Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Plugins Not Showing Sim City 4
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Deathwatch White Robb Summary
BABA stands for bababeo magic word indicating states of "altered more 'or less light" (cited ptosis). Stems from the deep belief that the world was created by Naif Orchestra or some sketch Baier: everyone has his baba-playing pelota in the gray matter. Now, finally, may be expelled from the nostrils.
September 21, 2008
Eccentric Festival of Arts and Culture exploded
From 16 to midnight gli eredi di non si sa che cosa si alterneranno in atti inconsulti, musica pop scoppiata e arte degenere.
Ex-Lavanderia, Ex Manicomio, P.zza Santa Maria della Pietà, (Monte Mario).
Mostra :
Alexandra (Roma)
Canedicoda (Treviso)
Cheb Samir (Strasburgo, Francia)
Francesco D'Onofrio (Chieti)
Geometric Bang (Milano)
Jon Vaughn (Saskatoon, Canada)
Homopatico (Londra, Gran Bretagna)
Massimiliano Bomba (Roma)
Il Re delle Aringhe (Bari)
programma e orari:
16.20 - BURRO D' ARACNIDI (Roma)
16.50 - DBPIT e CRIS EX (Roma)
18.40 - PROFITTEROLS (Roma)
19.10 - PPP (Bologna)
19.40 - BELLA CHICCO (Roma)
20.10 - NUMBER 71 monoband (Napoli)
20:40 - SFHHH (Roma)
21.10 - TOCQUEVILLE (Roma)
21.40 - Joyous Cosmology (Antwerp, Belgium)
22.20 - MARCEL TURKOWSKY (Berlin)
23.00 - GASTRIC FEMALE REFLEX (Toronto, Canada)
23.30 - Maximillian I (Roma)
00.00 - (Guest stranger in surprise)
outdoor concerts will take place: in case of rain, will take place within
Area performance:
program and hours:
18.30 - Wolf Anus (Chapel Hill, USA)
19.15 - Dwangbuizerdeffect (Antwerp, Belgium )
20.00 - Alessio Pala (Roma)
20.45 - Fecalove & Mushy (Carrara/Roma)
21.15 - The Grossi Maglioni Magic Duo & Schola di Lilith (Roma/Milano)
22.00 - OXO (Roma)
Sottoscrizione libera, per l'uso pubblico sociale e culturale dell'ex manicomio Santa Maria Della Pietà
16.00 puntuali !
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Wear Can I Buy Pink Microwave
21 settembre 2008
ex Manicomio della Provincia di Roma/Santa Maria della Pietà
In 1945, the French painter and sculptor Jean Dubuffet ribattezzerà current Art Brut, creating an imaginary, since then, has never ceased to stir the murky waters of pop culture, coming to coin a whole new culture : the Outsider.
On 21 September 2008, at the former mental hospital in the Province of Rome, will be celebrated heirs and champions of a world in recent ten years has risen to new life, rises to the rank of the trend recognized as among the most suspicious group underground as the most renowned European and American stages, whether it's galleries, museums, or just local devotees to all that sounds wrong, strange and bizarre.
On 21 September 2008, at the former mental hospital in the Province of Rome, is the time of BABA - Festival of Arts and Culture Eccentric exploded.
in rooms and on stages of the former mental hospital laundry will alternate artists, musicians and performers from university courses and seemingly distant yet contiguous. Whether it's outsider art, noise music, graphics harsh, happening somewhere between pop and lysergic acid, the heroes of BABA told of a geography that binds together parallel experiences from Italy as from Belgium, Canada as the USA, 'England as Germany. Sounds and visions from the acid dyes, sarcastic, sometimes delirious, marked by a black humor that is warped mirror of contemporary anxieties and conflicts.
staring folk singers go hand in hand with street artists touch naive. Dropouts devoted to rock'n'roll si faranno accompagnare da bizzarri sperimentatori elettronici e rumoristi puri. Freak shows da luna park irrancidito faranno da sfondo a performance a metà tra asilo nido e ospedale psichiatrico.
Ad andare in scena, nel pomeriggio di BABA, saranno tutte le crepe, gli scarti, i rifiuti e gli slanci infantili di un Occidente allegramente intento a festeggiare il suo collasso, con un occhio di riguardo verso le realtà italiane, ma senza rinunciare alla partecipazione di realtà che, in Europa quanto in Nord America, hanno fatto della Outsider Culture uno dei più importanti movimenti del nuovo millennio.
Sunday, September 21, 2008, midday
c / o Ex Laundry - Hall 31, Park S. Maria della Pietà
(former psychiatric hospital in Rome, entrance via Vincenzo Chiarugi - stop FR3 Monte Mario)
Since the 2000s, the heirs (conscious or not) of the original Art Brut together form a transnational community so visible become real "Sign of the times." The collective Le Dernier Cri, based in France but open for collaborations from all over the world, it is the iconoclastic side, grinding and tied to the old underground aesthetic, while the U.S. is exploding phenomenon Paper Rad, more inclined to an imaginary pop replete with references to the tech-80s. Besides the more celebrated names, then developed a whole movement back to a certain ostentatious amateur (limited edition serigraphs, homemade zines, rediscovery of the old copy-art, etc.) is a real mission. Baba involved in its exhibition space, some of the names in his opinion the most interesting from the latest generation of outsider artists.
Area Shows:
Alexandra (Roma)
Canedicoda (Treviso)
Cheb Samir (Strasbourg, France)
Francesco D'Onofrio (Chieti)
Geometric Bang (Milano)
Jon Vaughn (Saskatoon, Canada)
Homopatico (London, UK)
Massimiliano Bomba (Roma)
The King of Herrings (Bari)
The emergence of new aesthetic among the brut upper floors of the "culture" carries a precise date is 2002 when the media collective Forcefield is called to participate in the Whitney Biennial in New York, staging a performance of gaudy costumes and delusions primitivists says a precise return to that imaginary phased acid and primordial The figure was undone as the most psychedelic of certain subcultures derived from punk. I came from the seminal experience Forcefield Fort Thunder, a sort of '90s Factory located in Providence, Rhode Island, that will inspire a new generation of performance artists un'agitatissima maximalists and defiantly anti-intellectual.
Space Performance:
Alessio Pala (Roma)
Dwangbuizerd (Antwerp, Belgium)
Fecalove & Mushy (Carrara / Roma)
TheGrossiMaglioniMagicDuo & Schola Lilith (Rome / Milan)
Oxo (Roma)
Wolf Anus (
The music community that has most engaged in with varied world out year 2000 is no doubt that noise, devoted to noise as the main ingredient of a sound hysterical and dissociated. But other scenes of the border have contributed to the soundtrack for his definition of aesthetics disinclined to gender barriers: first, the so-called weird folk, acoustic singer-songwriter kind of lopsided and absurdity, and then some garage-rock'n'roll deviant, which extrapolates the elements of primitive punk more "experimental" and that in recent months has led to the birth of a whole new genre, the rumored shitgaze and finally could not miss the contributions of DJs, laptop musicians, and fans of old equipment electronic analog of the verb give an interpretation over the top, placing the emphasis on aspects of "physical" sound of a room otherwise condemned to sterility. The concerts Baba's 360-degree range of styles, and music trends as varied as united by a single, crazed, common feeling, which argues, inter alia, through practices such as the recovery of the curious old cassette tape, the preference for amateur media such as CDR or a passion for non-conventional formats (cd
Area Concerts:
Bella Chicco (Roma)
DBPIT & ; Cris Ex (Roma)
Gastric Female Reflex (Toronto, Canada)
Grip Casino (Roma)
Joyous Cosmology (Antwerp, Belgium)
Madonna & Japanese Schizophrenic Tremiscus Helvelloides (Torino)
Marcel Turkowski (Berlin, Germany)
Maximillian I (Roma)
Number 71 monoband (Napoli)
PPP (Bologna)
Profitterols (Roma)
SFHHH (Roma)
Miss Stecchinese (Napoli)
Floating Room aka butter Arachnids (Sanremo / Crotone)
Le Truc und Die Maschine (Rome)
Tocqueville (Roma).
BABA is a former co Laundry & Baba Fest - / baba_festival
Blow Up, Epoc I Uroi , Fanfulla 101 , Black Magazine , No-Fi Recordings , Raw Raw , S elva Electric , S pasticalia , Subactarus Studio , Animal turgid, Zatlath Aithas
For info:
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
What Is A Paragraph For A Wedding Card
Alessio Pala (Roma), Alexsandra (Roma), Antony Milton (Wellington, Nuova Zelanda), Bella Chicco (Roma), Canedicoda (Treviso), Cheb Samir (Strasburgo, Francia), Dbpit & Chris X (Roma), Dwangbuizerd (Anversa, Belgio), Fecalove & Mushy (Carrara/Roma), Francesco D’Onofrio (Chieti), Gastric Female Reflex (Toronto, Canada), Geometric Bang (Milano), Grip Casino (Roma), TheGrossiMaglioniMagicDuo & Schola Lilith (Roma / Milano), Jon Vaughn (Saskatoon, Canada), Joyous Cosmology (Antwerp, Belgium), Homopatico (London, UK), Japanese Schizophrenic Madonna & Tremiscus Helvelloides ( turin) Maximillian I (Roma), Massimiliano Bomba (Roma), Number 71 monoband (Napoli), Oxo (Roma), PPP (Bologna), Profitterols (Roma), The King of Herrings (Bari), SFHHH (Roma), Miss Stecchinese (Napoli), Floating Room (Rome) Le Truc und Die Maschine (Roma), Tocqueville (Roma), Wolf Anus (Chapel Hill, Stati Uniti).