostra impotenza contro questo sistema e angosciati per il nostro avvenire.
Siamo una generazione abbandonata dallo stato, dalla politica e dalle istituzioni.
Il nostro compito è quello di lottare insieme per provare a cambiare questa situazione, evitare la solitudine social, organize and use our anger.
A sincere thanks to this Italy, the country of careerists and recommended the country's anti-meritocratic, the country that everyone in the world laugh and no one understands ....
Thanks to the provinces and regions, and provide contracts that allocate funds based on a meter mafia, corrupt, hypocritical and slippery that forces small businesses to the location and in most cases to bankruptcy .... Thank
Marchionne, who has made us realize how horrible not have the opportunity to choose, but having to bow their heads and swallow in silence to feed our children ...
Thanks to our government that makes us live as slaves € with God that devastated the economy of this country, with the nightmare of arriving at the end of the month, and the hope of a future that we will never have .....
finally thanks to my employer, who after having promised a contract for regular work, arrived Friday and said "Monday is a new guy trying to keep him .... if I can not hold you ... if you want you can finish the day "so after the visit of occupational medicine and have worked in black 2 months hoping for a regular contract, and hoping to have a future with my rights, I found myself with a bag containing € 350 (per a month's work), out of the gate with nothing .... only with the light of riserva accesa da chissà quanto... con la paura di arrivare a casa dicendo "papà ho perso il lavoro" e con tante speranze per un futuro che non vedo... che mi fa paura e che non sento mio e lo sento meno giorno dopo giorno.... scusate lo sfogo compagni, so che voi mi potete capire.... spero che tu legga compagno, anche se so che per nessuno questo è niente di nuovo ma solo uno in più, che si aggiunge ai tanti figli di questa Italia senza padre... io voglio fare qualcosa, sento qualcosa bruciare dentro, sento di doverlo fare!
Per me, per donare in un futuro un degno addio ed un dignitoso eterno sonno a mio padre che ha lavorato per 40 anni in acciaieria e a mia madre che non ci ha mai fatto mancare nulla, per me, per l'amore della my life for my children ....
I want to blow up something in all those like me ... but I need help .... I know I can trust in the arm that holds the hammer, sweat dripping on the rod and sickle on the red cloth that holds my ideal of freedom ... hoping for your response,
greetings tommy ...
Monday, January 24, 2011
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In 2005, Italy imports a product to enhance the damaging American bipolarity: the primaries. The voter turnout in the U.S. is significantly lower than in Europe and it's no wonder the significant drop in turnout in Italy. The primary
arriving in Italy to consecrate the return of Prodi. Bertinotti immediately accepts and applies stopping at 14% versus 74% for Prodi. MA analyzed data from yesterday.
Primary In Naples in Naples
Cozzolino (PD) won the primaries against Ranieri (PD). Cozzolino stress that is being investigated for fraud in the same region of Campania. There is also a serious accusation of fraud.
"bewilderment and bitterness in the staff of Umberto Ranieri, where he gave a note among others:" Cozzolino wins in the seventh and eighth municipalities, but lost in the other eight. "The data on which the spotlight of the party : in the seat via Ianfolla to Miano, there has been a real boom suspicion.
Votes Cast in fact about two thousand people all in the same area in which the Democratic Party took the first major divisions around 2300 votes. In practical terms: in that seat Miano 68 voters voted Mancuso, Rainier 200, 230 1067 for Cozzolino Oddati well. "From
We are the actual figures:
MEP scored 16,358 (37, 3%) preference in the over 41 thousand votes counted, his opponents' formidable, the former head of the Democratic Party in the South Umberto Ranieri, 15,137 (34.6%) and the candidate of the Left, supported by the Fds and Sel, Libero Mancuso 6904; (15.8%)
Both the Democratic Party, have voiced Libero Mancuso.
Primaries in Bologna in Bologna
Merola (PD) wins hands down against the primary Frascaroli (Independent supported by FDS-SEL).
"Virginio Merola, candidate of the Democratic Party, wins (wins hands down in some cases) in the popular quarters and the candidate of the left Frascaroli Amelia manages to stay above his opponent in only two circumstances in the district that is" chic "and Santo Stefano voted mainly in the polling station where the special non-resident students. " From
The secretary of Fiom Bologna Papignani said, "Merola can 'ask for votes, but I, as a citizen, I have the freedom' not to vote for it and asking workers not to vote for him. "Or was it the part of workers or you are on the side of Marchionne on duty.
We are the actual figures:
Merola 16,407 (equal to 58.35% ) Frascaroli 10,119 votes (representing 35.99%), Zacchiroli 1594 (equal to 5.67%)
Curious how the media have given wide coverage to the "great contribution" to the primaries. These, as he had shown in Milan, passionate less and less. In Naples, 45,000 people voted, 5% of those entitled to vote, 28,000 people in Bologna, 8% of those entitled to vote.
in Turin at the end February primary will be held in Turin. All candidates of the Democratic Party have campaigned for the IT plan Marchionne. But not only.
At the urging of some MSW FIOM, Communist PRC has submitted a request on Monday January 10 meeting with the leaders of parties represented in the village hall, to highlight the municipal consilieri the deep state of unease and uncertainty that these days pre-referendum, Mirafiori workers live. The PD, the Third Pole and the IDV refused the meeting. That is the possible candidacy in the primaries Airaudo I do not like, I would have preferred a real alternative project that shares the Mirafiori No party against the amount he has said yes to that project.
Saying this are well aware that bi-polarity has relegated to the boundaries of political debate, we are left with their backs to the wall and the situation is difficult. So we should work more on the medium to long-term thinking is not only to the survival of today.
The PD is a party rooted in the territories, among them a thousand contradictions and internal struggles. Also, the national electoral data shows that the Communists were more likely to consent in middle-class neighborhoods (see S.salvario) and least in the popular districts (see Mirafiori), as emerges from the primary Bologna. I'd like to reflect on the causes of these factors. I conclude by saying that the project has clearly Marchionne policy. Or you build an alternative to farce or participate, then being forced to give votes to the Merola or Fassino of the situation.
Provincial Coordinator Andrea Young Communist Torino
you post an article to broaden the debate on the Primary.
Reflections on the "primary": let's not make fun of Mario Gabrielli Cossellu
"The primaries are like the child who takes the shell to your ear to hear the sound of the sea: are the noise of life. "Nicola Vendola art in" niche ", 2010
Chatter aside, what are these" primary "and where does it come out? We define more or less as the elections through which voters or activists of a political party decide who will be the candidate of the party, or of the political spectrum to which it belongs, for a subsequent election to public office, or improperly use a task leader of that party. Their purpose is to promote maximum participation of voters to choose candidates for public office, as opposed to the system of persons nominated by the parties. They are used especially negli USA dove sono nate nel 1842 come sistema locale per poi generalizzarsi a livello nazionale, in un contesto di rappresentanza politica di fatto da sempre monopartitica. Insomma, l’ennesima trovata, neanche tanto nuova, del paesedella “democrazia” dove l’unica cosa che si può veramente scegliere è il sorriso e il bla-bla più luccicante di uno o l’altro candidato che, una volta eletto, farà sempre le stesse politiche a favore dei padroni che gli finanziano la campagna elettorale. I risultati di tale “massima partecipazione” sono evidenti negli USA, ma allora perché queste pratiche si sono diffuse anche in Italia e satelliti vari? Da noi le “primarie” furono introdotte in 2005 from "The Union", the first in Puglia and then to the "choice" of the "candidate for prime minister" of the center against Berlusconi in the upcoming election. It was not merely to give a "popular legitimacy" to bargain Prodi, but also participates with the PRC Communist secretary Bertinotti, despite the doubts and uncertainties to something that reminded me of the "holy" by Democrat memory. The results were quite disappointing - only one voter in five of the center you attended, and Bertinotti took less than 15% of the votes cast - but then came the euphoria of "victory" of 2006 ... Since then, thanks the continued deterioration of the idea and the credibility of the parties, the "primary" are increasingly been presented as a "panacea" for good candidates for anything or even to elect the secretary of the Democratic Party (with results like Veltroni and Bersani) . With the number of participants gradually reduced, unlike that of "gazebo" and propaganda to try and attract someone so great "democratic party". PD stuff indeed, but also the new Federation of the Left there is falling more and more in this year 2010, again in Puglia with Vendola, then
Milan Pisapia, and perhaps even nationally for the "prime candidate" even against Berlusconi. Maybe with the dilemma between two eminent figures such as Bersani and Vendola (!!!).
But still, let's say it loud and clear for once! These so-called "primary" are nothing but a false democratic tool, a joke that gives the illusion of "participation" but unable to move from a preordained framework and pre-cooked, and fully functional bipolarity and the leader personality, where you gives more importance (or all) of the "face" to the "personal history" and the marketing of the words of one character or another, a "leader" that his "charisma" should "interpret the people and solve problems, or give the impression of doing so. All this talking about little or nothing of what really matters: the programs and concrete commitments on things to do, and how to do them and when, and with whom and for whom. Giving the final blow to what remains of the concept and practice of true POLITICS, degrading it to "support" for this or that, and reducing the parties to the electoral committees of "small fans' cheering and obedient. Berlusconi pure fact. Even the "left" or alleged. How can they not see all that many, many friends, at all levels (and especially the high) that you are blinded by these sirens? If they believe that the "primary" are all well and good and necessary for the "left" and that can really change something in the disastrous political and social situation in Italy, are simply naive? Difficult to think even for people for decades in the forefront of the party and in national political life, even to hold government positions as ministers and junior ministers. More likely is that yet another sign of a lack of training and strategy, a persistent cultural and political subordination to the dominant powers, accepting more or less aware of the "rules" capitalist e della rinuncia ad una vera e seria lotta per un’alternativa socialista verso il comunismo.
Come Comunisti dobbiamo prendere posizione in maniera forte e netta contro lo strumento delle “primarie” così come contro ogni forma di svuotamento della vera partecipazione democratica alla politica, contro ogni leaderismo e personalismo, contro ogni bipolarismo forzato che nei fatti esclude la grande maggioranza del popolo lavoratore e sfruttato. Ci auguriamo che la Federazione della Sinistra e specialmente i Comunisti in essa, a partire dai massimi
dirigenti, sappiano elaborare una propria riflessione su questo come su altri temi, e non continuino a fare degli errori che avranno, come unico risultato, la perdita Final of all credibility as a force and anti-capitalist alternative, and therefore the support of its activists and voters.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Bone Cancerin Cervical Spine
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Whats Song In Unleashed 01/16/AR2011011601921.html? hpid = TopNews
translation by Andrea Parties (GC Florence)
This is a complete and unpublished transcript of a series of questions in Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal to Chinese President Hu Jintao. The interview was mailed in late December and answers in English were published by the Chinese government on January 16.
How do you see the current state of relations between China and the United States? What are the most promising areas of mutual cooperation between China and the United States? What do you think are the most important challenges in the continuing long-term and narrow development of Sino-American?
Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, thanks to the concerted efforts of both sides, relations between China and the United States has shown steady growth. Since President Obama took office, we have maintained close contracts through the exchange of visits, meetings, telephone conversations and letters. We agree to the twenty-first century to build constructive relations, and global cooperative between China and the United States. Together we have established the mechanism of the Committee SED (China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogues). Over the past two years, China and the United States played hannno functional cooperation in a wide range of areas including economy and trade, energy, development, counter-terrorism, law enforcement and culture . The two countries have maintained close contacts and coordination on major issues of hot spots, international and regional organizations, and led global challenges like climate change and international crisis finance. The strategic significance and overall impact of Sino-US relations is in its growth.
China and the United States greater influence in international affairs, must take greater responsibility in the defense of world peace and promoting common development. In the new context, the common interests of both countries are growing and areas of cooperation are expanding. There is a high potential for our mutual benefit in advancing regional cooperation in Asia-Pacific is strengthening global economic governance to promote sustainable growth of the global economy, expanding cooperation in economy and trade, and fortifying la cooperazione in nuove aree come le nuove risorse energetiche, l’energia pulita, lo sviluppo delle infrastrutture, l’aviazione e lo spazio; sia nel combattere il terrorismo, prevenire la profiliferazione di armi di distruzioni di massa, far fronte alle sfide come disastri naturali, i problemi della sicurezza alimentare e delle maggiori malattie trasmissibili.
Da una relazione sana tra Cina e Stati Uniti abbiamo entrambi da guadagnare, e tutto da perdere nel caso di uno scontro. Dobbiamo agire nei fondamentali interessi dei nostri due popoli e sostenere gli interessi generali della pace e dello sviluppo del mondo. Dobbiamo reagire alle sfide, rimuovere i disturbi, lavorare per obiettivi condivisi e promuovere la crescita continua of our relations. I want to emphasize the following four points. First we need to increase dialogue, contacts and enhance strategic mutual trust. Second, we must abandon the zero-sum mentality of the Cold War, to observe each other to mutual development of each in an objective and reasonable, respect the decisions of other development and pursue common development through a form of cooperation that we see both winners [ translator's note: the interviewee refers to the concept of "win-win strategy" from now on I will just use the original wording]. Third, we must respect each other's sovereignty, integrity territoriale, sviluppare interessi e affrontare adeguatamente i maggiori problemi che ci riguardano. E quarto, dobbiamo fare sforzi costanti per espandere i nostri interessi convergenti così che la Cina e gli Stati Uniti siano partner per la cooperazione in aree più ampie.
Non si può negare che ci siano alcune differenze e questioni delicate tra noi. Entrambe le parti devono prendere la giusta direzione nello sviluppo delle nostre relazioni, incrementare gli scambi, rafforzare la fiducia reciproca, cercare un terreno comune pur riservandosi le differenze, gestire correttamente le differenze e le questioni delicate, promuovere congiuntamente lo sviluppo a lungo termine, il continuo e stretto sviluppo delle relazioni sino-americane.
Despite the continuous growth of foreign investment in China, some U.S. companies have complained about China's business climate. What steps is China doing to ensure a level playing field for U.S. companies and foreign?
The use of foreign investment is an important part of the state policy of opening. Over the past ten years, from its access to WTO, China has fully honored its commitments by abolishing all laws and regulations inconsistent with the laws of the WTO, providing national treatment to foreign companies. All foreign companies registered in China are Chinese companies. Their innovation, production and business in China enjoy the same treatment as Chinese companies. The package of related policy choices that the government has introduced counterstand the international financial crisis has also provided good opportunities for all companies in China, including foreign ones.
China remains firmly committed to the state policy of opening. We will use active and effective foreign investment, improving facilities, diversify the forms and open up more channels and sectors so as to facilitate investment. China will continue to improve laws and regulations concerning foreign investment, strengthening protection of intellectual property, to respond promptly to legitimate concerns about foreign companies in China and facilitate the growth of enterprises of all types, by providing a stable and transparent legal and political environment, a coherent and open market environment, a standardized and efficient administrative environment.
What lessons can be drawn from the thought that the international financial crisis of 2008? That China will adopt effective measures to counter the impact of the crisis?
This international financial crisis has revealed the absence of a regulation in financial innovation. The main cause lies in the serious defects of the financial system. Mainly include the following: First, the international system has not kept pace with the recent development of economic and financial globalization has been unable to cope with the risks and challenges brought by massive financial assets. Second, international financial institutions have failed because they could not fully reflect the change in status of developing countries within the economy and world finance. The representativeness and importance of these institutions require in the future to be strengthened. Third, the international financial system was severely lacking in resources and means to address the crisis and its storage capacity must be rebuilt.
Anyway, thanks the concerted efforts of the international community and the member countries of the G20 over the past two years since the outbreak of the crisis, progress has been made in reforming the international financial system. China hopes that the international community will work together to advance the reform of the international financial system to move towards creating a fair, just, inclusive and well-managed international financial order. To achieve sound long-term growth of the global economy, we must not only turn to specific issues such as proper handling of the relationship between the financial sector and the real economy, including financial innovation and regulation, including consumer e risparmio, ma anche, e ancora più importante, rivedere i problemi fondamentali dell’economia mondiale da un punto di vista macroeconomico. Il più marcato problema nell’attuale squilibrio dell’economia mondiale è quello tra il Nord e il Sud. La comunità internazionale deve fare sforzi concentrati per costruire un nuova, più equa ed equilibrata, partnership globale per la crescita, incoraggiando i paesi sviluppati e in via di sviluppo ad avere una maggior comprensione reciproca e invitarli a un più stretto coordinamento, così da promuovere un forte, sostenibile e equilibrato sviluppo dell’economia mondiale.
La crisi finanziaria internazionale ha inflitto alla Cina difficoltà e unprecedented challenges. To address the impact and maintain a steady and relatively rapid economic growth, China has quickly adjusted its macroeconomic policies, adopting preventive measures adopted in fiscal policy, with a moderate monetary policy actions put in place a package to accelerate the development of domestic demand and economic growth, significantly increasing the public resources, implementing a plan of readjustment and strengthening large-scale industrial, vigorously promoting scientific innovation and technological update, raising a substantial margin the levels of benefits and introducing a more efficient social policy per l’occupazione. Come risultato, la nostra economia nel 2009 e nel 2010 ha mantenuto una crescita costante e relativamente veloce, contribuendo al recupero della regione e del mondo. Guardando avanti, la Cina prenderà lo sviluppo scientifico come il tema più importante e si concentrerà sulla trasformazione del modello di sviluppo ad un ritmo più veloce. Attueremo un modello di prevenzione in politica fiscale e una prudente politica monetaria, velocizzeremo la ristrutturazione economica, rafforzeremo vigorosamente l’innovazione indigena, faremo grandi progressi nel risparmio energetico e nella riduzione dell’inquinamento, continueremo con le riforme e l’apertura, lavoreremo duramente per assicurare e migliorare life, the livelihood of the people we will rely on the results achieved to address the international financial crisis, we will maintain a steady and relatively fast economic growth, promote social stability and harmony. China will pursue "win-win strategy" opening, will be ready to work with the United States and the international community as a whole to step up practical cooperation, properly handle the various risks, challenges and make the greatest contribution to the recovery of 'world economy.
What do you think of the future global role of the U.S. dollar? How does the question of the yuan to become an international currency? Some think that one of his price increase could stop the Chinese inflation, what is your opinion?
The current international monetary system is the product of the past. As a major reserve currency, the U.S. dollar is used considerably in the global trade in raw materials as well as in most of the investments and financial transactions. The monetary policy of the United States has a greater impact on global liquidity, the flow of capital and thus the liquidity of the dollar should be kept to a reasonable level and stable.
It takes a long time for a national currency is widely accepted around the world. China has a important contribution to the world economy in terms of total economic output and trade, the yuan has played a role in world economic development. But an international currency to the yuan will be a fairly long process. Pilot programs for the establishment of the yuan in the cross-border trade and investment transactions are concrete steps that China has taken to respond to the crisis of international finance, with the proposal to promote trade and investment facilitation. This is well adapted to market demand as evidenced by the scale, fast-growing, of such transactions.
China has adopted a package to curb inflation, including the rate interest adjustment. We have adopted a system of floating exchange rate based on market supply and demand with reference to a basket of currencies. Changes in exchange rates are the result of multiple factors, including the balance of payments and international supply and demand market. In this sense, inflation can hardly be the main factor in determining the exchange rate policy.
How do you comment the results that China has made in the development of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan? There is a risk that inflation in China may go out of control? Policy reforms are in line with economic reforms?
The Eleventh Five-Year Plan period has been very eventful in the development of China. Addressing the complex changes at home and abroad, the major risks and challenges, we have adhered to the concept of scientific development outlook, strengthen and improve macro-regulation, give space to the basic role of market in resource allocation, without preventive steps to curb the unhealthy and unstable factors of economic transactions, maintained a steady and relatively fast growth of the national economy, harmony and social stability.
Over the past five years, China's GDP grew at an average annual rate of 11%, and GDP per capita reached $ 4000. The accelerated development of agriculture and grain production has increased on a continuous basis. There have been major advances in economic restructuring. The development of different regions began to be more balanced. Urbanization and development of new campaign has constantly advanced. Good progress has been made in energy saving and pollution reduction. The foreign trade has enjoyed stability and a fast relative growth. While developing the economy, we continue to give priority to the interests of the people and to give much attention to social planning, improving i mezzi di sussistenza della popolazione. Il reddito pro-capite dei residenti urbani e rurali è stimato di crescere annualmente ad un tasso del 9,3% e circa l’8% rispettivamente agli scorsi cinque anni. La popolazione sotto la soglia di povertà nelle aree rurali è stata notevolmente ridotta. Educazione, sicurezza sociale, salute e altri programmi sono stati sviluppati molto rapidamente. In breve, notevoli risultati sono stati fatti nell’economia socialista cinese, nella politica, nello sviluppo e nella conservazione della cultura. Allo stesso tempo, siamo consapevoli che la Cina è ancora il più grande paese in via di sviluppo del mondo e abbiamo bisogno a lungo di sforzi se vogliamo costruire una società di tutto rispetto, moderately prosperous, fundamentally based on modernizzazzione.
The increase in the general price level has a strong structural feature, as a whole is still moderate and manageable. There is a basic balance between total demand and total supply, the base materials are strong enough to keep the market supply and stabilize the general price level. We have the confidence, conditions and ability to do this.
We have always argued that popular democracy is the life of socialism. Without democracy, then there may be the socialist modernization. To develop socialist democracy è un’obiettivo che ci siamo sempre dati. La riforma della Cina è complessiva, copre la ristrutturazione dell’economia, la ristrutturazione politica, la ristrutturazione culturale e la ristrutturazione sociale. Negli ultimi trent’anni e più dalle riforme e dall’apertura, notevoli progressi sono stati fatti nella ristrutturazione politica della Cina. Il fatto che la Cina abbia goduto di una sostenuta e rapida crescita economica, di armonia e stabilità sociale, prova che il sistema politico cinese si adatta alla condizioni nazionali della Cina e va incontro alle richieste generali di sviluppo economico-sociale.
La ristrutturazione politica deve essere approfondita nel corso dello sviluppo economico-sociale and meet the growing enthusiasm of the people to participate in political life. The policy we are pursuing restructuring in China aims to promote self-improvement and development of the socialist political system. We will continue to expand people's democracy, building a socialist country of law in line with the national conditions of China. We will ensure that all work is based on state law and the legitimate rights and interests of citizens are protected. Establish rules, institutions and procedures for socialist democracy, expanding at all levels and in all areas popular participation in politics, mobilizing, organizing as widely as possible the people to manage the affairs of state and social as well as economic and cultural programs in accordance with the law, struggling for continued progress in building a socialist political civilization.
The Chinese government is committed to peaceful development. But in recent years, China has begun to assert itself more. Do you think this will affect Chinese relations with the United States and its neighbors in Asia?
Follow the path of peaceful development is a solemn commitment to the international community by the government and the Chinese people. It 'a policy which we adhere to always. Specifically, it means that will achieve national development through our hard and creative work, reforming and improving our institutions, maintaining the friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries.
China has always been involved in the independent foreign policy of peace, he developed friendship and cooperation with all countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. We are for equality and respect between countries. Like the others, China needs to sustain its sovereignty, territorial integrity and development interests. At the same time, we are prepared to handle differences and disagreements in relations between the state and was in line with the basic rules that govern international relations and the principles of mutual understanding, mutual accommodation, dialogue and consultation. In
Over the years, relations between China and other countries in Asia and the Pacific, including the United States and our Asian neighbors, have grown steadily and together we have contributed to the development in the Asia-Pacific. Mutual trust between China and other countries have improved our common response to difficult challenges, and our cooperation has expanded continuously in search of mutual benefit and win-win results. At present, relations between China and other countries in the Asia-Pacific to confront unprecedented opportunity. China is ready to work with other countries to seize the opportunities, challenges, promote peace and development in the region and beyond.
What is the vision of China about the tensions on the Korean Peninsula? China thinks that the reunification of the Korean Peninsula to bring more stability than maintaining the status quo? How do you see the goal of North Korean nuclear weapons?
few weeks ago, the tension was high on the Korean peninsula. China maintains close contact and coordination with both parties, unbending effort is to help relieve tension, maintain peace and stability on the peninsula. We have urged the North and the South to remain calm and exercise restraint, refrain from any action that would raised tensions, undermined peace and stability on the peninsula and to enter the dialogue as quickly as possible in order to find an appropriate solution. We also invited interested parties to work to alleviate tension and contribute to peace and stability on the peninsula. Thanks to the common efforts of China and other parts, there were signs of relaxation. We hope that parties concerned will seize the opportunity to engage in interactions, as soon as possible to resume the process of dialogue and consultation, ensure that the situation on the peninsula is moving in the future in a positive direction.
As immediate neighbors and friends of both the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Republic of Korea, China hopes that North and South to improve their relations, to achieve reconciliation and cooperation through dialogue, consultation, and eventually achieve an independent and peaceful reunification, we will support their efforts towards this purpose. This is in the fundamental interests of the North, South and is also conducive to peace and stability on the peninsula.
China pays great attention to the Korean nuclear issue. We are to achieve the denuclearization of the peninsula by peaceful means, through dialogue and consultation to maintain peace and stability in the peninsula and in northeast Asia. For this proposal, China supports and actively promotes dialogue in six parts. We hope that by taking over the general interests of the denuclearization of the peninsula, peace and regional stability, the parties to take active measures to create conditions for the recovery of the dialogue to six. I am convinced that as long as the parties will respect each other, engaging in consultations on an equal footing, implementing the joint statement of September 19 in a broad and balanced way through dialogue to six, is coming to an appropriate solution to the question Korean nuclear and contribute to lasting peace, stability on the peninsula and northeast Asia.